22,972 research outputs found

    Local approximation to the critical parameters of quantum wells

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    We calculate the critical parameters for some simple quantum wells by means of the Riccati–Padé method. The original approach converges reasonably well for nonzero angular-momentum quantum number l but rather too slowly for the s states. We therefore propose a simple modification that yields remarkably accurate results for the latter case. The rate of convergence of both methods increases with l and decreases with the radial quantum number n. We compare RPM results with WKB ones for sufficiently large values of l. As illustrative examples we choose the one-dimensional and central-field Gaussian wells as well as the Yukawa potential. The application of perturbation theory by means of the RPM to a class of rational potentials yields interesting and baffling unphysical results.Fil: Fernández, Francisco Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico la Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; ArgentinaFil: Garcia, Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico la Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; Argentin

    Local approximation to the critical parameters of quantum wells

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    We calculate the critical parameters for some simple quantum wells by means of the Riccati–Padé method. The original approach converges reasonably well for nonzero angular-momentum quantum number l but rather too slowly for the s states. We therefore propose a simple modification that yields remarkably accurate results for the latter case. The rate of convergence of both methods increases with l and decreases with the radial quantum number n. We compare RPM results with WKB ones for sufficiently large values of l. As illustrative examples we choose the one-dimensional and central-field Gaussian wells as well as the Yukawa potential. The application of perturbation theory by means of the RPM to a class of rational potentials yields interesting and baffling unphysical results.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada

    Superfluidity of "dirty" indirect excitons and magnetoexcitons in two-dimensional trap

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    The superfluid phase transition of bosons in a two-dimensional (2D) system with disorder and an external parabolic potential is studied. The theory is applied to experiments on indirect excitons in coupled quantum wells. The random field is allowed to be large compared to the dipole-dipole repulsion between excitons. The slope of the external parabolic trap is assumed to change slowly enough to apply the local density approximation (LDA) for the superfluid density, which allows us to calculate the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature Tc(n(r))T_{c}(n(r)) at each local point rr of the trap. The superfluid phase occurs around the center of the trap (r=0\mathbf{r}=0) with the normal phase outside this area. As temperature increases, the superfluid area shrinks and disappears at temperature Tc(n(r=0))T_{c}(n(r=0)). Disorder acts to deplete the condensate; the minimal total number of excitons for which superfluidity exists increases with disorder at fixed temperature. If the disorder is large enough, it can destroy the superfluid entirely. The effect of magnetic field is also calculated for the case of indirect excitons. In a strong magnetic field HH, the superfluid component decreases, primarily due to the change of the exciton effective mass.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Stripes in Quantum Hall Double Layer Systems

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    We present results of a study of double layer quantum Hall systems in which each layer has a high-index Landau level that is half-filled. Hartree-Fock calculations indicate that, above a critical layer separation, the system becomes unstable to the formation of a unidirectional coherent charge density wave (UCCDW), which is related to stripe states in single layer systems. The UCCDW state supports a quantized Hall effect when there is tunneling between layers, and is {\it always} stable against formation of an isotropic Wigner crystal for Landau indices N1N \ge 1. The state does become unstable to the formation of modulations within the stripes at large enough layer separation. The UCCDW state supports low-energy modes associated with interlayer coherence. The coherence allows the formation of charged soliton excitations, which become gapless in the limit of vanishing tunneling. We argue that this may result in a novel {\it ``critical Hall state''}, characterized by a power law IVI-V in tunneling experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures include

    Pathway toward the formation of supermixed states in ultracold boson mixtures loaded in ring lattices

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    We investigate the mechanism of formation of supermixed soliton-like states in bosonic binary mixtures loaded in ring lattices. We evidence the presence of a common pathway which, irrespective of the number of lattice sites and upon variation of the interspecies attraction, leads the system from a mixed and delocalized phase to a supermixed and localized one, passing through an intermediate phase where the supermixed soliton progressively emerges. The degrees of mixing, localization and quantum correlation of the two condensed species, quantified by means of suitable indicators commonly used in Statistical Thermodynamics and Quantum Information Theory, allow one to reconstruct a bi-dimensional mixing-supermixing phase diagram featuring two characteristic critical lines. Our analysis is developed both within a semiclassical approach capable of capturing the essential features of the two-step mixing-demixing transition and with a fully-quantum approach.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Ferromagnetism in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Heterojunction Systems

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    Diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMSs), in which magnetic elements are substituted for a small fraction of host elements in a semiconductor lattice, can become ferromagnetic when doped. In this article we discuss the physics of DMS ferromagnetism in systems with semiconductor heterojunctions. We focus on the mechanism that cause magnetic and magnetoresistive properties to depend on doping profiles, defect distributions, gate voltage, and other system parameters that can in principle be engineered to yield desired results.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, review, special issue of Semicon. Sci. Technol. on semiconductor spintronic

    Transport of magnetoexcitons in single and coupled quantum wells

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    The transport relaxation time τ(P)\tau (P) and the mean free path of magnetoexcitons in single and coupled quantum wells are calculated (PP is the magnetic momentum of the magnetoexciton). We present the results for magnetoexciton scattering in a random field due to (i) quantum well width fluctuations, (ii) composite fluctuations and (iii) ionized impurities. The time τ(P)\tau(P) depends nonmonotonously on PP in the case (ii) and in the cases (i), (iii) for D/lD/l smaller than some critical value (DD is the interwell separation, l=c/eHl=\sqrt{\hbar c/eH} is the magnetic length). For D/l1D/l\gg 1 the transport relaxation time increases monotonously with PP. The magnetoexciton mean free path λ(P)\lambda (P) has a maximum at P0P\ne 0 in the cases (i), (iii). It decreases with increasing D/lD/l. The mean free path calculated for the case (ii) may have two maxima. One of them disappears with the variation of the random fields parameters. The maximum of λ(P)\lambda (P) increases with HH for types (i,iii) of scattering processes and decreases in the case (ii).Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures in EPS format; Physica Scripta (in print