17 research outputs found


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    Scientometric Research Assessment of IEEE CSCWD Conference Proceedings: An Exploratory Analysis from 2001 to 2019

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    It has been a quarter of a century since the publication of the first edition of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD) held in 1996 in Beijing, China. Despite some attempts to empirically examine the evolution and identity of the field of CSCW and its related communities and disciplines, the scarcity of scientometric studies on the IEEE CSCWD research productivity is noteworthy. To fill this gap, this study reports on an exploratory quantitative analysis of the literature published in the IEEE CSCWD conference proceedings with the purpose of visualizing and understanding its structure and evolution for the 2001-2019 period. The findings offer valuable insights into the paper and author distribution, country and citation-level productivity indicators, degree of collaboration, and collaboration index. Through this analysis, we also expect to get an initial overview of the IEEE CSCWD conference concerning the main topics being presented, most cited papers, and variances in the number of keywords, full-text views, and references

    Nonintrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) Performance Evaluation A unified approach for accuracy reporting

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    Abstract Nonintrusive load monitoring (NILM), sometimes referred to as load disaggregation, is the process of determining what loads or appliances are running in a house from analysis of the power signal of the whole-house power meter. As the popularity of NILM grows, we find there is no consistent way researchers are measuring and reporting accuracies. In this short communication, we present a unified approach that would allow for consistent accuracy testing

    Zacjeljivanje pukotina u metalu pulsnom strujom

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    Remanufacture engineering is an emerging industry that saves resources as well as protects the environment. However, cracks on remanufactured components can result in serious trouble. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary waste of resources and energy, these cracks should be repaired radically in order to ensure the smooth progressing of the remanufacturing process. Consequently, the crack healing technique of metal materials is very important in the field of remanufacturing. In this study, the U-shape vane stainless steel of a centrifugal compressor which had cracks was processed by pulse current using a high pulse current discharge device, and the influence of the streaming effect and Joule heating effect of pulse current on the crack healing of metal materials was studied, aiming to provide references for the better application of this technology in the remanufacturing field in the future. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Obnavljanje uređaja i postrojenja pomaže u smanjenju troškova i očuvanju okoliša, ali ozbiljne probleme mogu uzrokovati pukotine na obnovljenim komponentama. Da bi se izbjeglo nepotrebno trošenje energije i sredstava, pukotine se moraju potpuno sanirati. Radi unaprjeđenja tehnike reparacije u ovoj je studiji kompresorska lopatica s pukotinama, izrađena od nehrđajućeg čelika, izložena djelovanju visokonaponske pulsne struje te je proučeno obnavljanje materijala pod utjecajem Jouleove topline i efekta strujanja. Ovo djelo je dano na korištenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna

    Recent approaches and applications of non-intrusive load monitoring

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    The Appliance Load Monitoring is vital in every energy consuming system be it commercial, residential or industrial in nature. Traditional load monitoring system, which used to be intrusive in nature require the installation of sensors to every load of interest which makes the system to be costly, time consuming and complex. Nonintrusive load monitoring (NILM) system uses the aggregated measurement at the utility service entry to identify and disaggregate the appliances connected in the building, which means only one set of sensors is required and it does not require entrance into the consumer premises. We presented a study in this paper providing a comprehensive review of the state of art of NILM, the different methods applied by researchers so far, before concluding with the future research direction, which include automatic home energy saving using NILM. The study also found that more efforts are needed from the researchers to apply NILM in appliance energy management, for example a Home Energy Management System (HEMS)

    Appliance Recognition in an OSGi-based Home Energy Management Gateway

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    The rational use and management of energy is considered a key societal and technological challenge. Home energy management systems (HEMS) have been introduced especially in private home domains to support users in managing and controlling energy consuming devices. Recent studies have shown that informing users about their habits with appliances as well as their usage pattern can help to achieve energy reduction in private households. This requires instruments able to monitor energy consumption at fine grain level and provide this information to consumers. While the most existing approaches for load disaggregation and classification require high-frequency monitoring data, in this paper we propose an approach that exploits low-frequency monitoring data gathered by meters (i.e., Smart Plugs) displaced in the home. Moreover, while the most existing works dealing with appliance classification delegate the classification task to a remote central server, we propose a distributed approach where data processing and appliance recognition are performed locally in the Home Gateway. Our approach is based on a distributed load monitoring system made of Smart Plugs attached to devices and connected to a Home Gateway via the ZigBee protocol. The Home Gateway is based on the OSGi platform, collects data from home devices, and hosts both data processing and user interaction logic

    Feature Identification for Non-Intrusively Extracting Occupant Energy-Use Information in Office Buildings

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    Detailed energy-use information of office buildings’ occupants is necessary to implement proper simulation/intervention techniques. However, acquiring accurate occupant-specific energy consumption in office buildings at low cost is currently a challenging task since existing intrusive load monitoring (ILM) technologies require a large capital investment to provide high-resolution electricity usage data for individual occupants. On the other hand, non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) approaches have been proven as more cost effective and flexible approaches to provide energy-use information of individual appliances. Therefore, extending the concept of NILM to individual occupants would be beneficial. This paper proposes two occupancy-related energy-consuming features, delay interval and magnitude of power changes and evaluates their significances for extracting occupant-specific power changes in a non-intrusive manner. The proposed features were examined through implementing a logistic regression model as a predictor on aggregate energy load data collected from an office building. Hypotheses tests also confirmed that both features are statistically significant to non-intrusively derive individual occupants’ energy-use information. As the main contribution of this study, these features could be utilized in developing sophisticated NILM-based approaches to monitor individual occupant energy-consuming behavior. 

    Machine Learning based Short-term Prediction of Air-conditioning Load through Smart Meter Analytics

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    The present paper is focused on short-term prediction of air-conditioning (AC) load of residential buildings using the data obtained from a conventional smart meter. The AC load, at each time step, is separated from smart meter’s aggregate consumption through energy disaggregation methodology. The obtained air-conditioning load and the corresponding historical weather data are then employed as input features for the prediction procedure. In the prediction step, different machine learning algorithms, including Artificial Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, and Random Forests, are used in order to conduct hour-ahead and day-ahead predictions. The predictions obtained using Random Forests have been demonstrated to be the most accurate ones leading to hour-ahead and day-ahead prediction with R2 scores of 87.3% and 83.2%, respectively. The main advantage of the present methodology is separating the AC consumption from the consumptions of other residential appliances, which can then be predicted employing short-term weather forecasts. The other devices’ consumptions are largely dependent upon the occupant’s behaviour and are thus more difficult to predict. Therefore, the harsh alterations in the consumption of AC equipment, due to variations in the weather conditions, can be predicted with a higher accuracy; which in turn enhances the overall load prediction accuracy

    Non-intrusive load management system for residential loads using artificial neural network based arduino microcontroller

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    The energy monitoring is one of the most important aspects of energy management. In fact there is a need to monitor the power consumption of a building or premises before planning technical actions to minimize the energy consumption. In traditional load monitoring method, a sensor or a group of sensors attached to every load of interest to monitor the system, which makes the system costly and complex. On the other hand, by Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) the aggregated measurement of the building’s appliances can be used to identify and/or disaggregate the connected appliances in the building. Therefore, the method provides a simple, reliable and cost effective monitoring since it uses only one set of measuring sensors at the service entry. This thesis aims at finding a solution in the residential electrical energy management through the development of Artificial Neural Network Arduino (ANN-Arduino) NILM system for monitoring and controlling the energy consumption of the home appliances. The major goal of this research work is the development of a simplified ANN-based non-intrusive residential appliances identifier. It is a real-time ANN-Arduino NILM system for residential energy management with its performance evaluation and the calibration of the ZMPT101B voltage sensor module for accurate measurement, by using polynomial regression method. Using the sensor algorithm obtained, an error of 0.9% in the root mean square (rms) measurement of the voltage is obtained using peak-peak measurement method, in comparison to 2.5% when using instantaneous measurement method. Secondly, a residential energy consumption measurement and control system is developed using Arduino microcontroller, which accurately control the home appliances within the threshold power consumption level. The energy consumption measurement prototype has an accurate power and current measurement with error of 3.88% in current measurement when compared with the standard Fluke meter. An ANN-Arduino NILM system is also developed using steady-state signatures, which uses the feedforward ANN to identify the loads when it received the aggregated real power, rms current and power factor from the Arduino. Finally, the ANN-Arduino NILM based appliances’ management and control system is developed for keeping track of the appliances and managing their energy usage. The system accurately recognizes all the load combinations and the load controlling works within 2% time error. The overall system resulted into a new home appliances’ energy management system based on ANN-Arduino NILM that can be applied into smart electricity system at a reduced cost, reduced complexity and non-intrusively