101,291 research outputs found

    Liquid Intersection Types

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    We present a new type system combining refinement types and the expressiveness of intersection type discipline. The use of such features makes it possible to derive more precise types than in the original refinement system. We have been able to prove several interesting properties for our system (including subject reduction) and developed an inference algorithm, which we proved to be sound.Comment: In Proceedings ITRS 2014, arXiv:1503.0437

    Closed-loop liquid-liquid immiscibility in mixture of particles with spherically symmetric interaction

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    Thermodynamic perturbation theory for central-force (TPT-CF) type of associating potential is used to study the phase behavior of symmetric binary mixture of associating particles with spherically symmetric interaction. The model is represented by the binary Yukawa hard-sphere mixture with additional spherically symmetric square-well associative interaction located inside the hard-core region and valid only between dissimilar species. To account for the change of the system packing fraction due to association we propose an extended version of the TPT-CF approach. In addition to the already known four types of the phase diagram for binary mixtures we were able to identify the fifth type, which is characterized by the absence of intersection of the λ\lambda-line with the liquid-vapour binodals and by the appearance of the closed- loop liquid-liquid immiscibility with upper and lower critical solution temperatures.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Global behaviour of a composite stiffened panel in buckling. Part 1: Numerical modelling

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    The present study analyses an aircraft composite fuselage structure manufactured by the Liquid Resin Infusion (LRI) process and subjected to a compressive load. LRI is based on the moulding of high performance composite parts by infusing liquid resin on dry fibres instead of prepreg fabrics or Resin Transfer Moulding (RTM). Actual industrial projects face composite integrated structure issues as a number of structures (stiffeners, …) are more and more integrated onto the skins of aircraft fuselage. A representative panel of a composite fuselage to be tested in buckling is studied numerically. This paper studies which of the real behaviours of the integrated structures are to be observed during this test. Numerical models are studied at a global scale of the composite stiffened panel. Linear and non linear analyses are conducted. The Tsai–Wu criterion with a progressive failure analysis is implemented, to describe the global behaviour of the panel up to collapse. Also, three stiffener connection methods are compared at the intersection between two types of integrated structures. Load shortening curves permit to estimate the expected load and displacements

    Metastable liquid-liquid and solid-liquid phase boundaries in polymer-solvent-nonsolvent systems

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    In general liquid-liquid demixing processes are responsible for the porous morphology of membranes obtained by immersion precipitation. For rapidly crystallizing polymers, solid-liquid demixing processes also generate porous morphologies. In this study, the interference of both phase transitions has been analyzed theoretically using the Flory-Huggins theory for ternary polymer solutions. It is demonstrated that four main thermodynamic and kinetic parameters are important for the structure formation in solution: the thermodynamic driving force for crystallization, the ratio of the molar volumes of the solvent and the nonsolvent, the polymer-solvent interaction parameter, and the rate of crystallization of the polymer compared to the rate of solvent-nonsolvent exchange. An analysis of the relevance of each of these parameters for the membrane morphology is presented

    Optical Mineralogy

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    This resource is a 43 page pdf document on the principals of optical mineralogy. Topics include light, the polarizing light microscope, the refractive index, optical classes and indicatrix theory, the relationship of optical properties to crystal chemistry, and advanced methods in optical mineralogy. The website features both text and figures. Educational levels: Graduate or professional, Undergraduate lower division, Undergraduate upper division

    Semi-flexible Additive Manufacturing Materials for Modularization Purposes - A modular assembly proposal for a foam edge-based spatial framework

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    This paper introduces a series of design and fabrication tests directed towards the use of bendable 3D printing materials in order to simplify a foam bubble-based geometry as a frame structure for modular assembly. The aspiration to reference a spittlebug's bubble cocoon in nature for a light installation in the urban context was integrated into a computational workflow conditioning light-weight, material-, and cost savings along with assembly-simplicity. Firstly, before elaborating on the project motivation and background in foam structures and applications of 3D-printed thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) material, this paper describes the physical nature of bubble foams in its relevant aspects. Subsequently this is implemented into the parametric design process for an optimized foam structure with Grasshopper clarifying the need for flexible materials to enhance modular feasibility. Following, the additive manufacturing iterations of the digitally designed node components with TPU are presented and evaluated. Finally, after the test assembly of both components is depicted, this paper assesses the divergence between natural foams and the case study structure with respect to self-organizing behavior