952 research outputs found

    A High-level EDA Environment for the Automatic Insertion of HD-BIST Structures

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    This paper presents a High-Level EDA environment based on the Hierarchical Distributed BIST (HD-BIST), a flexible and reusable approach to solve BIST scheduling issues in System-on-Chip applications. HD-BIST allows activating and controlling different BISTed blocks at different levels of hierarchy, with a minimum overhead in terms of area and test time. Besides the hardware layer, the authors present the HD-BIST application layer, where a simple modeling language, and a prototypical EDA tool demonstrate the effectiveness of the automation of the HD-BIST insertion in the test strategy definition of a complex System-on-Chip

    An On-line BIST RAM Architecture with Self Repair Capabilities

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    The emerging field of self-repair computing is expected to have a major impact on deployable systems for space missions and defense applications, where high reliability, availability, and serviceability are needed. In this context, RAM (random access memories) are among the most critical components. This paper proposes a built-in self-repair (BISR) approach for RAM cores. The proposed design, introducing minimal and technology-dependent overheads, can detect and repair a wide range of memory faults including: stuck-at, coupling, and address faults. The test and repair capabilities are used on-line, and are completely transparent to the external user, who can use the memory without any change in the memory-access protocol. Using a fault-injection environment that can emulate the occurrence of faults inside the module, the effectiveness of the proposed architecture in terms of both fault detection and repairing capability was verified. Memories of various sizes have been considered to evaluate the area-overhead introduced by this proposed architectur

    A programmable BIST architecture for clusters of Multiple-Port SRAMs

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    This paper presents a BIST architecture, based on a single microprogrammable BIST processor and a set of memory wrappers, designed to simplify the test of a system containing many distributed multi-port SRAMs of different sizes (number of bits, number of words), access protocol (asynchronous, synchronous), and timin

    A Hierachical Infrastrucutre for SOC Test Management

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    HD2BIST - a complete hierarchical framework for BIST scheduling, data-patterns delivery, and diagnosis of complex systems - maximizes and simplifies the reuse of built-in test architectures. HD2BIST optimizes the flexibility for chip designers in planning an overall SoC test strategy by defining a test access method that provides direct virtual access to each core of the system

    On integrating a proprietary and a commercial architecture for optimal BIST performances in SoCs

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    This paper presents the integration of a proprietary hierarchical and distributed test access mechanism called HD2BIST and a BIST insertion commercial tool. The paper briefly describes the architecture and the features of both the environments and it presents some experimental results obtained on an industrial So

    Test exploration and validation using transaction level models

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    The complexity of the test infrastructure and test strategies in systems-on-chip approaches the complexity of the functional design space. This paper presents test design space exploration and validation of test strategies and schedules using transaction level models (TLMs). Since many aspects of testing involve the transfer of a significant amount of test stimuli and responses, the communication-centric view of TLMs suits this purpose exceptionally wel

    A low-speed BIST framework for high-performance circuit testing

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    Testing of high performance integrated circuits is becoming increasingly a challenging task owing to high clock frequencies. Often testers are not able to test such devices due to their limited high frequency capabilities. In this article we outline a design-for-test methodology such that high performance devices can be tested on relatively low performance testers. In addition, a BIST framework is discussed based on this methodology. Various implementation aspects of this technique are also addresse

    Improving reconfigurable systems reliability by combining periodical test and redundancy techniques: a case study

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    This paper revises and introduces to the field of reconfigurable computer systems, some traditional techniques used in the fields of fault-tolerance and testing of digital circuits. The target area is that of on-board spacecraft electronics, as this class of application is a good candidate for the use of reconfigurable computing technology. Fault tolerant strategies are used in order for the system to adapt itself to the severe conditions found in space. In addition, the paper describes some problems and possible solutions for the use of reconfigurable components, based on programmable logic, in space applications

    Are IEEE 1500 compliant cores really compliant to the standard?

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    Functional verification of complex SoC designs is a challenging task, which fortunately is increasingly supported by automation. This article proposes a verification component for IEEE Std 1500, to be plugged into a commercial verification tool suit