4 research outputs found

    Finding co-solvers on Twitter, with a little help from Linked Data

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    In this paper we propose a method for suggesting potential collaborators for solving innovation challenges online, based on their competence, similarity of interests and social proximity with the user. We rely on Linked Data to derive a measure of semantic relatedness that we use to enrich both user profiles and innovation problems with additional relevant topics, thereby improving the performance of co-solver recommendation. We evaluate this approach against state of the art methods for query enrichment based on the distribution of topics in user profiles, and demonstrate its usefulness in recommending collaborators that are both complementary in competence and compatible with the user. Our experiments are grounded using data from the social networking service Twitter.com

    A Systematic Literature Review of Linked Data-based Recommender Systems

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    Recommender Systems (RS) are software tools that use analytic technologies to suggest different items of interest to an end user. Linked Data is a set of best practices for publishing and connecting structured data on the Web. This paper presents a systematic literature review to summarize the state of the art in recommender systems that use structured data published as Linked Data for providing recommendations of items from diverse domains. It considers the most relevant research problems addressed and classifies RS according to how Linked Data has been used to provide recommendations. Furthermore, it analyzes contributions, limitations, application domains, evaluation techniques, and directions proposed for future research. We found that there are still many open challenges with regard to RS based on Linked Data in order to be efficient for real applications. The main ones are personalization of recommendations; use of more datasets considering the heterogeneity introduced; creation of new hybrid RS for adding information; definition of more advanced similarity measures that take into account the large amount of data in Linked Data datasets; and implementation of testbeds to study evaluation techniques and to assess the accuracy scalability and computational complexity of RS

    Extending SPARQL for Recommendations

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    For processing data on the Web, recommender systems and SPARQL are two popular paradigms, which however have rather different characteristics. SPARQL is a declarative language on RDF graphs which allows a user to precisely specify the desired information. In contrast, a recommender system suggests certain items to a user, based on similarity to other users or items. As the data to be processed by a recommender may be an RDF graph as well, the question arises whether both processing paradigms can benefit from each other. RecSPARQL fills this gap by extending the syntax and semantics of SPARQL to enable a generic and flexible way for collaborative filtering and content-based rec-ommendations over arbitrary RDF graphs. Our experiments on the MovieLens data set demonstrate the applicability of our approach

    Recommender Systems based on Linked Data

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    Backgrounds: The increase in the amount of structured data published using the principles of Linked Data, means that now it is more likely to find resources in the Web of Data that describe real life concepts. However, discovering resources related to any given resource is still an open research area. This thesis studies Recommender Systems (RS) that use Linked Data as a source for generating recommendations exploiting the large amount of available resources and the relationships among them. Aims: The main objective of this study was to propose a recommendation tech- nique for resources considering semantic relationships between concepts from Linked Data. The specific objectives were: (i) Define semantic relationships derived from resources taking into account the knowledge found in Linked Data datasets. (ii) Determine semantic similarity measures based on the semantic relationships derived from resources. (iii) Propose an algorithm to dynami- cally generate automatic rankings of resources according to defined similarity measures. Methodology: It was based on the recommendations of the Project management Institute and the Integral Model for Engineering Professionals (Universidad del Cauca). The first one for managing the project, and the second one for developing the experimental prototype. Accordingly, the main phases were: (i) Conceptual base generation for identifying the main problems, objectives and the project scope. A Systematic Literature Review was conducted for this phase, which highlighted the relationships and similarity measures among resources in Linked Data, and the main issues, features, and types of RS based on Linked Data. (ii) Solution development is about designing and developing the experimental prototype for testing the algorithms studied in this thesis. Results: The main results obtained were: (i) The first Systematic Literature Re- view on RS based on Linked Data. (ii) A framework to execute and an- alyze recommendation algorithms based on Linked Data. (iii) A dynamic algorithm for resource recommendation based on on the knowledge of Linked Data relationships. (iv) A comparative study of algorithms for RS based on Linked Data. (v) Two implementations of the proposed framework. One with graph-based algorithms and other with machine learning algorithms. (vi) The application of the framework to various scenarios to demonstrate its feasibility within the context of real applications. Conclusions: (i) The proposed framework demonstrated to be useful for develop- ing and evaluating different configurations of algorithms to create novel RS based on Linked Data suitable to users’ requirements, applications, domains and contexts. (ii) The layered architecture of the proposed framework is also useful towards the reproducibility of the results for the research community. (iii) Linked data based RS are useful to present explanations of the recommen- dations, because of the graph structure of the datasets. (iv) Graph-based algo- rithms take advantage of intrinsic relationships among resources from Linked Data. Nevertheless, their execution time is still an open issue. Machine Learn- ing algorithms are also suitable, they provide functions useful to deal with large amounts of data, so they can help to improve the performance (execution time) of the RS. However most of them need a training phase that require to know a priory the application domain in order to obtain reliable results. (v) A log- ical evolution of RS based on Linked Data is the combination of graph-based with machine learning algorithms to obtain accurate results while keeping low execution times. However, research and experimentation is still needed to ex- plore more techniques from the vast amount of machine learning algorithms to determine the most suitable ones to deal with Linked Data