6 research outputs found

    Local and global gating of synaptic plasticity

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    Mechanisms influencing learning in neural networks are usually investigated on either a local or a global scale. The former relates to synaptic processes, the latter to unspecific modulatory systems. Here we study the interaction of a local learning rule that evaluates coincidences of pre- and postsynaptic action potentials and a global modulatory mechanism, such as the action of the basal forebrain onto cortical neurons. The simulations demonstrate that the interaction of these mechanisms leads to a learning rule supporting fast learning rates, stability, and flexibility. Furthermore, the simulations generate two experimentally testable predictions on the dependence of backpropagating action potential on basal forebrain activity and the relative timing of the activity of inhibitory and excitatory neurons in the neocortex.We are grateful to Konrad Körding and Mike Merzenich for valuable discussions of the previous work on the learning rule and the experimental data and Daniel Kiper for comments on a previous version of the manuscript. We are happy to acknowledge the support of SPP Neuroinformatics (grants 5002–44888/2&3 to P. F. M. J. V.), SNF (grant 31-51059.97, awarded to P. K.), and an FPU grant from MEC (M. A. S.-M., Spain)

    Cortical region interactions and the functional role of apical dendrites

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    The basal and distal apical dendrites of pyramidal cells occupy distinct cortical layers and are targeted by axons originating in different cortical regions. Hence, apical and basal dendrites receive information from distinct sources. Physiological evidence suggests that this anatomically observed segregation of input sources may have functional significance. This possibility has been explored in various connectionist models that employ neurons with functionally distinct apical and basal compartments. A neuron in which separate sets of inputs can be integrated independently has the potential to operate in a variety of ways which are not possible for the conventional model of a neuron in which all inputs are treated equally. This article thus considers how functionally distinct apical and basal dendrites can contribute to the information processing capacities of single neurons and, in particular, how information from different cortical regions could have disparate affects on neural activity and learning

    A sensorimotor account of visual attention in natural behaviour

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    The real-world sensorimotor paradigm is based on the premise that sufficient ecological complexity is a prerequisite for inducing naturally relevant sensorimotor relations in the experimental context. The aim of this thesis is to embed visual attention research within the real-world sensorimotor paradigm using an innovative mobile gaze-tracking system (EyeSeeCam, Schneider et al., 2009). Common laboratory set-ups in the field of attention research fail to create natural two-way interaction between observer and situation because they deliver pre-selected stimuli and human observer is essentially neutral or passive. EyeSeeCam, by contrast, permits an experimental design whereby the observer freely and spontaneously engages in real-world situations. By aligning a video camera in real time to the movements of the eyes, the system directly measures the observer’s perspective in a video recording and thus allows us to study vision in the context of authentic human behaviour, namely as resulting from past actions and as originating future actions. The results of this thesis demonstrate that (1) humans, when freely exploring natural environments, prefer directing their attention to local structural features of the world, (2) eyes, head and body perform distinct functions throughout this process, and (3) coordinated eye and head movements do not fully stabilize but rather continuously adjust the retinal image also during periods of quasi-stable “fixation”. These findings validate and extend the common laboratory concept of feature salience within whole-body sensorimotor actions outside the laboratory. Head and body movements roughly orient gaze, potentially driven by early stages of processing. The eyes then fine-tune the direction of gaze, potentially during higher-level stages of visual-spatial behaviour (Studies 1 and 2). Additional head-centred recordings reveal distinctive spatial biases both in the visual stimulation and the spatial allocation of gaze generated in a particular real-world situation. These spatial structures may result both from the environment and form the idiosyncrasies of the natural behaviour afforded by the situation. By contrast, when the head-centred videos are re-played as stimuli in the laboratory, gaze directions reveal a bias towards the centre of the screen. This “central bias” is likely a consequence of the laboratory set-up with its limitation to eye-in-head movements and its restricted screen (Study 3). Temporal analysis of natural visual behaviour reveals frequent synergistic interactions of eye and head that direct rather than stabilize gaze in the quasi-stable eye movement periods following saccades, leading to rich temporal dynamics of real-world retinal input (Study 4) typically not addressed in laboratory studies. Direct comparison to earlier data with respect to the visual system of cats (CatCam), frequently taken as proxy for human vision, shows that stabilizing eye movements play an even less dominant role in the natural behaviour of cats. This highlights the importance of realistic temporal dynamics of vision for models and experiments (Study 5). The approach and findings presented in this thesis demonstrate the need for and feasibility of real- world research on visual attention. Real-world paradigms permit the identification of relevant features triggered in the natural interplay between internal-physiological and external-situational sensorimotor factors. Realistic spatial and temporal characteristics of eye, head and body interactions are essential qualitative properties of reliable sensorimotor models of attention but difficult to obtain under laboratory conditions. Taken together, the data and theory presented in this thesis suggest that visual attention does not represent a pre-processing stage of object recognition but rather is an integral component of embodied action in the real world

    Local and Global Gating of Synaptic Plasticity

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    Research on neuronal networks has been very much motivated by the ability of these systems to learn from experience (Alkon et al., 1991). In these systems information is stored in the pattern of synaptic efficacies. Among the processes influencing the modification of synaptic connections local and global mechanisms can be distinguished (Montague et al., 1996). Examples of global signals involved in learningcanbefound in gatingmechanisms (Abbott, 1990). In the brain this might be compared to the influence of modulatory signals, arising from subcortical structures, on cortical plasticity. Here, the cholinergic system of the basal forebrain projecting to the cerebral cortex is of particular interest: It is a necessary ingredient for the induction of cortical representations following monocular deprivation (Singer and Rauschecker, 1982). In addition, it may switch between storage and recall modes in the hippocampus (Hasselmo, 1993), and it gates the plasticity of receptive fie..