1,186 research outputs found

    A Low-Dimensional Representation for Robust Partial Isometric Correspondences Computation

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    Intrinsic isometric shape matching has become the standard approach for pose invariant correspondence estimation among deformable shapes. Most existing approaches assume global consistency, i.e., the metric structure of the whole manifold must not change significantly. While global isometric matching is well understood, only a few heuristic solutions are known for partial matching. Partial matching is particularly important for robustness to topological noise (incomplete data and contacts), which is a common problem in real-world 3D scanner data. In this paper, we introduce a new approach to partial, intrinsic isometric matching. Our method is based on the observation that isometries are fully determined by purely local information: a map of a single point and its tangent space fixes an isometry for both global and the partial maps. From this idea, we develop a new representation for partial isometric maps based on equivalence classes of correspondences between pairs of points and their tangent spaces. From this, we derive a local propagation algorithm that find such mappings efficiently. In contrast to previous heuristics based on RANSAC or expectation maximization, our method is based on a simple and sound theoretical model and fully deterministic. We apply our approach to register partial point clouds and compare it to the state-of-the-art methods, where we obtain significant improvements over global methods for real-world data and stronger guarantees than previous heuristic partial matching algorithms.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Distance metric learning for medical image registration

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    Medical image registration has received considerable attention in medical imaging and computer vision, because of the large variety of ways in which it can impact patient care. Over the years, many algorithms have been proposed for medical image registration. Medical image registration uses techniques to create images of parts of the human body for clinical purposes. This thesis focuses on one small subset of registration algorithms: using machine learning techniques to train the similarity measure for use in medical image registration. This thesis is organized in the following manner. In Chapter 1 we introduce the idea of image registration, describe some some applications in medical imaging, and mathematically formulate the three main components of any registration problem: geometric transformation, similarity measure and optimization procedure. Finally we describe how the ideas in this thesis t into the eld of medical image registration, and we describe some related work. In Chapter 2 we introduce the concept of machine learning and we provide examples to illustrate machine learning algorithms. We then describe the knn-nearest neighbors algorithm and the relationship between Euclidean and Mahalanobis distance. Next we introduce distance metric learning and present two approaches for learning the Mahalanobis distance. Finally we provide a description and visual comparison of two algorithms for distance metric learning. In Chapter 3 we describe how distance metric learning can be applied to the problem of medical image registration. Our goal is to learn the optimal similarity measure given a training dataset of correctly registered images. To assess the performance of the two distance metric learning algorithms we test them using images from a series of patients. Moreover we illustrate the sensitivity of one of the learning algorithms by examining the variability of the resulting target registration errors. Finally we present our experimental results of registering CT and MR images. Finally in Chapter 4 we suggest some ideas for future work in order to improve our registration results and to speed up the algorithms

    Multi-Modal Similarity Learning for 3D Deformable Registration of Medical Images

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    Alors que la perspective de la fusion d images médicales capturées par des systèmes d imageries de type différent est largement contemplée, la mise en pratique est toujours victime d un obstacle théorique : la définition d une mesure de similarité entre les images. Des efforts dans le domaine ont rencontrés un certain succès pour certains types d images, cependant la définition d un critère de similarité entre les images quelle que soit leur origine et un des plus gros défis en recalage d images déformables. Dans cette thèse, nous avons décidé de développer une approche générique pour la comparaison de deux types de modalités donnés. Les récentes avancées en apprentissage statistique (Machine Learning) nous ont permis de développer des solutions innovantes pour la résolution de ce problème complexe. Pour appréhender le problème de la comparaison de données incommensurables, nous avons choisi de le regarder comme un problème de plongement de données : chacun des jeux de données est plongé dans un espace commun dans lequel les comparaisons sont possibles. A ces fins, nous avons exploré la projection d un espace de données image sur l espace de données lié à la seconde image et aussi la projection des deux espaces de données dans un troisième espace commun dans lequel les calculs sont conduits. Ceci a été entrepris grâce à l étude des correspondances entre les images dans une base de données images pré-alignées. Dans la poursuite de ces buts, de nouvelles méthodes ont été développées que ce soit pour la régression d images ou pour l apprentissage de métrique multimodale. Les similarités apprises résultantes sont alors incorporées dans une méthode plus globale de recalage basée sur l optimisation discrète qui diminue le besoin d un critère différentiable pour la recherche de solution. Enfin nous explorons une méthode qui permet d éviter le besoin d une base de données pré-alignées en demandant seulement des données annotées (segmentations) par un spécialiste. De nombreuses expériences sont conduites sur deux bases de données complexes (Images d IRM pré-alignées et Images TEP/Scanner) dans le but de justifier les directions prises par nos approches.Even though the prospect of fusing images issued by different medical imagery systems is highly contemplated, the practical instantiation of it is subject to a theoretical hurdle: the definition of a similarity between images. Efforts in this field have proved successful for select pairs of images; however defining a suitable similarity between images regardless of their origin is one of the biggest challenges in deformable registration. In this thesis, we chose to develop generic approaches that allow the comparison of any two given modality. The recent advances in Machine Learning permitted us to provide innovative solutions to this very challenging problem. To tackle the problem of comparing incommensurable data we chose to view it as a data embedding problem where one embeds all the data in a common space in which comparison is possible. To this end, we explored the projection of one image space onto the image space of the other as well as the projection of both image spaces onto a common image space in which the comparison calculations are conducted. This was done by the study of the correspondences between image features in a pre-aligned dataset. In the pursuit of these goals, new methods for image regression as well as multi-modal metric learning methods were developed. The resulting learned similarities are then incorporated into a discrete optimization framework that mitigates the need for a differentiable criterion. Lastly we investigate on a new method that discards the constraint of a database of images that are pre-aligned, only requiring data annotated (segmented) by a physician. Experiments are conducted on two challenging medical images data-sets (Pre-Aligned MRI images and PET/CT images) to justify the benefits of our approach.CHATENAY MALABRY-Ecole centrale (920192301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Unsupervised Echocardiography Registration through Patch-based MLPs and Transformers

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    Image registration is an essential but challenging task in medical image computing, especially for echocardiography, where the anatomical structures are relatively noisy compared to other imaging modalities. Traditional (non-learning) registration approaches rely on the iterative optimization of a similarity metric which is usually costly in time complexity. In recent years, convolutional neural network (CNN) based image registration methods have shown good effectiveness. In the meantime, recent studies show that the attention-based model (e.g., Transformer) can bring superior performance in pattern recognition tasks. In contrast, whether the superior performance of the Transformer comes from the long-winded architecture or is attributed to the use of patches for dividing the inputs is unclear yet. This work introduces three patch-based frameworks for image registration using MLPs and transformers. We provide experiments on 2D-echocardiography registration to answer the former question partially and provide a benchmark solution. Our results on a large public 2D echocardiography dataset show that the patch-based MLP/Transformer model can be effectively used for unsupervised echocardiography registration. They demonstrate comparable and even better registration performance than a popular CNN registration model. In particular, patch-based models better preserve volume changes in terms of Jacobian determinants, thus generating robust registration fields with less unrealistic deformation. Our results demonstrate that patch-based learning methods, whether with attention or not, can perform high-performance unsupervised registration tasks with adequate time and space complexity. Our codes are available https://gitlab.inria.fr/epione/mlp\_transformer\_registratio

    MEMO: Dataset and Methods for Robust Multimodal Retinal Image Registration with Large or Small Vessel Density Differences

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    The measurement of retinal blood flow (RBF) in capillaries can provide a powerful biomarker for the early diagnosis and treatment of ocular diseases. However, no single modality can determine capillary flowrates with high precision. Combining erythrocyte-mediated angiography (EMA) with optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) has the potential to achieve this goal, as EMA can measure the absolute 2D RBF of retinal microvasculature and OCTA can provide the 3D structural images of capillaries. However, multimodal retinal image registration between these two modalities remains largely unexplored. To fill this gap, we establish MEMO, the first public multimodal EMA and OCTA retinal image dataset. A unique challenge in multimodal retinal image registration between these modalities is the relatively large difference in vessel density (VD). To address this challenge, we propose a segmentation-based deep-learning framework (VDD-Reg) and a new evaluation metric (MSD), which provide robust results despite differences in vessel density. VDD-Reg consists of a vessel segmentation module and a registration module. To train the vessel segmentation module, we further designed a two-stage semi-supervised learning framework (LVD-Seg) combining supervised and unsupervised losses. We demonstrate that VDD-Reg outperforms baseline methods quantitatively and qualitatively for cases of both small VD differences (using the CF-FA dataset) and large VD differences (using our MEMO dataset). Moreover, VDD-Reg requires as few as three annotated vessel segmentation masks to maintain its accuracy, demonstrating its feasibility.Comment: Submitted to IEEE JBH

    Diffeomorphic image registration with applications to deformation modelling between multiple data sets

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    Over last years, the diffeomorphic image registration algorithms have been successfully introduced into the field of the medical image analysis. At the same time, the particular usability of these techniques, in majority derived from the solid mathematical background, has been only quantitatively explored for the limited applications such as longitudinal studies on treatment quality, or diseases progression. The thesis considers the deformable image registration algorithms, seeking out those that maintain the medical correctness of the estimated dense deformation fields in terms of the preservation of the object and its neighbourhood topology, offer the reasonable computational complexity to satisfy time restrictions coming from the potential applications, and are able to cope with low quality data typically encountered in Adaptive Radiotherapy (ART). The research has led to the main emphasis being laid on the diffeomorphic image registration to achieve one-to-one mapping between images. This involves introduction of the log-domain parameterisation of the deformation field by its approximation via a stationary velocity field. A quantitative and qualitative examination of existing and newly proposed algorithms for pairwise deformable image registration presented in this thesis, shows that the log-Euclidean parameterisation can be successfully utilised in the biomedical applications. Although algorithms utilising the log-domain parameterisation have theoretical justification for maintaining diffeomorphism, in general, the deformation fields produced by them have similar properties as these estimated by classical methods. Having this in mind, the best compromise in terms of the quality of the deformation fields has been found for the consistent image registration framework. The experimental results suggest also that the image registration with the symmetrical warping of the input images outperforms the classical approaches, and simultaneously can be easily introduced to most known algorithms. Furthermore, the log-domain implicit group-wise image registration is proposed. By linking the various sets of images related to the different subjects, the proposed image registration approach establishes a common subject space and between-subject correspondences therein. Although the correspondences between groups of images can be found by performing the classic image registration, the reference image selection (not required in the proposed implementation), may lead to a biased mean image being estimated and the corresponding common subject space not adequate to represent the general properties of the data sets. The approaches to diffeomorphic image registration have been also utilised as the principal elements for estimating the movements of the organs in the pelvic area based on the dense deformation field prediction system driven by the partial information coming from the specific type of the measurements parameterised using the implicit surface representation, and recognising facial expressions where the stationary velocity fields are used as the facial expression descriptors. Both applications have been extensively evaluated based on the real representative data sets of three-dimensional volumes and two-dimensional images, and the obtained results indicate the practical usability of the proposed techniques
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