6 research outputs found

    Logarithmic estimates for continuity equations

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    The aim of this short note is twofold. First, we give a sketch of the proof of a recent result proved by the authors in the paper concerning existence and uniqueness of renormalized solutions of continuity equations with unbounded damping coefficient. Second, we show how the ideas in can be used to provide an alternative proof of the result in, where the usual requirement of boundedness of the divergence of the vector field has been relaxed to various settings of exponentially integrable functions

    Positive solutions of transport equations and classical nonuniqueness of characteristic curves

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    The seminal work of DiPerna and Lions [Invent. Math., 98, 1989] guarantees the existence and uniqueness of regular Lagrangian flows for Sobolev vector fields. The latter is a suitable selection of trajectories of the related ODE satisfying additional compressibility/semigroup properties. A long-standing open question is whether the uniqueness of the regular Lagrangian flow is a corollary of the uniqueness of the trajectory of the ODE for a.e. initial datum. Using Ambrosio's superposition principle we relate the latter to the uniqueness of positive solutions of the continuity equation and we then provide a negative answer using tools introduced by Modena and Sz\'ekelyhidi in the recent groundbreaking work [Ann. PDE, 4, 2018]. On the opposite side, we introduce a new class of asymmetric Lusin-Lipschitz inequalities and use them to prove the uniqueness of positive solutions of the continuity equation in an integrability range which goes beyond the DiPerna-Lions theory

    Classical flows of vector fields with exponential or sub-exponential summability

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    We show that vector fields bb whose spatial derivative DxbD_xb satisfies a Orlicz summability condition have a spatially continuous representative and are well-posed. For the case of sub-exponential summability, their flows satisfy a Lusin (N) condition in a quantitative form, too. Furthermore, we prove that if DxbD_xb satisfies a suitable exponential summability condition then the flow associated to bb has Sobolev regularity, without assuming boundedness of divxb{\rm div}_xb. We then apply these results to the representation and Sobolev regularity of weak solutions of the Cauchy problem for the transport and continuity equations.Comment: 35 page

    Logarithmic estimates for continuity equations

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    The aim of this short note is twofold. First, we give a sketch of the proof of a recent result proved by the authors in the paper [7] concerning existence and uniqueness of renormalized solutions of continuity equations with unbounded damping coefficient. Second, we show how the ideas in [7] can be used to provide an alternative proof of the result in [6, 9, 12], where the usual requirement of boundedness of the divergence of the vector field has been relaxed to various settings of exponentially integrable functions