17 research outputs found

    Local Linear Convergence of ISTA and FISTA on the LASSO Problem

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    We establish local linear convergence bounds for the ISTA and FISTA iterations on the model LASSO problem. We show that FISTA can be viewed as an accelerated ISTA process. Using a spectral analysis, we show that, when close enough to the solution, both iterations converge linearly, but FISTA slows down compared to ISTA, making it advantageous to switch to ISTA toward the end of the iteration processs. We illustrate the results with some synthetic numerical examples

    Sensitivity Analysis for Mirror-Stratifiable Convex Functions

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    This paper provides a set of sensitivity analysis and activity identification results for a class of convex functions with a strong geometric structure, that we coined "mirror-stratifiable". These functions are such that there is a bijection between a primal and a dual stratification of the space into partitioning sets, called strata. This pairing is crucial to track the strata that are identifiable by solutions of parametrized optimization problems or by iterates of optimization algorithms. This class of functions encompasses all regularizers routinely used in signal and image processing, machine learning, and statistics. We show that this "mirror-stratifiable" structure enjoys a nice sensitivity theory, allowing us to study stability of solutions of optimization problems to small perturbations, as well as activity identification of first-order proximal splitting-type algorithms. Existing results in the literature typically assume that, under a non-degeneracy condition, the active set associated to a minimizer is stable to small perturbations and is identified in finite time by optimization schemes. In contrast, our results do not require any non-degeneracy assumption: in consequence, the optimal active set is not necessarily stable anymore, but we are able to track precisely the set of identifiable strata.We show that these results have crucial implications when solving challenging ill-posed inverse problems via regularization, a typical scenario where the non-degeneracy condition is not fulfilled. Our theoretical results, illustrated by numerical simulations, allow to characterize the instability behaviour of the regularized solutions, by locating the set of all low-dimensional strata that can be potentially identified by these solutions

    Local Linear Convergence Analysis of Primal-Dual Splitting Methods

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    In this paper, we study the local linear convergence properties of a versatile class of Primal-Dual splitting methods for minimizing composite non-smooth convex optimization problems. Under the assumption that the non-smooth components of the problem are partly smooth relative to smooth manifolds, we present a unified local convergence analysis framework for these methods. More precisely, in our framework we first show that (i) the sequences generated by Primal-Dual splitting methods identify a pair of primal and dual smooth manifolds in a finite number of iterations, and then (ii) enter a local linear convergence regime, which is characterized based on the structure of the underlying active smooth manifolds. We also show how our results for Primal-Dual splitting can be specialized to cover existing ones on Forward-Backward splitting and Douglas-Rachford splitting/ADMM (alternating direction methods of multipliers). Moreover, based on these obtained local convergence analysis result, several practical acceleration techniques are discussed. To exemplify the usefulness of the obtained result, we consider several concrete numerical experiments arising from fields including signal/image processing, inverse problems and machine learning, etc. The demonstration not only verifies the local linear convergence behaviour of Primal-Dual splitting methods, but also the insights on how to accelerate them in practice