4 research outputs found


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    In this paper we propose automatic image denoising method based on Hermite functions (HeNLM). It is an extension of non-local means (NLM) algorithm. Differences between small image blocks (patches) are replaced by differences between feature vectors thus reducing computational complexity. The features are calculated in coordinate system connected with image gradient and are invariant to patch rotation. HeNLM method depends on the parameter that controls filtering strength. To chose automatically this parameter we use a no-reference denoising quality assessment method. It is based on Hessian matrix analysis. We compare the proposed method with full-reference methods using PSNR metrics, SSIM metrics, and its modifications MSSIM and CMSC. Image databases TID, DRIVE, BSD, and a set of dermatological immunofluorescence microscopy images were used for the tests. It was found that more perceptual CMSC and MSSIM metrics give worse correspondence than SSIM and PSNR to the results of information preservation by the non-reference image denoising

    Local jet based similarity for NL-means filtering

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    Reducing the dimension of local descriptors in images is useful to perform pixels comparison faster. We show here that, for enhancing and optimising the computation of the NL-means denoising filter, image patches can be favourably replaced by a vector of spatial derivatives (local jet), to compute the similarity between pixels. First, we present the basic, limited range implementation, and compare it with the original NLmeans. We use a fast estimation of the noise variance to automatically adjust the main parameter of the filter. Next, we present an unlimited range implementation using nearest neighbours search in the local jet space, based on a binary search tree representation. 1. Introduction an

    Patch-based methods for variational image processing problems

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    Image Processing problems are notoriously difficult. To name a few of these difficulties, they are usually ill-posed, involve a huge number of unknowns (from one to several per pixel!), and images cannot be considered as the linear superposition of a few physical sources as they contain many different scales and non-linearities. However, if one considers instead of images as a whole small blocks (or patches) inside the pictures, many of these hurdles vanish and problems become much easier to solve, at the cost of increasing again the dimensionality of the data to process. Following the seminal NL-means algorithm in 2005-2006, methods that consider only the visual correlation between patches and ignore their spatial relationship are called non-local methods. While powerful, it is an arduous task to define non-local methods without using heuristic formulations or complex mathematical frameworks. On the other hand, another powerful property has brought global image processing algorithms one step further: it is the sparsity of images in well chosen representation basis. However, this property is difficult to embed naturally in non-local methods, yielding algorithms that are usually inefficient or circonvoluted. In this thesis, we explore alternative approaches to non-locality, with the goals of i) developing universal approaches that can handle local and non-local constraints and ii) leveraging the qualities of both non-locality and sparsity. For the first point, we will see that embedding the patches of an image into a graph-based framework can yield a simple algorithm that can switch from local to non-local diffusion, which we will apply to the problem of large area image inpainting. For the second point, we will first study a fast patch preselection process that is able to group patches according to their visual content. This preselection operator will then serve as input to a social sparsity enforcing operator that will create sparse groups of jointly sparse patches, thus exploiting all the redundancies present in the data, in a simple mathematical framework. Finally, we will study the problem of reconstructing plausible patches from a few binarized measurements. We will show that this task can be achieved in the case of popular binarized image keypoints descriptors, thus demonstrating a potential privacy issue in mobile visual recognition applications, but also opening a promising way to the design and the construction of a new generation of smart cameras

    Characterization and modelling of complex motion patterns

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    Movement analysis is the principle of any interaction with the world and the survival of living beings completely depends on the effciency of such analysis. Visual systems have remarkably developed eficient mechanisms that analyze motion at different levels, allowing to recognize objects in dynamical and cluttered environments. In artificial vision, there exist a wide spectrum of applications for which the study of complex movements is crucial to recover salient information. Yet each domain may be different in terms of scenarios, complexity and relationships, a common denominator is that all of them require a dynamic understanding that captures the relevant information. Overall, current strategies are highly dependent on the appearance characterization and usually they are restricted to controlled scenarios. This thesis proposes a computational framework that is inspired in known motion perception mechanisms and structured as a set of modules. Each module is in due turn composed of a set of computational strategies that provide qualitative and quantitative descriptions of the dynamic associated to a particular movement. Diverse applications were herein considered and an extensive validation was performed for each of them. Each of the proposed strategies has shown to be reliable at capturing the dynamic patterns of different tasks, identifying, recognizing, tracking and even segmenting objects in sequences of video.Resumen. El an谩lisis del movimiento es el principio de cualquier interacci贸n con el mundo y la supervivencia de los seres vivos depende completamente de la eficiencia de este tipo de an谩lisis. Los sistemas visuales notablemente han desarrollado mecanismos eficientes que analizan el movimiento en diferentes niveles, lo cual permite reconocer objetos en entornos din谩micos y saturados. En visi贸n artificial existe un amplio espectro de aplicaciones para las cuales el estudio de los movimientos complejos es crucial para recuperar informaci贸n saliente. A pesar de que cada dominio puede ser diferente en t茅rminos de los escenarios, la complejidad y las relaciones de los objetos en movimiento, un com煤n denominador es que todos ellos requieren una comprensi贸n din谩mica para capturar informaci贸n relevante. En general, las estrategias actuales son altamente dependientes de la caracterizaci贸n de la apariencia y por lo general est谩n restringidos a escenarios controlados. Esta tesis propone un marco computacional que se inspira en los mecanismos de percepci贸n de movimiento conocidas y esta estructurado como un conjunto de m贸dulos. Cada m贸dulo esta a su vez compuesto por un conjunto de estrategias computacionales que proporcionan descripciones cualitativas y cuantitativas de la din谩mica asociada a un movimiento particular. Diversas aplicaciones fueron consideradas en este trabajo y una extensa validaci贸n se llev贸 a cabo para cada uno de ellas. Cada una de las estrategias propuestas ha demostrado ser fiable en la captura de los patrones din谩micos de diferentes tareas identificando, reconociendo, siguiendo e incluso segmentando objetos en secuencias de video.Doctorad