4 research outputs found

    Location utility-based map reduction

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    Maps used for navigation often include a database of location descriptions for place recognition (loop closing), which permits bounded-error performance. A standard pose-graph SLAM system adds a new entry for every new pose into the location database, which grows linearly and unbounded in time and thus becomes unsustainable. To address this issue, in this paper we propose a new map-reduction approach that pre-constructs a fixed-size place-recognition database amenable to the limited storage and processing resources of the vehicle by exploiting the high-level structure of the environment as well as the vehicle motion. In particular, we introduce the concept of location utility - which encapsulates the visitation probability of a location and its spatial distribution relative to nearby locations in the database - as a measure of the value of potential loop-closure events to occur at that location. While finding the optimal reduced location database is NP-hard, we develop an efficient greedy algorithm to sort all the locations in a map based on their relative utility without access to sensor measurements or the vehicle trajectory. This enables pre-determination of a generic, limited-size place-recognition database containing the N best locations in the environment. To validate the proposed approach, we develop an open-source street-map simulator using real city-map data and show that an accurate map (pose-graph) can be attained even when using a place-recognition database with only 1% of the entries of the corresponding full database.Charles Stark Draper Laboratory (Fellowship

    Unsupervised trajectory compression

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    We present a method for compressing trajectories in an unsupervised manner. Given a set of trajectories sampled from a space we construct a basis for compression whose elements correspond to paths in the space which are topologically distinct. This is achieved by computing a canonical representative for each element in a generating set for the first homology group and decomposing these representatives into a set of distinct paths. Trajectory compression is subsequently accomplished through representation in terms of this basis. Robustness with respect to outliers is achieved by only considering those elements of the first homology group which exist in the super-level sets of the Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) above a threshold. Robustness with respect to small scale topological artifacts is achieved by only considering those elements of the first homology group which exist for a sufficient range in the super-level sets. We demonstrate this approach to trajectory compression in the context of a large set of crowd-sourced GPS trajectories captured in the city of Chicago. On this set, the compression method achieves a mean geometrical accuracy of 108 meters with a compression ratio of over 12

    Two-Stage Focused Inference for Resource-Constrained Collision-Free Navigation

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    Long-term operations of resource-constrained robots typically require hard decisions be made about which data to process and/or retain. The question then arises of how to choose which data is most useful to keep to achieve the task at hand. As spacial scale grows, the size of the map will grow without bound, and as temporal scale grows, the number of measurements will grow without bound. In this work, we present the first known approach to tackle both of these issues. The approach has two stages. First, a subset of the variables (focused variables) is selected that are most useful for a particular task. Second, a task-agnostic and principled method (focused inference) is proposed to select a subset of the measurements that maximizes the information over the focused variables. The approach is then applied to the specific task of robot navigation in an obstacle-laden environment. A landmark selection method is proposed to minimize the probability of collision and then select the set of measurements that best localizes those landmarks. It is shown that the two-stage approach outperforms both only selecting measurement and only selecting landmarks in terms of minimizing the probability of collision. The performance improvement is validated through detailed simulation and real experiments on a Pioneer robot.United States. Army Research Office. Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (Grant W911NF-11-1-0391)United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-11-1-0688)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award IIS-1318392

    High-Precision Design of Pedestrian Mobility for Smart City Simulators

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    The unprecedented growth of the population living in urban environments calls for a rational and sustainable urban development. Smart cities can fill this gap by providing the citizens with high-quality services through efficient use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). To this end, active citizen participation with mobile crowdsensing (MCS) techniques is a becoming common practice. As MCS systems require wide participation, the development of large scale real testbeds is often not feasible and simulations are the only alternative solution. Modeling the urban environment with high precision is a key ingredient to obtain effective results. However, currently existing tools like OpenStreetMap (OSM) fail to provide sufficient levels of details. In this paper, we apply a procedure to augment the precision (AOP) of the graph describing the street network provided by OSM. Additionally, we compare different mobility models that are synthetic and based on a realistic dataset originated from a well known MCS data collection campaign (ParticipAct). For the dataset, we propose two arrival models that determine the users’ arrivals and match the experimental contact distribution. Finally, we assess the scalability of AOP for different cities, verify popular metrics for human mobility and the precision of different arrival models