2,126 research outputs found

    Improved Correction Localization Algorithm Based on Dynamic Weighted Centroid for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Abstract: For wireless sensor network applications that require location information for sensor nodes, locations of nodes can be estimated by a number of localization algorithms. However, precise location information may be unavailable due to the constraint in energy, computation, or terrain. An improved correction localization algorithm based on dynamic weighted centroid for wireless sensor networks was proposed in this paper. The idea is that each anchor node computes its position error through its neighbor anchor nodes in its range, the position error will be transform to distance error, according the distance between unknown node and anchor node and the anchor node's distance error, the dynamic weighted value will be computed. For each unknown node, it can use the coordinate of anchor node in its range and the dynamic weighted value to compute it's coordinate. Simulation results show that the localization accuracy of the proposed algorithm is better than the traditional centroid localization algorithm and weighted centroid localization algorithm, the position error of three algorithms is decreased along radius increasing, where the decreased trend of our algorithm is significant

    LIS: Localization based on an intelligent distributed fuzzy system applied to a WSN

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    The localization of the sensor nodes is a fundamental problem in wireless sensor networks. There are a lot of different kinds of solutions in the literature. Some of them use external devices like GPS, while others use special hardware or implicit parameters in wireless communications. In applications like wildlife localization in a natural environment, where the power available and the weight are big restrictions, the use of hungry energy devices like GPS or hardware that add extra weight like mobile directional antenna is not a good solution. Due to these reasons it would be better to use the localization’s implicit characteristics in communications, such as connectivity, number of hops or RSSI. The measurement related to these parameters are currently integrated in most radio devices. These measurement techniques are based on the beacons’ transmissions between the devices. In the current study, a novel tracking distributed method, called LIS, for localization of the sensor nodes using moving devices in a network of static nodes, which have no additional hardware requirements is proposed. The position is obtained with the combination of two algorithms; one based on a local node using a fuzzy system to obtain a partial solution and the other based on a centralized method which merges all the partial solutions. The centralized algorithm is based on the calculation of the centroid of the partial solutions. Advantages of using fuzzy system versus the classical Centroid Localization (CL) algorithm without fuzzy preprocessing are compared with an ad hoc simulator made for testing localization algorithms. With this simulator, it is demonstrated that the proposed method obtains less localization errors and better accuracy than the centroid algorithm.Junta de Andalucía P07-TIC-0247

    Sparse Localization with a Mobile Beacon Based on LU Decomposition in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Node localization is the core in wireless sensor network. It can be solved by powerful beacons, which are equipped with global positioning system devices to know their location information. In this article, we present a novel sparse localization approach with a mobile beacon based on LU decomposition. Our scheme firstly translates node localization problem into a 1-sparse vector recovery problem by establishing sparse localization model. Then, LU decomposition pre-processing is adopted to solve the problem that measurement matrix does not meet the re¬stricted isometry property. Later, the 1-sparse vector can be exactly recovered by compressive sensing. Finally, as the 1-sparse vector is approximate sparse, weighted Cen¬troid scheme is introduced to accurately locate the node. Simulation and analysis show that our scheme has better localization performance and lower requirement for the mobile beacon than MAP+GC, MAP-M, and MAP-M&N schemes. In addition, the obstacles and DOI have little effect on the novel scheme, and it has great localization performance under low SNR, thus, the scheme proposed is robust

    Locating sensors with fuzzy logic algorithms

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    In a system formed by hundreds of sensors deployed in a huge area it is important to know the position where every sensor is. This information can be obtained using several methods. However, if the number of sensors is high and the deployment is based on ad-hoc manner, some auto-locating techniques must be implemented. In this paper we describe a novel algorithm based on fuzzy logic with the objective of estimating the location of sensors according to the knowledge of the position of some reference nodes. This algorithm, called LIS (Localization based on Intelligent Sensors) is executed distributively along a wireless sensor network formed by hundreds of nodes, covering a huge area. The evaluation of LIS is led by simulation tests. The result obtained shows that LIS is a promising method that can easily solve the problem of knowing where the sensors are located.Junta de Andalucía P07-TIC-0247

    A New RSSI-based Centroid Localization Algorithm by Use of Virtual Reference Tags

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    A good design of node location is critical for efficient and effective wireless communications. This paper presents an improved algorithm, in order to solve the low localization accuracy caused by traditional centroid algorithm. The improved algorithm combined with VIRE system and traditional centroid algorithm. The VIRE algorithm is introduced and the signal propagation model is utilized to construct virtual reference tags in the location area. Simulation shows that this further developed algorithm has further improved the accuracy of positioning up to 35.12% compared to the traditional centroid algorithm. It is concluded that this algorithm can further improve the locating accuracy in comparison with the original centroid algorithm

    Reference Nodes Selection for Anchor-Free Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Dizertační práce se zabývá návrhem nového bezkotevního lokalizačního algoritmu sloužícího pro výpočet pozice uzlů v bezdrátových senzorových sítích. Provedené studie ukázaly, že dosavadní bezkotevní lokalizační algoritmy, pracující v paralelním režimu, dosahují malých lokalizačních chyb. Jejich nevýhodou ovšem je, že při sestavení množiny referenčních uzlu spotřebovávají daleko větší množství energie než algoritmy pracující v inkrementálním režimu. Paralelní lokalizační algoritmy využívají pro určení pozice referenční uzly nacházející se na protilehlých hranách bezdrátové sítě. Nový lokalizační algoritmus označený jako BRL (Boundary Recognition aided Localization) je založen na myšlence decentralizovaně detekovat uzly ležící na hranici síti a pouze z této množiny vybrat potřebný počet referenčních uzlu. Pomocí navrženého přístupu lze znažně snížit množství energie spotřebované v průběhu procesu výběru referenčních uzlů v senzorovém poli. Dalším přínosem ke snížení energetických nároku a zároveň zachování nízké lokalizační chyby je využití procesu multilaterace se třemi, eventuálně čtyřmi referenčními body. V rámci práce byly provedeny simulace několika dílčích algoritmu a jejich funkčnost byla ověřena experimentálně v reálné senzorové síti. Navržený algoritmus BRL byl porovnán z hlediska lokalizační chyby a počtu zpracovaných paketů s několika známými lokalizačními algoritmy. Výsledky simulací dokázaly, že navržený algoritmus představuje efektivní řešení pro přesnou a zároveň nízkoenergetickou lokalizaci uzlů v bezdrátových senzorových sítích.The doctoral thesis is focused on a design of a novel anchor free localization algorithm for wireless sensor networks. As introduction, the incremental and concurrent anchor free localization algorithms are presented and their performance is compared. It was found that contemporary anchor free localization algorithms working in the concurrent manner achieve a low localization error, but dissipate signicant energy reserves. A new Boundary Recognition Aided Localization algorithm presented in this thesis is based on an idea to recognize the nodes placed on the boundary of network and thus reduce the number of transmission realized during the reference nodes selection phase of the algorithm. For the position estimation, the algorithm employs the multilateration technique that work eectively with the low number of the reference nodes. Proposed algorithms are tested through the simulations and validated by the real experiment with the wireless sensor network. The novel Boundary Recognition Aided Localization algorithm is compared with the known algorithms in terms of localization error and the communication cost. The results show that the novel algorithm presents powerful solution for the anchor free localization.

    A Robust Zero-Calibration RF-based Localization System for Realistic Environments

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    Due to the noisy indoor radio propagation channel, Radio Frequency (RF)-based location determination systems usually require a tedious calibration phase to construct an RF fingerprint of the area of interest. This fingerprint varies with the used mobile device, changes of the transmit power of smart access points (APs), and dynamic changes in the environment; requiring re-calibration of the area of interest; which reduces the technology ease of use. In this paper, we present IncVoronoi: a novel system that can provide zero-calibration accurate RF-based indoor localization that works in realistic environments. The basic idea is that the relative relation between the received signal strength from two APs at a certain location reflects the relative distance from this location to the respective APs. Building on this, IncVoronoi incrementally reduces the user ambiguity region based on refining the Voronoi tessellation of the area of interest. IncVoronoi also includes a number of modules to efficiently run in realtime as well as to handle practical deployment issues including the noisy wireless environment, obstacles in the environment, heterogeneous devices hardware, and smart APs. We have deployed IncVoronoi on different Android phones using the iBeacons technology in a university campus. Evaluation of IncVoronoi with a side-by-side comparison with traditional fingerprinting techniques shows that it can achieve a consistent median accuracy of 2.8m under different scenarios with a low beacon density of one beacon every 44m2. Compared to fingerprinting techniques, whose accuracy degrades by at least 156%, this accuracy comes with no training overhead and is robust to the different user devices, different transmit powers, and over temporal changes in the environment. This highlights the promise of IncVoronoi as a next generation indoor localization system.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figures, published in SECON 201