22 research outputs found

    Uniform Penalty inversion of two-dimensional NMR Relaxation data

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    The inversion of two-dimensional NMR data is an ill-posed problem related to the numerical computation of the inverse Laplace transform. In this paper we present the 2DUPEN algorithm that extends the Uniform Penalty (UPEN) algorithm [Borgia, Brown, Fantazzini, {\em Journal of Magnetic Resonance}, 1998] to two-dimensional data. The UPEN algorithm, defined for the inversion of one-dimensional NMR relaxation data, uses Tikhonov-like regularization and optionally non-negativity constraints in order to implement locally adapted regularization. In this paper, we analyze the regularization properties of this approach. Moreover, we extend the one-dimensional UPEN algorithm to the two-dimensional case and present an efficient implementation based on the Newton Projection method. Without any a-priori information on the noise norm, 2DUPEN automatically computes the locally adapted regularization parameters and the distribution of the unknown NMR parameters by using variable smoothing. Results of numerical experiments on simulated and real data are presented in order to illustrate the potential of the proposed method in reconstructing peaks and flat regions with the same accuracy

    Shape Constrained Regularisation by Statistical Multiresolution for Inverse Problems: Asymptotic Analysis

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    This paper is concerned with a novel regularisation technique for solving linear ill-posed operator equations in Hilbert spaces from data that is corrupted by white noise. We combine convex penalty functionals with extreme-value statistics of projections of the residuals on a given set of sub-spaces in the image-space of the operator. We prove general consistency and convergence rate results in the framework of Bregman-divergences which allows for a vast range of penalty functionals. Various examples that indicate the applicability of our approach will be discussed. We will illustrate in the context of signal and image processing that the presented method constitutes a locally adaptive reconstruction method

    Near-optimal Compressed Sensing Guarantees for Total Variation Minimization

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    Consider the problem of reconstructing a multidimensional signal from an underdetermined set of measurements, as in the setting of compressed sensing. Without any additional assumptions, this problem is ill-posed. However, for signals such as natural images or movies, the minimal total variation estimate consistent with the measurements often produces a good approximation to the underlying signal, even if the number of measurements is far smaller than the ambient dimensionality. This paper extends recent reconstruction guarantees for two-dimensional images x ∈ ℂN2 to signals x ∈ ℂNd of arbitrary dimension d ≥ 2 and to isotropic total variation problems. In this paper, we show that a multidimensional signal x ∈ ℂNd can be reconstructed from O(s dlog(Nd)) linear measurements y = Ax using total variation minimization to a factor of the best s-term approximation of its gradient. The reconstruction guarantees we provide are necessarily optimal up to polynomial factors in the spatial dimension d

    Near-optimal compressed sensing guarantees for anisotropic and isotropic total variation minimization

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    Consider the problem of reconstructing a multidimensional signal from partial information, as in the setting of compressed sensing. Without any additional assumptions, this problem is ill-posed. However, for signals such as natural images or movies, the minimal total variation estimate consistent with the measurements often produces a good approximation to the underlying signal, even if the number of measurements is far smaller than the ambient dimensionality. Recently, guarantees for two-dimensional images were established. This paper extends these theoretical results to signals of arbitrary dimension and to both the anisotropic and isotropic total variation problems. To be precise, we show that a multidimensional signal can be reconstructed from a small number of linear measurements using total variation minimization to within a factor of the best approximation of its gradient. The reconstruction guarantees we provide are necessarily optimal up to polynomial factors in the spatial dimension and a logarithmic factor in the signal dimension. The proof relies on bounds in approximation theory concerning the compressibility of wavelet expansions of bounded-variation functions

    Multicontrast MRI reconstruction with structure-guided total variation

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a versatile imaging technique that allows different contrasts depending on the acquisition parameters. Many clinical imaging studies acquire MRI data for more than one of these contrasts---such as for instance T1 and T2 weighted images---which makes the overall scanning procedure very time consuming. As all of these images show the same underlying anatomy one can try to omit unnecessary measurements by taking the similarity into account during reconstruction. We will discuss two modifications of total variation---based on i) location and ii) direction---that take structural a priori knowledge into account and reduce to total variation in the degenerate case when no structural knowledge is available. We solve the resulting convex minimization problem with the alternating direction method of multipliers that separates the forward operator from the prior. For both priors the corresponding proximal operator can be implemented as an extension of the fast gradient projection method on the dual problem for total variation. We tested the priors on six data sets that are based on phantoms and real MRI images. In all test cases exploiting the structural information from the other contrast yields better results than separate reconstruction with total variation in terms of standard metrics like peak signal-to-noise ratio and structural similarity index. Furthermore, we found that exploiting the two dimensional directional information results in images with well defined edges, superior to those reconstructed solely using a priori information about the edge location.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Grant ID: EP/H046410/1)This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics via http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/15M1047325

    Statistical Multiresolution Estimation for Variational Imaging: With an Application in Poisson-Biophotonics

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    In this paper we present a spatially-adaptive method for image reconstruction that is based on the concept of statistical multiresolution estimation as introduced in [Frick K, Marnitz P, and Munk A. "Statistical multiresolution Dantzig estimation in imaging: Fundamental concepts and algorithmic framework". Electron. J. Stat., 6:231-268, 2012]. It constitutes a variational regularization technique that uses an supremum-type distance measure as data-fidelity combined with a convex cost functional. The resulting convex optimization problem is approached by a combination of an inexact alternating direction method of multipliers and Dykstra's projection algorithm. We describe a novel method for balancing data-fit and regularity that is fully automatic and allows for a sound statistical interpretation. The performance of our estimation approach is studied for various problems in imaging. Among others, this includes deconvolution problems that arise in Poisson nanoscale fluorescence microscopy