6 research outputs found

    Locally Consistent Parsing for Text Indexing in Small Space

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    We consider two closely related problems of text indexing in a sub-linear working space. The first problem is the Sparse Suffix Tree (SST) construction of a set of suffixes BB using only O(B)O(|B|) words of space. The second problem is the Longest Common Extension (LCE) problem, where for some parameter 1τn1\le\tau\le n, the goal is to construct a data structure that uses O(nτ)O(\frac {n}{\tau}) words of space and can compute the longest common prefix length of any pair of suffixes. We show how to use ideas based on the Locally Consistent Parsing technique, that was introduced by Sahinalp and Vishkin [STOC '94], in some non-trivial ways in order to improve the known results for the above problems. We introduce new Las-Vegas and deterministic algorithms for both problems. We introduce the first Las-Vegas SST construction algorithm that takes O(n)O(n) time. This is an improvement over the last result of Gawrychowski and Kociumaka [SODA '17] who obtained O(n)O(n) time for Monte-Carlo algorithm, and O(nlogB)O(n\sqrt{\log |B|}) time for Las-Vegas algorithm. In addition, we introduce a randomized Las-Vegas construction for an LCE data structure that can be constructed in linear time and answers queries in O(τ)O(\tau) time. For the deterministic algorithms, we introduce an SST construction algorithm that takes O(nlognB)O(n\log \frac{n}{|B|}) time (for B=Ω(logn)|B|=\Omega(\log n)). This is the first almost linear time, O(npolylogn)O(n\cdot poly\log{n}), deterministic SST construction algorithm, where all previous algorithms take at least Ω(min{nB,n2B})\Omega\left(\min\{n|B|,\frac{n^2}{|B|}\}\right) time. For the LCE problem, we introduce a data structure that answers LCE queries in O(τlogn)O(\tau\sqrt{\log^*n}) time, with O(nlogτ)O(n\log\tau) construction time (for τ=O(nlogn)\tau=O(\frac{n}{\log n})). This data structure improves both query time and construction time upon the results of Tanimura et al. [CPM '16].Comment: Extended abstract to appear is SODA 202

    String Synchronizing Sets: Sublinear-Time BWT Construction and Optimal LCE Data Structure

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    Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) is an invertible text transformation that, given a text TT of length nn, permutes its symbols according to the lexicographic order of suffixes of TT. BWT is one of the most heavily studied algorithms in data compression with numerous applications in indexing, sequence analysis, and bioinformatics. Its construction is a bottleneck in many scenarios, and settling the complexity of this task is one of the most important unsolved problems in sequence analysis that has remained open for 25 years. Given a binary string of length nn, occupying O(n/logn)O(n/\log n) machine words, the BWT construction algorithm due to Hon et al. (SIAM J. Comput., 2009) runs in O(n)O(n) time and O(n/logn)O(n/\log n) space. Recent advancements (Belazzougui, STOC 2014, and Munro et al., SODA 2017) focus on removing the alphabet-size dependency in the time complexity, but they still require Ω(n)\Omega(n) time. In this paper, we propose the first algorithm that breaks the O(n)O(n)-time barrier for BWT construction. Given a binary string of length nn, our procedure builds the Burrows-Wheeler transform in O(n/logn)O(n/\sqrt{\log n}) time and O(n/logn)O(n/\log n) space. We complement this result with a conditional lower bound proving that any further progress in the time complexity of BWT construction would yield faster algorithms for the very well studied problem of counting inversions: it would improve the state-of-the-art O(mlogm)O(m\sqrt{\log m})-time solution by Chan and P\v{a}tra\c{s}cu (SODA 2010). Our algorithm is based on a novel concept of string synchronizing sets, which is of independent interest. As one of the applications, we show that this technique lets us design a data structure of the optimal size O(n/logn)O(n/\log n) that answers Longest Common Extension queries (LCE queries) in O(1)O(1) time and, furthermore, can be deterministically constructed in the optimal O(n/logn)O(n/\log n) time.Comment: Full version of a paper accepted to STOC 201

    Internal Shortest Absent Word Queries in Constant Time and Linear Space

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    International audienceGiven a string T of length n over an alphabet Σ ⊂ {1, 2,. .. , n O(1) } of size σ, we are to preprocess T so that given a range [i, j], we can return a representation of a shortest string over Σ that is absent in the fragment T [i] • • • T [j] of T. We present an O(n)-space data structure that answers such queries in constant time and can be constructed in O(n log σ n) time