146 research outputs found

    Stratified graphs for imbedding systems

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    AbstractTwo imbeddings of a graph G are considered to be adjacent if the second can be obtained from the first by moving one or both ends of a single edge within its or their respective rotations. Thus, a collection of imbeddings S of G, called a ‘system’, may be represented as a ‘stratified graph’, and denoted SG; the focus here is the case in which S is the collection of all orientable imbeddings. The induced subgraph of SG on the set of imbeddings into the surface of genus k is called the ‘kth stratum’, and the cardinality of that set of imbeddings is called the ‘stratum size’; one may observe that the sequence of stratum sizes is precisely the genus distribution for the graph G. It is known that the genus distribution is not a complete invariant, even when the category of graphs is restricted to be simplicial and 3-connected. However, it is proved herein that the link of each point — that is, the subgraph induced by its neighbors — of SG is a complete isomorphism invariant for the category of graphs whose minimum valence is at least three. This supports the plausibility of a probabilistic approach to graph isomorphism testing by sampling higher-order imbedding distribution data. A detailed structural analysis of stratified graphs is presented

    Generalized topological simplification of scalar fields on surfaces

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    pre-printWe present a combinatorial algorithm for the general topological simplification of scalar fields on surfaces. Given a scalar field f, our algorithm generates a simplified field g that provably admits only critical points from a constrained subset of the singularities of f, while guaranteeing a small distance ||f - g||∞ for data-fitting purpose. In contrast to previous algorithms, our approach is oblivious to the strategy used for selecting features of interest and allows critical points to be removed arbitrarily. When topological persistence is used to select the features of interest, our algorithm produces a standard ϵ-simplification. Our approach is based on a new iterative algorithm for the constrained reconstruction of sub- and sur-level sets. Extensive experiments show that the number of iterations required for our algorithm to converge is rarely greater than 2 and never greater than 5, yielding O(n log(n)) practical time performances. The algorithm handles triangulated surfaces with or without boundary and is robust to the presence of multi-saddles in the input. It is simple to implement, fast in practice and more general than previous techniques. Practically, our approach allows a user to arbitrarily simplify the topology of an input function and robustly generate the corresponding simplified function. An appealing application area of our algorithm is in scalar field design since it enables, without any threshold parameter, the robust pruning of topological noise as selected by the user. This is needed for example to get rid of inaccuracies introduced by numerical solvers, thereby providing topological guarantees needed for certified geometry processing. Experiments show this ability to eliminate numerical noise as well as validate the time efficiency and accuracy of our algorithm. We provide a lightweight C++ implementation as supplemental material that can be used for topological cleaning on surface meshes

    Simple Greedy 2-Approximation Algorithm for the Maximum Genus of a Graph

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    The maximum genus gamma_M(G) of a graph G is the largest genus of an orientable surface into which G has a cellular embedding. Combinatorially, it coincides with the maximum number of disjoint pairs of adjacent edges of G whose removal results in a connected spanning subgraph of G. In this paper we describe a greedy 2-approximation algorithm for maximum genus by proving that removing pairs of adjacent edges from G arbitrarily while retaining connectedness leads to at least gamma_M(G)/2 pairs of edges removed. As a consequence of our approach we also obtain a 2-approximate counterpart of Xuong\u27s combinatorial characterisation of maximum genus

    Random Embeddings of Graphs: The Expected Number of Faces in Most Graphs is Logarithmic

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    A random 2-cell embedding of a connected graph GG in some orientable surface is obtained by choosing a random local rotation around each vertex. Under this setup, the number of faces or the genus of the corresponding 2-cell embedding becomes a random variable. Random embeddings of two particular graph classes -- those of a bouquet of nn loops and those of nn parallel edges connecting two vertices -- have been extensively studied and are well-understood. However, little is known about more general graphs despite their important connections with central problems in mainstream mathematics and in theoretical physics (see [Lando & Zvonkin, Springer 2004]). There are also tight connections with problems in computing (random generation, approximation algorithms). The results of this paper, in particular, explain why Monte Carlo methods (see, e.g., [Gross & Tucker, Ann. NY Acad. Sci 1979] and [Gross & Rieper, JGT 1991]) cannot work for approximating the minimum genus of graphs. In his breakthrough work ([Stahl, JCTB 1991] and a series of other papers), Stahl developed the foundation of "random topological graph theory". Most of his results have been unsurpassed until today. In our work, we analyze the expected number of faces of random embeddings (equivalently, the average genus) of a graph GG. It was very recently shown [Campion Loth & Mohar, arXiv 2022] that for any graph GG, the expected number of faces is at most linear. We show that the actual expected number of faces is usually much smaller. In particular, we prove the following results: 1) 12lnn2<E[F(Kn)]3.65lnn\frac{1}{2}\ln n - 2 < \mathbb{E}[F(K_n)] \le 3.65\ln n, for nn sufficiently large. This greatly improves Stahl's n+lnnn+\ln n upper bound for this case. 2) For random models B(n,Δ)B(n,\Delta) containing only graphs, whose maximum degree is at most Δ\Delta, we show that the expected number of faces is Θ(lnn)\Theta(\ln n).Comment: 44 pages, 6 figure

    Lectures on Groups of Symplectomorphisms

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    These notes combine material from short lecture courses given in Paris, France, in July 2001 and in Srni, the Czech Republic, in January 2003. They discuss groups of symplectomorphisms of closed symplectic manifolds (M,\om) from various points of view. Lectures 1 and 2 provide an overview of our current knowledge of their algebraic, geometric and homotopy theoretic properties. Lecture 3 sketches the arguments used by Gromov, Abreu and Abreu-McDuff to figure out the rational homotopy type of these groups in the cases M= CP^2 and M=S^2\times S^2. We outline the needed J-holomorphic curve techniques. Much of the recent progress in understanding the geometry and topology of these groups has come from studying the properties of fibrations with the manifold M as fiber and structural group equal either to the symplectic group or to its Hamiltonian subgroup Ham(M). The case when the base is S^2 has proved particularly important. Lecture 4 describes the geometry of Hamiltonian fibrations over S^2, while Lecture 5 discusses their Gromov-Witten invariants via the Seidel representation. It ends by sketching Entov's explanation of the ABW inequalities for eigenvalues of products of special unitary matrices. Finally in Lecture 6 we apply the ideas developed in the previous two lectures to demonstrate the existence of (short) paths in Ham(M,\om) that minimize the Hofer norm over all paths with the given endpoints.Comment: significantly revised, 36 pages; notes from summer school in Paris 2001 and winter school in Srni 200