688 research outputs found

    List Colorings with Distinct List Sizes, the Case of Complete Bipartite Graphs

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    Let f:V→N be a function on the vertex set of the graph G=(V,E). The graph G is f-choosable if for every collection of lists with list sizes specified by f there is a proper coloring using colors from the lists. The sum choice number, χsc(G), is the minimum of ∑f(v), over all functions f such that G is f-choosable. It is known (Alon, Surveys in Combinatorics, 1993 (Keele), London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Vol. 187, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993, pp. 1-33, Random Struct Algor 16 (2000), 364-368) that if G has average degree d, then the usual choice number χℓ(G) is at least Ω(logd), so they grow simultaneously. In this article, we show that χsc(G)/|V(G)| can be bounded while the minimum degree δmin(G)→∞. Our main tool is to give tight estimates for the sum choice number of the unbalanced complete bipartite graph Ka,q. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Wide partitions, Latin tableaux, and Rota's basis conjecture

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    Say that mu is a ``subpartition'' of an integer partition lambda if the multiset of parts of mu is a submultiset of the parts of lambda, and define an integer partition lambda to be ``wide'' if for every subpartition mu of lambda, mu >= mu' in dominance order (where mu' denotes the conjugate or transpose of mu). Then Brian Taylor and the first author have conjectured that an integer partition lambda is wide if and only if there exists a tableau of shape lambda such that (1) for all i, the entries in the ith row of the tableau are precisely the integers from 1 to lambda_i inclusive, and (2) for all j, the entries in the jth column of the tableau are pairwise distinct. This conjecture was originally motivated by Rota's basis conjecture and, if true, yields a new class of integer multiflow problems that satisfy max-flow min-cut and integrality. Wide partitions also yield a class of graphs that satisfy ``delta-conjugacy'' (in the sense of Greene and Kleitman), and the above conjecture implies that these graphs furthermore have a completely saturated stable set partition. We present several partial results, but the conjecture remains very much open.Comment: Joined forces with Goemans and Vondrak---several new partial results; 28 pages, submitted to Adv. Appl. Mat

    Color-blind index in graphs of very low degree

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    Let c:E(G)[k]c:E(G)\to [k] be an edge-coloring of a graph GG, not necessarily proper. For each vertex vv, let cˉ(v)=(a1,,ak)\bar{c}(v)=(a_1,\ldots,a_k), where aia_i is the number of edges incident to vv with color ii. Reorder cˉ(v)\bar{c}(v) for every vv in GG in nonincreasing order to obtain c(v)c^*(v), the color-blind partition of vv. When cc^* induces a proper vertex coloring, that is, c(u)c(v)c^*(u)\neq c^*(v) for every edge uvuv in GG, we say that cc is color-blind distinguishing. The minimum kk for which there exists a color-blind distinguishing edge coloring c:E(G)[k]c:E(G)\to [k] is the color-blind index of GG, denoted dal(G)\operatorname{dal}(G). We demonstrate that determining the color-blind index is more subtle than previously thought. In particular, determining if dal(G)2\operatorname{dal}(G) \leq 2 is NP-complete. We also connect the color-blind index of a regular bipartite graph to 2-colorable regular hypergraphs and characterize when dal(G)\operatorname{dal}(G) is finite for a class of 3-regular graphs.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, and a 4 page appendi