3,053 research outputs found

    Literature-based priors for gene regulatory networks

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    Motivation: The use of prior knowledge to improve gene regulatory network modelling has often been proposed. In this paper we present the first research on the massive incorporation of prior knowledge from literature for Bayesian network learning of gene networks. As the publication rate of scientific papers grows, updating online databases, which have been proposed as potential prior knowledge in past rese-arch, becomes increasingly challenging. The novelty of our approach lies in the use of gene-pair association scores that describe the over-lap in the contexts in which the genes are mentioned, generated from a large database of scientific literature, harnessing the information contained in a huge number of documents into a simple, clear format. Results: We present a method to transform such literature-based gene association scores to network prior probabilities, and apply it to learn gene sub-networks for yeast, E. coli and Human organisms. We also investigate the effect of weighting the influence of the prior know-ledge. Our findings show that literature-based priors can improve both the number of true regulatory interactions present in the network and the accuracy of expression value prediction on genes, in comparison to a network learnt solely from expression data. Networks learnt with priors also show an improved biological interpretation, with identified subnetworks that coincide with known biological pathways. Contact

    Bioinformatics tools in predictive ecology: Applications to fisheries

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    This article is made available throught the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund - Copygith @ 2012 Tucker et al.There has been a huge effort in the advancement of analytical techniques for molecular biological data over the past decade. This has led to many novel algorithms that are specialized to deal with data associated with biological phenomena, such as gene expression and protein interactions. In contrast, ecological data analysis has remained focused to some degree on off-the-shelf statistical techniques though this is starting to change with the adoption of state-of-the-art methods, where few assumptions can be made about the data and a more explorative approach is required, for example, through the use of Bayesian networks. In this paper, some novel bioinformatics tools for microarray data are discussed along with their ‘crossover potential’ with an application to fisheries data. In particular, a focus is made on the development of models that identify functionally equivalent species in different fish communities with the aim of predicting functional collapse

    Using temporal correlation in factor analysis for reconstructing transcription factor activities

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    Two-level gene regulatory networks consist of the transcription factors (TFs) in the top level and their regulated genes in the second level. The expression profiles of the regulated genes are the observed high-throughput data given by experiments such as microarrays. The activity profiles of the TFs are treated as hidden variables as well as the connectivity matrix that indicates the regulatory relationships of TFs with their regulated genes. Factor analysis (FA) as well as other methods, such as the network component algorithm, has been suggested for reconstructing gene regulatory networks and also for predicting TF activities. They have been applied to E. coli and yeast data with the assumption that these datasets consist of identical and independently distributed samples. Thus, the main drawback of these algorithms is that they ignore any time correlation existing within the TF profiles. In this paper, we extend previously studied FA algorithms to include time correlation within the transcription factors. At the same time, we consider connectivity matrices that are sparse in order to capture the existing sparsity present in gene regulatory networks. The TFs activity profiles obtained by this approach are significantly smoother than profiles from previous FA algorithms. The periodicities in profiles from yeast expression data become prominent in our reconstruction. Moreover, the strength of the correlation between time points is estimated and can be used to assess the suitability of the experimental time interval

    Joint estimation of multiple related biological networks

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    Graphical models are widely used to make inferences concerning interplay in multivariate systems. In many applications, data are collected from multiple related but nonidentical units whose underlying networks may differ but are likely to share features. Here we present a hierarchical Bayesian formulation for joint estimation of multiple networks in this nonidentically distributed setting. The approach is general: given a suitable class of graphical models, it uses an exchangeability assumption on networks to provide a corresponding joint formulation. Motivated by emerging experimental designs in molecular biology, we focus on time-course data with interventions, using dynamic Bayesian networks as the graphical models. We introduce a computationally efficient, deterministic algorithm for exact joint inference in this setting. We provide an upper bound on the gains that joint estimation offers relative to separate estimation for each network and empirical results that support and extend the theory, including an extensive simulation study and an application to proteomic data from human cancer cell lines. Finally, we describe approximations that are still more computationally efficient than the exact algorithm and that also demonstrate good empirical performance.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AOAS761 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org