2 research outputs found

    Inductive logic program synthesis with dialogs

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    DIALOGS (Dialogue-based Inductive and Abductive LOGic program Synthesizer) is a schema-guided synthesizer of recursive logic programs; it takes the initiative and queries a (possibly computationally naive) specifier for evidence in her/his conceptual language. The specifier must know the answers to such simple queries, because otherwise s/he wouldn't even feel the need for the synthesized program. DIALOGS call be used by any learner (including itself) that detects, or merely conjectures, the necessity of invention of a new predicate. Due to its foundation on a powerful codification of a “recursion-theory” (by means of the template and constraints of a divide-and-conquer schema), DIALOGS needs very little evidence and is very fast. © Springer-Vertag Berlin Heidelberg 1997

    Logic Program Transformation through Generalization Schemata

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    In program synthesis, program transformation can be done on the fly, based on information generated and exploited during the program construction process. For instance, some logic program generalization techniques can be pre-compiled at the logic program schema level, yielding transformation schemata that give rise to elimination of the eureka discovery, full automation of the transformation process itself, and even the prediction whether and which optimizations will be achieved. 1 Introduction Programs can be classified according to their construction methodologies, such as divide-and-conquer, generate -and-test, top-down decomposition, global search, and so on, or any composition thereof. Informally, a program schema is a template program with a fixed control and data flow, but without specific indications about the actual parameters or the actual computations, except that they must satisfy certain constraints. A program schema thus abstracts a whole family of particular programs th..