52,835 research outputs found

    Convolutional Neural Networks Untuk Pengenalan Wajah Secara Real-time

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    Identifikasi identitas individu melalui pengenalan wajah secara otomatis merupakan suatu persoalan besar yang menarik dan banyak sekali berbagai macam pendekatan untuk menyelesaikan persoalan ini. Apalagi di dalam skenario kehidupan nyata yang tidak terkontrol, wajah akan terlihat dari berbagai sisi dan tidak selalu menghadap ke depan yang membuat permasalahan klasifikasi menjadi lebih sulit diselesaikan. Dalam Tugas Akhir ini digunakan salah satu metode deep neural networks yaitu Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) sebagai pengenalan wajah secara real-time yang sudah terbukti sangat efisien dalam klasifikasi wajah. Metode diimplementasikan dengan bantuan library OpenCV untuk deteksi multi wajah dan perangkat Web Cam M-Tech 5MP. Dalam penyusunan arsitekur model Convolutional Neural Networks dilakukan konfigurasi inisialisasi parameter untuk mempercepat proses training jaringan. Hasil uji coba dengan munggunakan konstruksi model Convolutional Neural Networks sampai kedalaman 7 lapisan dengan input dari hasil ekstraksi Extended Local Binary Pattern dengan radius 1 dan neighbor 15 menunjukkan kinerja pengenalan wajah meraih rata-rata tingkat akurasi lebih dari 89% dalam βˆ“ 2 frame per detik

    Classification of Gastric Lesions Using Gabor Block Local Binary Patterns

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    The identification of cancer tissues in Gastroenterology imaging poses novel challenges to the computer vision community in designing generic decision support systems. This generic nature demands the image descriptors to be invariant to illumination gradients, scaling, homogeneous illumination, and rotation. In this article, we devise a novel feature extraction methodology, which explores the effectiveness of Gabor filters coupled with Block Local Binary Patterns in designing such descriptors. We effectively exploit the illumination invariance properties of Block Local Binary Patterns and the inherent capability of convolutional neural networks to construct novel rotation, scale and illumination invariant features. The invariance characteristics of the proposed Gabor Block Local Binary Patterns (GBLBP) are demonstrated using a publicly available texture dataset. We use the proposed feature extraction methodology to extract texture features from Chromoendoscopy (CH) images for the classification of cancer lesions. The proposed feature set is later used in conjuncture with convolutional neural networks to classify the CH images. The proposed convolutional neural network is a shallow network comprising of fewer parameters in contrast to other state-of-the-art networks exhibiting millions of parameters required for effective training. The obtained results reveal that the proposed GBLBP performs favorably to several other state-of-the-art methods including both hand crafted and convolutional neural networks-based features

    Threshold center-symmetric local binary convolutional neural networks for bilingual handwritten digit recognition

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    Arabic and English handwritten digit recognition is a challenging problem because the writing style differs from one writer to another. In middle east countries, many official forms are prepared to be written using either Arabic or English languages. However, some people fill the form using both languages (Arabic and English), which adds more challenges to recognize digits. Nowadays, deep learning approaches are considered the hot trend of new research, including Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). CNN is used in many applications and modified to produce other models such as Local Binary Convolutional Neural Networks (LBCNN). LBCNN was created by fusing Local Binary Pattern (LBP) with CNN by reformulating LBP as a convolution layer called Local Binary Convolution (LBC). However, LBCNN suffers from the random assign 1, 0, or -1 to LBC weights, making LBCNN less robust. Nevertheless, using another LBP-based technique such as Center-Symmetric Local Binary Patterns (CS-LBP) can address such issues. In this thesis, a new model based on CS-LBP is proposed called Center-Symmetric Local Binary Convolutional Neural Networks (CS-LBCNN) that addresses the issues of LBCNN. Further, an enhanced version of CS-LBCNN is proposed called Threshold Center-Symmetric Local Binary Convolutional Neural Networks (TCSLBCNN) that addresses another issue related to the zero-thresholding function. The proposed models are compared against state-of-the-art techniques that used the MNIST and MADBase as a bilingual dataset. The proposed TCS-LBCNN model proves its ability to give a more accurate and significant classification rate than the existing LBCNN models. For the bilingual dataset, the TCS-LBCNN enhances the performance of LBCNN and CS-LBCNN, in terms of accuracy, by 0.15% and 0.03%, respectively. In addition, the comparison shows that the accuracy acquired by TCS-LBCNN is the second-highest using the MNIST and MADBase datasets
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