52,438 research outputs found

    Simple Axioms for Local Properties

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    Correspondence theory allows us to create sound and complete axiomatizations for modal logic on frames with certain properties. For example, if we restrict ourselves to transitive frames we should add the axiom ϕϕ\square \phi \rightarrow \square\square\phi which, among other things, can be interpreted as positive introspection. One limitation of this technique is that the frame property and the axiom are assumed to hold globally, i.e., the relation is transitive throughout the frame, and the agent's knowledge satisfies positive introspection in every world. In a modal logic with local properties, we can reason about properties that are not global. So, for example, transitivity might hold only in certain parts of the model and, as a result, the agent's knowledge might satisfy positive introspection in some worlds but not in others. Van Ditmarsch et al. (2012) introduced sound and complete axiomatizations for modal logics with certain local properties. Unfortunately, those axiomatizations are rather complex. Here, we introduce far simpler axiomatizations for a wide range of local properties.Comment: In Proceedings TARK 2023, arXiv:2307.0400

    A Fixpoint Calculus for Local and Global Program Flows

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    We define a new fixpoint modal logic, the visibly pushdown μ-calculus (VP-μ), as an extension of the modal μ-calculus. The models of this logic are execution trees of structured programs where the procedure calls and returns are made visible. This new logic can express pushdown specifications on the model that its classical counterpart cannot, and is motivated by recent work on visibly pushdown languages [4]. We show that our logic naturally captures several interesting program specifications in program verification and dataflow analysis. This includes a variety of program specifications such as computing combinations of local and global program flows, pre/post conditions of procedures, security properties involving the context stack, and interprocedural dataflow analysis properties. The logic can capture flow-sensitive and inter-procedural analysis, and it has constructs that allow skipping procedure calls so that local flows in a procedure can also be tracked. The logic generalizes the semantics of the modal μ-calculus by considering summaries instead of nodes as first-class objects, with appropriate constructs for concatenating summaries, and naturally captures the way in which pushdown models are model-checked. The main result of the paper is that the model-checking problem for VP-μ is effectively solvable against pushdown models with no more effort than that required for weaker logics such as CTL. We also investigate the expressive power of the logic VP-μ: we show that it encompasses all properties expressed by a corresponding pushdown temporal logic on linear structures (caret [2]) as well as by the classical μ-calculus. This makes VP-μ the most expressive known program logic for which algorithmic software model checking is feasible. In fact, the decidability of most known program logics (μ-calculus, temporal logics LTL and CTL, caret, etc.) can be understood by their interpretation in the monadic second-order logic over trees. This is not true for the logic VP-μ, making it a new powerful tractable program logic

    Inquisitive bisimulation

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    Inquisitive modal logic InqML is a generalisation of standard Kripke-style modal logic. In its epistemic incarnation, it extends standard epistemic logic to capture not just the information that agents have, but also the questions that they are interested in. Technically, InqML fits within the family of logics based on team semantics. From a model-theoretic perspective, it takes us a step in the direction of monadic second-order logic, as inquisitive modal operators involve quantification over sets of worlds. We introduce and investigate the natural notion of bisimulation equivalence in the setting of InqML. We compare the expressiveness of InqML and first-order logic in the context of relational structures with two sorts, one for worlds and one for information states. We characterise inquisitive modal logic, as well as its multi-agent epistemic S5-like variant, as the bisimulation invariant fragment of first-order logic over various natural classes of two-sorted structures. These results crucially require non-classical methods in studying bisimulation and first-order expressiveness over non-elementary classes of structures, irrespective of whether we aim for characterisations in the sense of classical or of finite model theory

    A Topological Study of Contextuality and Modality in Quantum Mechanics

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    Kochen-Specker theorem rules out the non-contextual assignment of values to physical magnitudes. Here we enrich the usual orthomodular structure of quantum mechanical propositions with modal operators. This enlargement allows to refer consistently to actual and possible properties of the system. By means of a topological argument, more precisely in terms of the existence of sections of sheaves, we give an extended version of Kochen-Specker theorem over this new structure. This allows us to prove that contextuality remains a central feature even in the enriched propositional system.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, submitted to I. J. Th. Phy