2 research outputs found

    A Comparative Representation Approach to Modern Heuristic Search Methods in a Job Shop

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    The job shop problem is among the class of NP- hard combinatorial problems. This Research paper addresses the problem of static job shop scheduling on the job-based representation and the rule based representations. The popular search techniques like the genetic algorithm and simulated annealing are used for the determination of the objectives like minimizations of the makespan time and mean flow time. Various rules like the SPT, LPT, MWKR, and LWKR are used for the objective function to attain the results. The summary of results from this paper gives a conclusion that the genetic algorithm gives better results in the makespan time determination on both the job based representation and the rule based representation and the simulated annealing algorithm gives the better results in the mean flow time in both the representations

    Logarithmic simulated annealing for X-ray diagnosis

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    We present a new stochastic learning algorithm and first results of computational experiments on fragments of liver CT images. The algorithm is designed to compute a depth-three threshold circuit, where the first layer is calculated by an extension of the Perceptron algorithm by a special type of simulated annealing. The fragments of CT images are of size 119×119 with eight bit grey levels. From 348 positive (focal liver tumours) and 348 negative examples a number of hypotheses of the type w1x1+⋯+wnxn≥ϑ were calculated for n=14161. The threshold functions at levels two and three were determined by computational experiments. The circuit was tested on various sets of 50+50 additional positive and negative examples. For depth-three circuits, we obtained a correct classification of about 97%. The input to the algorithm is derived from the DICOM standard representation of CT images. The simulated annealing procedure employs a logarithmic cooling schedule View the MathML source, where Γ is a parameter that depends on the underlying configuration space. In our experiments, the parameter Γ is chosen according to estimations of the maximum escape depth from local minima of the associated energy landscape