6 research outputs found

    Incremental online learning in high dimensions

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    this article, however, is problematic, as it requires a careful selection of initial ridge regression parameters to stabilize the highly rank-deficient full covariance matrix of the input data, and it is easy to create too much bias or too little numerical stabilization initially, which can trap the local distance metric adaptation in local minima.While the LWPR algorithm just computes about a factor 10 times longer for the 20D experiment in comparison to the 2D experiment, RFWR requires a 1000-fold increase of computation time, thus rendering this algorithm unsuitable for high-dimensional regression. In order to compare LWPR's results to other popular regression methods, we evaluated the 2D, 10D, and 20D cross data sets with gaussian process regression (GP) and support vector (SVM) regression in addition to our LWPR method. It should be noted that neither SVM nor GP methods is an incremental method, although they can be considered state-of-the-art for batch regression under relatively small numbers of training data and reasonable input dimensionality. The computational complexity of these methods is prohibitively high for real-time applications. The GP algorithm (Gibbs & MacKay, 1997) used a generic covariance function and optimized over the hyperparameters. The SVM regression was performed using a standard available package (Saunders et al., 1998) and optimized for kernel choices. Figure 6 compares the performance of LWPR and gaussian processes for the above-mentioned data sets using 100, 300, and 500 training data point

    Incremental Online Learning in High Dimensions

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    Locally weighted projection regression (LWPR) is a new algorithm for incremental non-linear function approximation in high dimensional spaces with redundant and irrelevant input dimensions. At its cor

    LWPR: A Scalable Method for Incremental Online Learning in High Dimensions

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    Locally weighted projection regression (LWPR) is a new algorithm for incremental nonlinear func- tion approximation in high dimensional spaces with redundant and irrelevant input dimensions. At its core, it employs nonparametric regression with locally linear models. In order to stay computa- tionally efficient and numerically robust, each local model performs the regression analysis with a small number of univariate regressions in selected directions in input space in the spirit of partial least squares regression. We discuss when and how local learning techniques can successfully work in high dimensional spaces and compare various techniques for local dimensionality reduction before finally deriving the LWPR algorithm. The properties of LWPR are that it i) learns rapidly with second order learning methods based on incremental training, ii) uses statistically sound stochastic leave-one-out cross validation for learning without the need to memorize training data, iii) adjusts its weighting kernels based only on local information in order to minimize the danger of negative interference of incremental learning, iv) has a computational complexity that is linear in the num- ber of inputs, and v) can deal with a large number of - possibly redundant - inputs, as shown in various empirical evaluations with up to 50 dimensional data sets. For a probabilistic interpreta- tion, predictive variance and confidence intervals are derived. To our knowledge, LWPR is the first truly incremental spatially localized learning method that can successfully and efficiently operate in very high dimensional spaces

    Statistical Modeling of High-Dimensional Nonlinear Systems: A Projection Pursuit Solution

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    Despite recent advances in statistics, artificial neural network theory, and machine learning, nonlinear function estimation in high-dimensional space remains a nontrivial problem. As the response surface becomes more complicated and the dimensions of the input data increase, the dreaded "curse of dimensionality" takes hold, rendering the best of function approximation methods ineffective. This thesis takes a novel approach to solving the high-dimensional function estimation problem. In this work, we propose and develop two distinct parametric projection pursuit learning networks with wide-ranging applicability. Included in this work is a discussion of the choice of basis functions used as well as a description of the optimization schemes utilized to find the parameters that enable each network to best approximate a response surface. The essence of these new modeling methodologies is to approximate functions via the superposition of a series of piecewise one-dimensional models that are fit to specific directions, called projection directions. The key to the effectiveness of each model lies in its ability to find efficient projections for reducing the dimensionality of the input space to best fit an underlying response surface. Moreover, each method is capable of effectively selecting appropriate projections from the input data in the presence of relatively high levels of noise. This is accomplished by rigorously examining the theoretical conditions for approximating each solution space and taking full advantage of the principles of optimization to construct a pair of algorithms, each capable of effectively modeling high-dimensional nonlinear response surfaces to a higher degree of accuracy than previously possible.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Sadegh, Nader; Committee Member: Liang, Steven; Committee Member: Shapiro, Alexander; Committee Member: Ume, Charles; Committee Member: Vidakovic, Bran

    Eine neue Methode zum robusten Entwurf von Regressionsmodellen bei beschrƤnkter RohdatenqualitƤt

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    Local Adaptive Subspace Regression

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    Incremental learning of sensorimotor transformations in high dimensional spaces is one of the basic prerequisites for the success of autonomous robot devices as well as biological movement systems. So far, due to sparsity of data in high dimensional spaces, learning in such settings requires a significant amount of prior knowledge about the learning task, usually provided by a human expert. In this paper, we suggest a partial revision of this view. Based on empirical studies, we observed that, despite being globally high dimensional and sparse, data distributions from physical movement systems are locally low dimensional and dense. Under this assumption, we derive a learning algorithm, Locally Adaptive Subspace Regression, that exploits this property by combining a dynamically growing local dimensionality reduction technique as a preprocessing step with a nonparametric learning technique, locally weighted regression, that also learns the region of validity of the regression. The usefulness of the algorithm and the validity of its assumptions are illustrated for a synthetic data set, and for data of the inverse dynamics of human arm movements and an actual 7 degree-of-freedom anthropomorphic robot arm