33 research outputs found

    Locally Encodable and Decodable Codes for Distributed Storage Systems

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    We consider the locality of encoding and decoding operations in distributed storage systems (DSS), and propose a new class of codes, called locally encodable and decodable codes (LEDC), that provides a higher degree of operational locality compared to currently known codes. For a given locality structure, we derive an upper bound on the global distance and demonstrate the existence of an optimal LEDC for sufficiently large field size. In addition, we also construct two families of optimal LEDC for fields with size linear in code length.Comment: 7 page

    Lower bounds for constant query affine-invariant LCCs and LTCs

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    Affine-invariant codes are codes whose coordinates form a vector space over a finite field and which are invariant under affine transformations of the coordinate space. They form a natural, well-studied class of codes; they include popular codes such as Reed-Muller and Reed-Solomon. A particularly appealing feature of affine-invariant codes is that they seem well-suited to admit local correctors and testers. In this work, we give lower bounds on the length of locally correctable and locally testable affine-invariant codes with constant query complexity. We show that if a code CΣKn\mathcal{C} \subset \Sigma^{\mathbb{K}^n} is an rr-query locally correctable code (LCC), where K\mathbb{K} is a finite field and Σ\Sigma is a finite alphabet, then the number of codewords in C\mathcal{C} is at most exp(OK,r,Σ(nr1))\exp(O_{\mathbb{K}, r, |\Sigma|}(n^{r-1})). Also, we show that if CΣKn\mathcal{C} \subset \Sigma^{\mathbb{K}^n} is an rr-query locally testable code (LTC), then the number of codewords in C\mathcal{C} is at most exp(OK,r,Σ(nr2))\exp(O_{\mathbb{K}, r, |\Sigma|}(n^{r-2})). The dependence on nn in these bounds is tight for constant-query LCCs/LTCs, since Guo, Kopparty and Sudan (ITCS `13) construct affine-invariant codes via lifting that have the same asymptotic tradeoffs. Note that our result holds for non-linear codes, whereas previously, Ben-Sasson and Sudan (RANDOM `11) assumed linearity to derive similar results. Our analysis uses higher-order Fourier analysis. In particular, we show that the codewords corresponding to an affine-invariant LCC/LTC must be far from each other with respect to Gowers norm of an appropriate order. This then allows us to bound the number of codewords, using known decomposition theorems which approximate any bounded function in terms of a finite number of low-degree non-classical polynomials, upto a small error in the Gowers norm

    Реоптимізація задачі про покриття множинами : асимптотичний поріг відношення апроксимації

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    Under an element insertion or deletion from the set for the set covering problem there exists an algorithm of reoptimization that is asymptotically optimal approximation algorithm with some approximation ratio taking into account the standard conditions of complexity theory in theoretical computer science.При добавленні або звільненні елемента з множини для задачі про покриття множинами існує алгоритм реоптимізації, який є асимптотично оптимальним наближеним алгоритмом, при деякому відношенні апроксимації з урахуванням стандартних умов теорії складності обчислень

    Locally Testable Codes and Cayley Graphs

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    We give two new characterizations of (\F_2-linear) locally testable error-correcting codes in terms of Cayley graphs over \F_2^h: \begin{enumerate} \item A locally testable code is equivalent to a Cayley graph over \F_2^h whose set of generators is significantly larger than hh and has no short linear dependencies, but yields a shortest-path metric that embeds into 1\ell_1 with constant distortion. This extends and gives a converse to a result of Khot and Naor (2006), which showed that codes with large dual distance imply Cayley graphs that have no low-distortion embeddings into 1\ell_1. \item A locally testable code is equivalent to a Cayley graph over \F_2^h that has significantly more than hh eigenvalues near 1, which have no short linear dependencies among them and which "explain" all of the large eigenvalues. This extends and gives a converse to a recent construction of Barak et al. (2012), which showed that locally testable codes imply Cayley graphs that are small-set expanders but have many large eigenvalues. \end{enumerate}Comment: 22 page

    Low-degree tests at large distances

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    We define tests of boolean functions which distinguish between linear (or quadratic) polynomials, and functions which are very far, in an appropriate sense, from these polynomials. The tests have optimal or nearly optimal trade-offs between soundness and the number of queries. In particular, we show that functions with small Gowers uniformity norms behave ``randomly'' with respect to hypergraph linearity tests. A central step in our analysis of quadraticity tests is the proof of an inverse theorem for the third Gowers uniformity norm of boolean functions. The last result has also a coding theory application. It is possible to estimate efficiently the distance from the second-order Reed-Muller code on inputs lying far beyond its list-decoding radius

    Relaxed Locally Correctable Codes with Improved Parameters

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    Locally decodable codes (LDCs) are error-correcting codes C: ?^k ? ?? that admit a local decoding algorithm that recovers each individual bit of the message by querying only a few bits from a noisy codeword. An important question in this line of research is to understand the optimal trade-off between the query complexity of LDCs and their block length. Despite importance of these objects, the best known constructions of constant query LDCs have super-polynomial length, and there is a significant gap between the best constructions and the known lower bounds in terms of the block length. For many applications it suffices to consider the weaker notion of relaxed LDCs (RLDCs), which allows the local decoding algorithm to abort if by querying a few bits it detects that the input is not a codeword. This relaxation turned out to allow decoding algorithms with constant query complexity for codes with almost linear length. Specifically, [{Ben-Sasson} et al., 2006] constructed a q-query RLDC that encodes a message of length k using a codeword of block length n = O_q(k^{1+O(1/?q)}) for any sufficiently large q, where O_q(?) hides some constant that depends only on q. In this work we improve the parameters of [{Ben-Sasson} et al., 2006] by constructing a q-query RLDC that encodes a message of length k using a codeword of block length O_q(k^{1+O(1/{q})}) for any sufficiently large q. This construction matches (up to a multiplicative constant factor) the lower bounds of [Jonathan Katz and Trevisan, 2000; Woodruff, 2007] for constant query LDCs, thus making progress toward understanding the gap between LDCs and RLDCs in the constant query regime. In fact, our construction extends to the stronger notion of relaxed locally correctable codes (RLCCs), introduced in [Tom Gur et al., 2018], where given a noisy codeword the correcting algorithm either recovers each individual bit of the codeword by only reading a small part of the input, or aborts if the input is detected to be corrupt

    High rate locally-correctable and locally-testable codes with sub-polynomial query complexity

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    In this work, we construct the first locally-correctable codes (LCCs), and locally-testable codes (LTCs) with constant rate, constant relative distance, and sub-polynomial query complexity. Specifically, we show that there exist binary LCCs and LTCs with block length nn, constant rate (which can even be taken arbitrarily close to 1), constant relative distance, and query complexity exp(O~(logn))\exp(\tilde{O}(\sqrt{\log n})). Previously such codes were known to exist only with Ω(nβ)\Omega(n^{\beta}) query complexity (for constant β>0\beta > 0), and there were several, quite different, constructions known. Our codes are based on a general distance-amplification method of Alon and Luby~\cite{AL96_codes}. We show that this method interacts well with local correctors and testers, and obtain our main results by applying it to suitably constructed LCCs and LTCs in the non-standard regime of \emph{sub-constant relative distance}. Along the way, we also construct LCCs and LTCs over large alphabets, with the same query complexity exp(O~(logn))\exp(\tilde{O}(\sqrt{\log n})), which additionally have the property of approaching the Singleton bound: they have almost the best-possible relationship between their rate and distance. This has the surprising consequence that asking for a large alphabet error-correcting code to further be an LCC or LTC with exp(O~(logn))\exp(\tilde{O}(\sqrt{\log n})) query complexity does not require any sacrifice in terms of rate and distance! Such a result was previously not known for any o(n)o(n) query complexity. Our results on LCCs also immediately give locally-decodable codes (LDCs) with the same parameters