19 research outputs found

    Homotopy theory with bornological coarse spaces

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    We propose an axiomatic characterization of coarse homology theories defined on the category of bornological coarse spaces. We construct a category of motivic coarse spectra. Our focus is the classification of coarse homology theories and the construction of examples. We show that if a transformation between coarse homology theories induces an equivalence on all discrete bornological coarse spaces, then it is an equivalence on bornological coarse spaces of finite asymptotic dimension. The example of coarse K-homology will be discussed in detail.Comment: 220 pages (complete revision

    The infinite random simplicial complex

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    We study the Fraisse limit of the class of all finite simplicial complexes. Whilst the natural model-theoretic setting for this class uses an infinite language, a range of results associated with Fraisse limits of structures for finite languages carry across to this important example. We introduce the notion of a local class, with the class of finite simplicial complexes as an archetypal example, and in this general context prove the existence of a 0-1 law and other basic model-theoretic results. Constraining to the case where all relations are symmetric, we show that every direct limit of finite groups, and every metrizable profinite group, appears as a subgroup of the automorphism group of the Fraisse limit. Finally, for the specific case of simplicial complexes, we show that the geometric realisation is topologically surprisingly simple: despite the combinatorial complexity of the Fraisse limit, its geometric realisation is homeomorphic to the infinite simplex.Comment: 33 page

    Towards a Relativistic KMS Condition

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    It is shown that, under quite general conditions, thermal correlation functions in relativistic quantum field theory have stronger analyticity properties in configuration space than those imposed by the KMS-condition. These analyticity properties may be understood as a remnant of the relativistic spectrum condition in the vacuum sector and lead to a Lorentz-covariant formulation of the KMS-condition involving all space-time variables.Comment: TEX, 23 pages, figures omitted (e-print version of published paper

    Interdefinability of defeasible logic and logic programming under the well-founded semantics

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    We provide a method of translating theories of Nute's defeasible logic into logic programs, and a corresponding translation in the opposite direction. Under certain natural restrictions, the conclusions of defeasible theories under the ambiguity propagating defeasible logic ADL correspond to those of the well-founded semantics for normal logic programs, and so it turns out that the two formalisms are closely related. Using the same translation of logic programs into defeasible theories, the semantics for the ambiguity blocking defeasible logic NDL can be seen as indirectly providing an ambiguity blocking semantics for logic programs. We also provide antimonotone operators for both ADL and NDL, each based on the Gelfond-Lifschitz (GL) operator for logic programs. For defeasible theories without defeaters or priorities on rules, the operator for ADL corresponds to the GL operator and so can be seen as partially capturing the consequences according to ADL. Similarly, the operator for NDL captures the consequences according to NDL, though in this case no restrictions on theories apply. Both operators can be used to define stable model semantics for defeasible theories.Comment: 36 pages; To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    Linear-Time Verification of Data-Aware Processes Modulo Theories via Covers and Automata (Extended Version)

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    The need to model and analyse dynamic systems operating over complex data is ubiquitous in AI and neighboring areas, in particular business process management. Analysing such data-aware systems is a notoriously difficult problem, as they are intrinsically infinite-state. Existing approaches work for specific datatypes, and/or limit themselves to the verification of safety properties. In this paper, we lift both such limitations, studying for the first time linear-time verification for so-called data-aware processes modulo theories (DMTs), from the foundational and practical point of view. The DMT model is very general, as it supports processes operating over variables that can store arbitrary types of data, ranging over infinite domains and equipped with domain-specific predicates. Specifically, we provide four contributions. First, we devise a semi-decision procedure for linear-time verification of DMTs, which works for a very large class of datatypes obeying to mild model-theoretic assumptions. The procedure relies on a unique combination of automata-theoretic and cover computation techniques to respectively deal with linear-time properties and datatypes. Second, we identify an abstract, semantic property that guarantees the existence of a faithful finite-state abstraction of the original system, and show that our method becomes a decision procedure in this case. Third, we identify concrete, checkable classes of systems that satisfy this property, generalising several results in the literature. Finally, we present an implementation and a first experimental evaluation

    Admissibility of Π<sub>2</sub>-inference rules: Interpolation, model completion, and contact algebras

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    We devise three strategies for recognizing admissibility of non-standard inference rules via interpolation, uniform interpolation, and model completions. We apply our machinery to the case of symmetric implication calculus S2IC, where we also supply a finite axiomatization of the model completion of its algebraic counterpart, via the equivalent theory of contact algebras. Using this result we obtain a finite basis for admissible Π2-rules

    Some attempts at a direct reduction of the infinite to the (large) finite

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    I survey some endeavors which have been made to attain a sort of direct reduction of the usual notion of countable infinity to some reasonable notion of finiteness, in terms of nonstandard arithmetic, feasibility, pseudo-models of derivations, Ehrenfeucht star-models, etc. I maintain that although many interesting results have been obtained in these attempts, they ultimately show that (at least by the means considered here) no satisfactory reduction is possible

    Linearly ordered sets with only one operator have the amalgamation property

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    The class of linearly ordered sets with one order preserving unary operation has the Strong Amalgamation Property (SAP). The class of linearly ordered sets with one strict order preserving unary operation has AP but not SAP. The class of linearly ordered sets with two order preserving unary operations has not AP. For every set FF, the class of linearly ordered sets with an FF-indexed family of automorphisms has SAP. Corresponding results are proved in the case of order reversing operations. Various subclasses of the above classes are considered and some model-theoretical consequences are presented.Comment: v2 minor fixe