4 research outputs found

    Location Aware Keyword Query Suggestion Based on Document Proximity

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    Abstract—Keyword suggestion in web search helps users to access relevant information without having to know how to precisely express their queries. Existing keyword suggestion techniques do not consider the locations of the users and the query results; i.e., the spatial proximity of a user to the retrieved results is not taken as a factor in the recommendation. However, the relevance of search results in many applications (e.g., location-based services) is known to be correlated with their spatial proximity to the query issuer. In this paper, we design a location-aware keyword query suggestion framework. We propose a weighted keyword-document graph, which captures both the semantic relevance between keyword queries and the spatial distance between the resulting documents and the user location. The graph is browsed in a random-walk-with-restart fashion, to select the keyword queries with the highest scores as suggestions. To make our framework scalable, we propose a partition-based approach that outperforms the baseline algorithm by up to an order of magnitude. The appropriateness of our framework and the performance of the algorithms are evaluated using real data. F


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    A location-query-browse graph for contextual recommendation

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    Traditionally, recommender systems modelled the physical and cyber contextual influence on people&#039;s moving, querying, and browsing behaviours in isolation. Yet, searching, querying and moving behaviours are intricately linked, especially indoors. Here, we introduce a tripartite location-query-browse graph (LQB) for nuanced contextual recommendations. The LQB graph consists of three kinds of nodes: locations, queries and Web domains. Directed connections only between heterogeneous nodes represent the contextual influences, while connections of homogeneous nodes are inferred from the contextual influences of the other nodes. This tripartite LQB graph is more reliable than any monopartite or bipartite graph in contextual location, query and Web content recommendations. We validate this LQB graph in an indoor retail scenario with extensive dataset of three logs collected from over 120,000 anonymized, opt-in users over a 1-year period in a large inner-city mall in Sydney, Australia. We characterize the contextual influences that correspond to the arcs in the LQB graph, and evaluate the usefulness of the LQB graph for location, query, and Web content recommendations. The experimental results show that the LQB graph successfully captures the contextual influence and significantly outperforms the state of the art in these applications