46 research outputs found

    List Decoding of Locally Repairable Codes

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    We show that locally repairable codes (LRCs) can be list decoded efficiently beyond the Johnson radius for a large range of parameters by utilizing the local error correction capabilities. The new decoding radius is derived and the asymptotic behavior is analyzed. We give a general list decoding algorithm for LRCs that achieves this radius along with an explicit realization for a class of LRCs based on Reed-Solomon codes (Tamo-Barg LRCs). Further, a probabilistic algorithm for unique decoding of low complexity is given and its success probability analyzed

    List and Probabilistic Unique Decoding of Folded Subspace Codes

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    A new class of folded subspace codes for noncoherent network coding is presented. The codes can correct insertions and deletions beyond the unique decoding radius for any code rate R∈[0,1]R\in[0,1]. An efficient interpolation-based decoding algorithm for this code construction is given which allows to correct insertions and deletions up to the normalized radius s(1βˆ’((1/h+h)/(hβˆ’s+1))R)s(1-((1/h+h)/(h-s+1))R), where hh is the folding parameter and s≀hs\leq h is a decoding parameter. The algorithm serves as a list decoder or as a probabilistic unique decoder that outputs a unique solution with high probability. An upper bound on the average list size of (folded) subspace codes and on the decoding failure probability is derived. A major benefit of the decoding scheme is that it enables probabilistic unique decoding up to the list decoding radius.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, accepted for ISIT 201

    Subspace Designs Based on Algebraic Function Fields

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    Subspace designs are a (large) collection of high-dimensional subspaces {H_i} of F_q^m such that for any low-dimensional subspace W, only a small number of subspaces from the collection have non-trivial intersection with W; more precisely, the sum of dimensions of W cap H_i is at most some parameter L. The notion was put forth by Guruswami and Xing (STOC\u2713) with applications to list decoding variants of Reed-Solomon and algebraic-geometric codes, and later also used for explicit rank-metric codes with optimal list decoding radius. Guruswami and Kopparty (FOCS\u2713, Combinatorica\u2716) gave an explicit construction of subspace designs with near-optimal parameters. This construction was based on polynomials and has close connections to folded Reed-Solomon codes, and required large field size (specifically q >= m). Forbes and Guruswami (RANDOM\u2715) used this construction to give explicit constant degree "dimension expanders" over large fields, and noted that subspace designs are a powerful tool in linear-algebraic pseudorandomness. Here, we construct subspace designs over any field, at the expense of a modest worsening of the bound LL on total intersection dimension. Our approach is based on a (non-trivial) extension of the polynomial-based construction to algebraic function fields, and instantiating the approach with cyclotomic function fields. Plugging in our new subspace designs in the construction of Forbes and Guruswami yields dimension expanders over F^n for any field F, with logarithmic degree and expansion guarantee for subspaces of dimension Omega(n/(log(log(n))))

    Error correction based on partial information

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    We consider the decoding of linear and array codes from errors when we are only allowed to download a part of the codeword. More specifically, suppose that we have encoded kk data symbols using an (n,k)(n,k) code with code length nn and dimension k.k. During storage, some of the codeword coordinates might be corrupted by errors. We aim to recover the original data by reading the corrupted codeword with a limit on the transmitting bandwidth, namely, we can only download an Ξ±\alpha proportion of the corrupted codeword. For a given Ξ±,\alpha, our objective is to design a code and a decoding scheme such that we can recover the original data from the largest possible number of errors. A naive scheme is to read Ξ±n\alpha n coordinates of the codeword. This method used in conjunction with MDS codes guarantees recovery from any ⌊(Ξ±nβˆ’k)/2βŒ‹\lfloor(\alpha n-k)/2\rfloor errors. In this paper we show that we can instead read an Ξ±\alpha proportion from each of the codeword's coordinates. For a well-designed MDS code, this method can guarantee recovery from ⌊(nβˆ’k/Ξ±)/2βŒ‹\lfloor (n-k/\alpha)/2 \rfloor errors, which is 1/Ξ±1/\alpha times more than the naive method, and is also the maximum number of errors that an (n,k)(n,k) code can correct by downloading only an Ξ±\alpha proportion of the codeword. We present two families of such optimal constructions and decoding schemes. One is a Reed-Solomon code with evaluation points in a subfield and the other is based on Folded Reed-Solomon codes. We further show that both code constructions attain asymptotically optimal list decoding radius when downloading only a part of the corrupted codeword. We also construct an ensemble of random codes that with high probability approaches the upper bound on the number of correctable errors when the decoder downloads an Ξ±\alpha proportion of the corrupted codeword.Comment: Extended version of the conference paper in ISIT 201

    On the List-Decodability of Random Linear Rank-Metric Codes

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    The list-decodability of random linear rank-metric codes is shown to match that of random rank-metric codes. Specifically, an Fq\mathbb{F}_q-linear rank-metric code over FqmΓ—n\mathbb{F}_q^{m \times n} of rate R=(1βˆ’Ο)(1βˆ’nmρ)βˆ’Ξ΅R = (1-\rho)(1-\frac{n}{m}\rho)-\varepsilon is shown to be (with high probability) list-decodable up to fractional radius ρ∈(0,1)\rho \in (0,1) with lists of size at most Cρ,qΞ΅\frac{C_{\rho,q}}{\varepsilon}, where Cρ,qC_{\rho,q} is a constant depending only on ρ\rho and qq. This matches the bound for random rank-metric codes (up to constant factors). The proof adapts the approach of Guruswami, H\aa stad, Kopparty (STOC 2010), who established a similar result for the Hamming metric case, to the rank-metric setting