4 research outputs found

    Parallelization for image processing algorithms based chain and mid-crack codes

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    Freeman chain code is a widely-used description for a contour image. Another mid-crack code algorithm was proposed as a more precise method for image representation. We have developed a coding algorithm which is suitable to generate either chain code description or mid-crack code description by switching between two different tables. Since there is a strong urge to use parallel processing in image related problems, a parallel coding algorithm is implemented. This algorithm is developed on a pyramid architecture and a N cube architecture. Using link-list data structure and neighbor identification, the algorithm gains efficiency because no sorting or neighborhood pairing is needed. In this dissertation, the local symmetry deficiency (LSD) computation to calculate the local k-symmetry is embedded in the coding algorithm. Therefore, we can finish the code extraction and the LSD computation in one pass. The embedding process is not limited to the k-symmetry algorithm and has the capability of parallelism. An adaptive quadtree to chain code conversion algorithm is also presented. This algorithm is designed for constructing the chain codes of the resulting quadtree from the boolean operation of two quadtrees by using the chain codes of the original one. The algorithm has the parallelism and is ready to be implemented on a pyramid architecture. Our parallel processing approach can be viewed as a parallelization paradigm - a template to embed image processing algorithms in the chain coding process and to implement them in a parallel approach

    Clasificaci贸n autom谩tica de anomal铆as asociadas con ausencia de informaci贸n en superficies tridimensionales de objetos de forma libre

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    En este trabajo se propone un m茅todo computacional para clasificar anomal铆as relacionadas con ausencia de informaci贸n sobre modelos tridimensionales de forma libre. Para ello, se hizo una exploraci贸n descriptiva de las propiedades geom茅tricas globales y locales de las anomal铆as y una evaluaci贸n posterior de distintos m茅todos de clasificaci贸n utilizados en visi贸n artificial y aplicaciones de reconstrucci贸n tridimensional. El m茅todo propuesto logra un nivel de clasificaci贸n cercano al 90% y un tiempo de ejecuci贸n de alrededor de 100 milisegundos. Restringir la clasificaci贸n de acuerdo a la aplicaci贸n en espec铆fico se propone como trabajo futuro./Abstract. In this work it is proposed a computational method to classify anomalies related with information absence over free-form tridimensional models. For that, it was made a descriptive exploration of global and local geometric properties of anomalies and a posterior evaluation of different classification methods widely used in artificial vision and tridimensional reconstruction applications. The proposed method achieved a classification level near to 90% and an execution time near to 100 miliseconds. Constrain classification according to the specific application is suggested as future work.Maestr铆

    Rainfall estimation for hydrology using volumetric weather radar

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    This thesis focuses specifically on weather radar rainfall measurements in strati form precipitation. In North-Western Europe this type of precipitation is most dominant in winter and leads to the largest hydro logical response of catchments. Unfortunately, the quality of uncorrected radar rainfall estimates starts decreasing at relatively close range from the radar for this type of precipitation. Therefore, as a first approach, a number of previously proposed radar error correction algorithms were applied in this thesis. The implementation of these methods shows a positive impact on the quality of the obtained precipitation measurements as compared to rain gauges. However, the traditional approach of applying a uniform Eulerian based algorithm for the entire radar umbrella to correct for VPR, limits its impact to improve the corrected weather radar precipitation measurement