4 research outputs found

    Location of global logistic hubs within Africa based on a fuzzy multi-criteria approach

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    Choosing the location of a global logistic hub for reaching a new market can be considered as a “facility location problem” addressed through optimization based on quantitative criteria, or as a multi-criteria decision making problem using both quantitative and qualitative criteria. The second approach has been chosen for considering the real case of a logistic provider in Africa. The first originality of this article is to suggest a global framework positioning the different types of criteria that may be used, based on an analysis of the relationships between the concept defining the decision making context. For assessing the various decision criteria, an important requirement of the company was to reuse when possible assessments coming from trustable external sources, mainly international organization indexes (World Bank, World Economic Forum, etc.), and to complete them with knowledge coming from internal experts. This knowledge being often imprecise and uncertain, Fuzzy TOPSIS, often used for Multi Criteria Decision Making, is chosen as a global methodology. The standard method has been modified on two important points: 1) a new fuzzy distance is suggested to measure the difference between two solutions, allowing to postpone the defuzzification process until the end of the reasoning, ii) a measure of confidence has been added to each elementary assessment, allowing the experts to clearly distinguish the fuzziness of an evaluation ("around 10") and the possibility that this evaluation is wrong. We show in an illustrative example how taking into account this new distance and the suggested confidence level may yield richer results than the standard method

    Lojistik merkezi yer seçimi için aralık değerli sezgisel bulanık sayılara dayalı genişletilmiş VIKOR yöntemi

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    Identifying the appropriate location for logistics centres (LC) is key to gaining and maintaining a competitive advantage and increasing the efficiency of supply chain activities. Increasing customer expectations, efforts to reduce logistics costs and the intensity of competition in the logistics sector have led to the establishment of many new LMs in recent years. These centers contribute significantly to increasing efficiency in freight transportation, optimizing logistics services and reducing the traffic. The increasing importance of LCs and the significant impact of their location on logistics activities have made the choice of installation site a strategic consideration. However, evaluating LC location alternatives is a complex process that must take many factors into account. The aim of the present study is to propose an extended VlseKriterijuska Optimizacija I Komoromisno Resenje (VIKOR) approach based on interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (IVIFN) and test its feasibility. Applying IVIFN contributes to coping with uncertainty in human thought and decision processes. On the other hand, VIKOR is a decision-making technique that facilitates ranking criteria that are contradictory and represented by different units, and it offers a compromise solution. The feasibility of the extended VIKOR approach through IVIFN proposed in this study was tested in a numerical example in which LC location alternatives were evaluated. Three experts were consulted to determine the criterion weights and to rank the alternatives. Decision makers serve as logistics and planning specialist, logistics operations manager and supply chain chief engineer. In practice, alternatives were evaluated by considering six criteria. As a result, criteria are listed in the form of intermodal connection (0.255), infrastructure (0.194), security/safety (0.169), proximity to customers (0.158), proximity to suppliers (0.131), and labour supply (0.093), according to their weighted importance. It is expected that the findings obtained in the study will contribute to researchers and sector managers.Lojistik merkezler (LM) için uygun yerin belirlenmesi, rekabet avantajı elde etmenin, sürdürmenin ve tedarik zinciri faaliyetlerinin verimliliğini artırmanın anahtarıdır. Artan müşteri beklentileri, lojistik maliyetlerinin azaltılmasına yönelik çabalar ve lojistik sektöründe yaşanan rekabet yoğunluğu son yıllarda birçok yeni LM kurulmasına neden olmuştur. Bu merkezler yük taşımacılığında verimliliğin artmasına, lojistik hizmetlerin optimize edilmesine ve bulundukları kentteki trafiğin azaltılmasında önemli ölçüde katkı sağlamaktadır. LM'lerin artan önemi ve konumlarının lojistik faaliyetler üzerindeki önemli etkisi, kurulum yeri seçimini stratejik bir değerlendirme haline getirmiştir. Ancak, LM konum alternatiflerini değerlendirmek, birçok faktörün hesaba katılması gereken karmaşık bir süreçtir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, aralık değerli sezgisel bulanık sayılara (ADSBS) dayalı genişletilmiş bir VlseKriterijuska Optimizacija I Komoromisno Resenje (VIKOR) yaklaşımı önermek ve uygulanabilirliğini test etmektir. ADSBS'ın uygulanması, insan düşünce ve karar süreçlerindeki belirsizlikle başa çıkmaya katkıda bulunur. Öte yandan VIKOR birbiriyle çelişen ve farklı birimler tarafından temsil edilen kriterleri sıralamayı kolaylaştıran ve uzlaşmacı bir çözüm sunan bir karar verme tekniğidir. Bu çalışmada önerilen ADSBS aracılığıyla genişletilmiş VIKOR yaklaşımının uygulanabilirliği, LM konum alternatiflerinin değerlendirildiği sayısal bir örnekte test edilmiştir. Kriter ağırlıklarının belirlenmesi ve alternatiflerin sıralanması için üç uzman karar vericiye danışılmıştır. Karar vericiler, lojistik ve planlama uzmanı, lojistik operasyon yöneticisi ve tedarik zinciri başmühendisi olarak görev yapmaktadır. Uygulamada alternatifler altı kriter (altyapı, müşteriye yakınlık, tedarikçilere yakınlık, intermodal bağlantı, işgücü arzı ve güvenlik/güvenirlilik) dikkate alınarak değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak kriterler ağırlıklarına göre intermodal bağlantı (0,255), altyapı (0,194), güvenlik/güvenlik (0,169), müşterilere yakınlık (0,158), tedarikçilere yakınlık (0,131) ve iş gücü arzı (0,093) biçiminde sıralanmıştır. Çalışmada elde edilen bulguların araştırmacılara ve sektör yöneticilerine katkı sağlaması beklenmektedir

    Sistema de medición del rendimiento para redes colaborativas de Pymes en el sector agroindustrial de Ecuador

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    [ES] La colaboración empresarial evidenciada en pequeñas y medianas empresas (Pymes) está contribuyendo a ampliar su competitividad, impulsar diversos procesos de innovación y mejorar su rendimiento; siendo, por tanto, fundamental la medición eficaz del rendimiento como una práctica estratégica para impulsar su desarrollo y eficiencia colectiva. La medición del rendimiento (MR) es un elemento esencial para la planificación efectiva y el control empresarial; así como para la toma de decisiones, a fin de desplegar diferentes acciones de mejora. La MR en Pymes incluye las siguientes tres categorías: las medidas de rendimiento o indicadores, el diseño del sistema de medición del rendimiento (SMR) y su desarrollo. El diseño del SMR para redes de Pymes es un proceso importante para asegurar que el marco de medición integre tanto, los factores y elementos del rendimiento propios del contexto colaborativo abordado, así como los métodos y técnicas para un proceso de medición del rendimiento balanceado y con alineamiento estratégico. Sin embargo, en la literatura fueron pocos los estudios que abordaban a la MR en contextos colaborativos. Entre aquellos que lo hacían, la mayoría se relacionaba con el direccionamiento hacia las mejores prácticas; lo que señaló dificultades en cuanto a la consideración de diversos factores entorno a este grupo de Pymes y con ello su implicación en el desarrollo de SMRs específicos. Otro aspecto importante en el diseño del SMR es la presencia de múltiples tomadores de decisión, espacio que tampoco evidenció mayor aporte entre la literatura revisada. Al considerar estos aspectos en el marco del diseño de SMRs para redes de Pymes en colaboración, ninguna investigación presentó un abordaje que contemple todas las características de forma simultánea. Considerando estas brechas, este trabajo de investigación tiene por objetivo proponer un sistema de medición del rendimiento para redes colaborativas de pymes (SMR - RECOP) en un escenario de toma de decisiones en grupo, considerando un enfoque de alineamiento estratégico. La propuesta tiene como finalidad integrar los principales factores de influencia del entorno de la red de Pymes, los requerimientos de medición básicos y la visión de un crecimiento sostenible enmarcado en la eficiencia colectiva. La propuesta de medición del rendimiento utiliza el Balanced Scorecard (BSC) como herramienta para direccionar la estrategia de la red al interior del sistema de medición, donde los indicadores se encuentran en alineación directa con los objetivos estratégicos; además, la técnica Fuzzy TOPSIS para apoyar el proceso de toma de decisiones en grupo que permite la determinación de los objetivos estratégicos y; por último, mesas de diálogo como los espacios para la discusión de ideas y formulación de indicadores de medición. Estas técnicas, juntamente con los elementos citados anteriormente son integrados en una metodología de tres fases. El sistema de medición propuesto se aplica en un caso de investigación para fines de validación; la red de Pymes evaluada pertenece al sector agroindustrial productor de cacao en Ecuador, donde los contextos empresariales tanto de red y cadena se evidencian como las estratégicas colaborativas con importante presencia. La aplicación empírica del SMR - RECOP mostró como resultados necesarios de su desarrollo a los siguientes productos: un conjunto de objetivos estratégicos; un procedimiento establecido para la definición y selección de estos objetivos en el marco de la toma de decisiones en grupo; un mapa estratégico consolidado y por último un conjunto de indicadores de rendimiento. Estos resultados muestran consistencia con los estamentos pretendidos por la red y su contexto de desarrollo; así como con los requerimientos que enmarcan un SMR para Pymes.[CA] La col·laboració empresarial evidenciada en petites i mitjanes empreses (Pimes) està contribuint a ampliar la seva competitivitat, impulsar diversos processos d'innovació i millorar el seu rendiment; sent, per tant, fonamental el mesurament eficaç de l'rendiment com una pràctica estratègica per impulsar el seu desenvolupament i eficiència col·lectiva. El mesurament de l'rendiment (MR) és un element essencial per a la planificació efectiva i el control empresarial; així com per a la presa de decisions, per tal de desplegar diferents accions de millora. La MR a Pimes inclou les següents tres categories: les mesures de rendiment o indicadors, el disseny de sistema de mesurament de l'rendiment (SMR) i el seu desenvolupament. El disseny de l'SMR per a xarxes de Pimes és un procés important per assegurar que el marc de mesurament integri tant, els factors i elements de l'rendiment propis de l'context col·laboratiu abordat, així com els mètodes i tècniques per a un procés de mesurament de l'rendiment balancejat i amb alineament estratègic. No obstant això, en la literatura van ser pocs els estudis que abordaven a la MR en contextos col·laboratius. Entre aquells que ho feien, la majoria es relacionava amb l'adreçament cap a les millors pràctiques; el que va assenyalar dificultats pel que fa a la consideració de diversos factors entorn a aquest grup de Pimes i amb això la seva implicació en el desenvolupament de SMRs específics. Un altre aspecte important en el disseny de l'SMR és la presència de múltiples prenedors de decisió, espai que tampoc va evidenciar major aportació entre la literatura revisada. A l'considerar aquests aspectes en el marc de el disseny de SMRs per a xarxes de pimes en col·laboració, cap investigació va presentar un abordatge que contempli totes les característiques de forma simultània. Considerant aquestes bretxes, aquest treball de recerca té per objectiu proposar un sistema de mesurament de l'rendiment per a xarxes col·laboratives de pimes (SMR - Recull) en un escenari de presa de decisions en grup, considerant un enfocament d'alineament estratègic. La proposta té com a finalitat integrar els principals factors d'influència de l'entorn de la xarxa de pimes, els requeriments de mesurament bàsics i la visió d'un creixement sostenible emmarcat en l'eficiència col·lectiva. La proposta de mesurament de l'rendiment utilitza el Balanced Scorecard (BSC) com a eina per adreçar l'estratègia de la xarxa a l'interior de el sistema de mesurament, on els indicadors es troben en alineació directa amb els objectius estratègics; a més, la tècnica Fuzzy TOPSIS per donar suport al procés de presa de decisions en grup que permet la determinació dels objectius estratègics i; finalment, taules de diàleg com els espais per a la discussió d'idees i formulació d'indicadors de mesurament. Aquestes tècniques, conjuntament amb els elements esmentats anteriorment són integrats en una metodologia de tres fases. El sistema de mesurament proposat s'aplica en un cas d'investigació per a fins de validació; la xarxa de Pimes avaluada pertany a el sector agroindustrial productor de cacau a l'Equador, on els contextos empresarials tant de xarxa i cadena s'evidencien com les estratègiques col·laboratives amb important presència. L'aplicació empírica d'el SMR - RECOP va mostrar com a resultats necessaris del seu desenvolupament als següents productes: un conjunt d'objectius estratègics; un procediment per a la definició i selecció d'aquests objectius en el marc de la presa de decisions en grup; un mapa estratègic consolidat i finalment un conjunt d'indicadors de rendiment. Els resultats obtinguts mostren consistència amb els estaments pretesos per la xarxa i el seu context de desenvolupament; així com amb els requeriments que emmarquen un SMR per a Pimes.[EN] The business collaboration evidenced in small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) is helping to expand their competitiveness, promote different innovation processes, and improve their performance. Therefore, effective performance measurement is essential as a strategic practice to promote its development and collective efficiency. Performance measurement (PM) is an essential element for effective business planning and control; as well as for decision making, in order to deploy different improvement actions. PM in SMEs includes the following three categories: performance measures or indicators, the design of the performance measurement system (PMS), and its development. The design of the PMS for SME networks is an important process to ensure that the measurement framework integrates both the factors and elements of the performance, which belong to the collaborative context addressed, as well as the methods and techniques for a balanced performance measurement process and with strategic alignment. However, in the literature, few studies addressed PM in collaborative contexts. Among those that did it, the majority was related to directing toward best practices; which pointed to difficulties in considering various factors around this group of SMEs and thus their involvement in the development of specific PMSs. Another important issue in the design of the PMS is the presence of multiple decision-makers, a space that did not show a greater contribution among the literature reviewed. When considering these aspects in the framework of PMSs design for collaborative SME networks, no research presented an approach that considers all the characteristics simultaneously. Considering these gaps, this research work aims to propose a performance measurement system for collaborative networks of SMEs (PMS - RECOP) in a group decision-making scenario, considering a strategic alignment approach. The purpose of the proposal is to integrate the main factors that influence the environment of the SMEs network, the basic measurement requirements, and the vision of sustainable growth framed in collective efficiency The performance measurement proposal uses the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as a tool to direct the strategy of the network within the measurement system, where the indicators are in direct alignment with the strategic objectives. In addition, the Fuzzy TOPSIS technique supports the group decision-making process that allows the determination of strategic objectives and; finally, dialogue tables as spaces for the discussion of ideas and formulation of measurement indicators. These techniques, together with the elements aforementioned, are integrated into a three-phase methodology. The proposed evaluation system is applied in a research case for validation purposes; the network of SMEs evaluated belongs to the agro-industrial sector that produces cocoa in Ecuador, where the business contexts of both the network and the chain are evidenced as collaborative strategies with an important presence. The empirical application of the PMS - RECOP showed the following products as necessary results of its development: a set of strategic objectives, such as an established procedure for the definition and selection of these objectives within the framework of group decision-making; a consolidated strategic map, and finally a set of performance indicators. The obtained results showed consistency with the states intended by the network and its development context, as well as the requirements that frame a PMS for SMEs.Rojas Lema, XB. (2021). Sistema de medición del rendimiento para redes colaborativas de Pymes en el sector agroindustrial de Ecuador [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/165779TESI

    Holistic Environmental Performance and Sustainability in Global Logistics Hubs: An Exploratory Multiple Case Study

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    In recent years, the emergence of global logistics hubs (GLHs) has been on the rise, with these hubs playing a critical role in facilitating the smooth flow of global trade through their strategic location and functions that support global supply chains. Furthermore, GLHs provide benefits to the regions hosting them through the attraction of foreign investment, enhancement of education, and creation of job opportunities. However, there are limited research studies on GLHs suggesting a gap in the current knowledge on the concept, which requires further exploration. Additionally, the accumulation of the functions and activities of existing and emerging GLHs is resulting in extensive environmental impact. The environmental performance and sustainability of GLHs is a topic that requires further exploration, particularly in light of the climate emergency, which is an urgent and pressing issue that requires immediate action (IPCC, 2022). The transportation and logistics sector, of which GLHs are heavily dependent on, is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts. Therefore, it is imperative that GLHs are developed and operated in a sustainable and responsible manner given the global concentration of operations and activities in a specific location. This research aims to address this need by exploring the concept of GLHs and their environmental performance and sustainability. Adopting an inductive qualitative research approach and a multiple case study research method, this study focuses on four diverse GLH case studies: Rotterdam, Antwerp, Liverpool, and Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZone) GLHs. The aim of the research is to establish a comprehensive understanding of GLHs, their environmental performance, and sustainability for academic and industrial applications for emerging and fully developed GLHs. The research contributes to the gap in knowledge by providing an up-to-date and clear definition of GLHs, their primary stakeholders and their operations, and a multi-stage development model. Additionally, a holistic conceptual environmental performance measurement framework for GLHs encompassing their primary stakeholders is developed. The research also highlights the level of connection between stakeholders in GLHs, the governance structure, and environmental sustainability responsibility in GLHs. Furthermore, this study explores the factors that drive or impede environmental performance and sustainability in GLHs, and provides an illustration of these factors using a fishbone diagram