495 research outputs found

    Full-Duplex Wireless for 6G: Progress Brings New Opportunities and Challenges

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    The use of in-band full-duplex (FD) enables nodes to simultaneously transmit and receive on the same frequency band, which challenges the traditional assumption in wireless network design. The full-duplex capability enhances spectral efficiency and decreases latency, which are two key drivers pushing the performance expectations of next-generation mobile networks. In less than ten years, in-band FD has advanced from being demonstrated in research labs to being implemented in standards and products, presenting new opportunities to utilize its foundational concepts. Some of the most significant opportunities include using FD to enable wireless networks to sense the physical environment, integrate sensing and communication applications, develop integrated access and backhaul solutions, and work with smart signal propagation environments powered by reconfigurable intelligent surfaces. However, these new opportunities also come with new challenges for large-scale commercial deployment of FD technology, such as managing self-interference, combating cross-link interference in multi-cell networks, and coexistence of dynamic time division duplex, subband FD and FD networks.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, accepted to an IEEE Journa

    SCATTER PHY : an open source physical layer for the DARPA spectrum collaboration challenge

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    DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency from the United States, has started the Spectrum Collaboration Challenge with the aim to encourage research and development of coexistence and collaboration techniques of heterogeneous networks in the same wireless spectrum bands. Team SCATTER has been participating in the challenge since its beginning, back in 2016. SCATTER's open-source software defined physical layer (SCATTER PHY) has been developed as a standalone application, with the ability to communicate with higher layers through a set of well defined messages (created with Google's Protocol buffers) and that exchanged over a ZeroMQ bus. This approach allows upper layers to access it remotely or locally and change all parameters in real time through the control messages. SCATTER PHY runs on top of USRP based software defined radio devices (i.e., devices from Ettus or National Instruments) to send and receive wireless signals. It is a highly optimized and real-time configurable SDR based PHY layer that can be used for the research and development of novel intelligent spectrum sharing schemes and algorithms. The main objective of making SCATTER PHY available to the research and development community is to provide a solution that can be used out of the box to devise disruptive algorithms and techniques to optimize the sub-optimal use of the radio spectrum that exists today. This way, researchers and developers can mainly focus their attention on the development of smarter (i.e., intelligent algorithms and techniques) spectrum sharing approaches. Therefore, in this paper, we describe the design and main features of SCATTER PHY and showcase several experiments performed to assess the effectiveness and performance of the proposed PHY layer

    Design of a Drone-Flight-Enabled Wireless Isolation Chamber

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    The next wave of drone applications is moving from repeatable, single-drone activities such as evaluating propagation environments to team-based, multi-drone objectives such as drone-based emergency services. In parallel, testbeds have sought to evaluate emerging concepts such as highly-directional and distributed wireless communications. However, there is a lack of intersection between the two works to characterize the impact of the drone body, antenna placement, swarm topologies, and multi-dimensional connectivity needs that require in-flight experimentation with a surrounding testbed infrastructure. In this work, we design a drone-flight-enabled isolation chamber to capture complex spatial wireless channel relationships that drone links experience as applications scale from single-drone to swarm-level networks within a shared three-dimensional space. Driven by the challenges of outdoor experimentation, we identify the need for a highly-controlled indoor environment where external factors can be mitigated. To do so, we first build an open-source drone platform to provide programmable control with visibility into the internal flight control system and sensors enabling specialized coordination and accurate repeatable positioning within the isolated environment. We then design a wireless data acquisition system and integrate distributed software defined radios (SDRs) in order to inspect multi-dimensional wireless behavior from the surrounding area. Finally, we achieve and demonstrate the value of measurement perspectives from diverse altitudes and spatial locations with the same notion of time

    A survey of symbiotic radio: Methodologies, applications, and future directions

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    The sixth generation (6G) wireless technology aims to achieve global connectivity with environmentally sustainable networks to improve the overall quality of life. The driving force behind these networks is the rapid evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT), which has led to a proliferation of wireless applications across various domains through the massive deployment of IoT devices. The major challenge is to support these devices with limited radio spectrum and energy-efficient communication. Symbiotic radio (SRad) technology is a promising solution that enables cooperative resource-sharing among radio systems through symbiotic relationships. By fostering mutualistic and competitive resource sharing, SRad technology enables the achievement of both common and individual objectives among the different systems. It is a cutting-edge approach that allows for the creation of new paradigms and efficient resource sharing and management. In this article, we present a detailed survey of SRad with the goal of offering valuable insights for future research and applications. To achieve this, we delve into the fundamental concepts of SRad technology, including radio symbiosis and its symbiotic relationships for coexistence and resource sharing among radio systems. We then review the state-of-the-art methodologies in-depth and introduce potential applications. Finally, we identify and discuss the open challenges and future research directions in this field

    Study of Techniques For Reliable Data Transmission In Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This thesis addresses the problem of traffic transfer in wireless sensor networks (WSN). In such networks, the foremost challenge in the design of data communication techniques is that the sensor's transceiver circuitry consumes the major portion of the available power. Thus, due to stringent limitations on the nodes' hardware and power resources in WSN, data transmission must be power-efficient in order to reduce the nodes' power consumption, and hence to maximize the network lifetime while satisfying the required data rate. The transmit power is itself under the influence of data rate and source-destination distance. Thanks to the dense deployment of nodes in WSN, multi-hop communication can be applied to mitigate the transmit power for sending bits of information, i.e., gathered data by the sensor nodes to the destination node (gateway) compared to single-hop scenarios. In our approach, we achieve a reasonable trade-off between power-efficiency and transmission data rate by devising cooperative communication strategies through which the network traffic (i.e. nodes' gathered information) is relayed hop-by-hop to the gateway. In such strategies, the sensor nodes serve as data originator as well as data router, and assist the data transfer from the sensors to the gateway. We develop several data transmission schemes, and we prove their capability in transmitting the data from the sensor nodes at the highest possible rates allowed by the network limitations. In particular, we consider that (i) network has linear or quasi-linear topology, (ii) nodes are equipped with half-duplex radios, implying that they cannot transmit and receive simultaneously, (iii) nodes transmit their traffic at the same average rate. We compute the average data rate corresponding to each proposed strategy. Next, we take an information-theoretic approach and derive an upper bound to the achievable rate of traffic transfer in the networks under consideration, and analyze its tightness. We show that our proposed strategies outperform the conventional multi-hop scheme, and their average achievable rate approaches the upper bound at low levels of signal to noise ratio
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