7 research outputs found

    Cross-layer MAC/routing protocol for reliable communication in Internet of Health Things

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    Internet of Health Things (IoHT) involves intelligent, low-powered, and miniaturized sensors nodes that measure physiological signals and report them to sink nodes over wireless links. IoHTs have a myriad of applications in e-health and personal health monitoring. Because of the data’s sensitivity measured by the nodes and power-constraints of the sensor nodes, reliability and energy-efficiency play a critical role in communication in IoHT. Reliability is degraded by the increase in packets’ loss due to inefficient MAC, routing protocols, environmental interference, and body shadowing. Simultaneously, inefficient node selection for routing may cause the depletion of critical nodes’ energy resources. Recent advancements in cross-layer protocol optimizations have proven their efficiency for packet-based Internet. In this article, we propose a MAC/Routing-based Cross-layer protocol for reliable communication while preserving the sensor nodes’ energy resource in IoHT. The proposed mechanism employs a timer-based strategy for relay node selection. The timer-based approach incorporates the metrics for residual energy and received signal strength indicator to preserve the vital underlying resources of critical sensors in IoHT. The proposed approach is also extended for multiple sensor networks, where sensor in vicinity are coordinating and cooperating for data forwarding. The performance of the proposed technique is evaluated for metrics like Packet Loss Probability, End-To-End delay, and energy used per data packet. Extensive simulation results show that the proposed technique improves the reliability and energy-efficiency compared to the Simple Opportunistic Routing protocol

    Energy Efficient Cooperative Communications for Wireless Body Area Networks

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    It is expected that Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) will greatly improve the quality of our life because of its myriad applications for our human beings. However, one of the challenges is to design energy efficient communication protocols to support the reliable communication as well as to prolong the network lifetime. Cooperative communications have the advantage of spatial diversity to combat multipath fading, thus improving the link reliability and boosting energy efficiency. In this thesis, we investigate the energy efficient cooperative communications for WBAN. We first analyze the outage performance of three transmission schemes, namely direct transmission, single relay cooperation, and multi-relay cooperation. To minimize the energy consumption, we then study the problem of optimal power allocation with the constraint of targeted outage probability. Two strategies of power allocation are considered: power allocation with and without posture state information. Simulation results verify the accuracy of the analysis and demonstrate that: 1) power allocation making use of the posture information can reduce the energy consumption; 2) within a possible range of the channel quality in WBAN, cooperative communication is more energy efficient than direct transmission only when the path loss between the transmission pair is higher than a threshold; and 3) for most of the typical channel quality due to the fixed transceiver locations on human body, cooperative communication is effective in reducing energy consumption

    Link layer behavior of body area networks at 2.4 GHz

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    10.1145/1614320.1614347Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, MOBICOM241-25

    Towards Confident Body Sensor Networking

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    With the recent technology advances of wireless communication and lightweight low-power sensors, Body Sensor Network (BSN) is made possible. More and more researchers are interested in developing numerous novel BSN applications, such as remote health/fitness monitoring, military and sport training, interactive gaming, personal information sharing, and secure authentication. Despite the unstable wireless communication, various confidence requirements are placed on the BSN networking service. This thesis aims to provide Quality of Service (QoS) solutions for BSN communication, in order to achieve the required confidence goals.;We develop communication quality solutions to satisfy confidence requirements from both the communication and application levels, in single and multiple BSNs. First, we build communication QoS, targeting at providing service quality guarantees in terms of throughput and time delay on the communication level. More specifically, considering the heterogeneous BSN platform in a real deployment, we develop a radio-agnostic solution for wireless resource scheduling in the BSN. Second, we provide a QoS solution for both inter- and intra-BSN communications when more than one BSNs are involved. Third, we define application fidelity for two neurometric applications as examples, and bridge a connection between the communication QoS and application QoS

    Security and Privacy Preservation in Mobile Social Networks

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    Social networking extending the social circle of people has already become an important integral part of our daily lives. As reported by ComScore, social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter have reached 82 percent of the world's online population, representing 1.2 billion users around the world. In the meantime, fueled by the dramatic advancements of smartphones and the ubiquitous connections of Bluetooth/WiFi/3G/LTE networks, social networking further becomes available for mobile users and keeps them posted on the up-to-date worldwide news and messages from their friends and families anytime anywhere. The convergence of social networking, advanced smartphones, and stable network infrastructures brings us a pervasive and omnipotent communication platform, named mobile social network (MSN), helping us stay connected better than ever. In the MSN, multiple communication techniques help users to launch a variety of applications in multiple communication domains including single-user domain, two-user domain, user-chain domain, and user-star domain. Within different communication domains, promising mobile applications are fostered. For example, nearby friend search application can be launched in the two-user or user-chain domains to help a user find other physically-close peers who have similar interests and preferences; local service providers disseminate advertising information to nearby users in the user-star domain; and health monitoring enables users to check the physiological signals in the single-user domain. Despite the tremendous benefits brought by the MSN, it still faces many technique challenges among of which security and privacy protections are the most important ones as smartphones are vulnerable to security attacks, users easily neglect their privacy preservation, and mutual trust relationships are difficult to be established in the MSN. In this thesis, we explore the unique characteristics and study typical research issues of the MSN. We conduct our research with a focus on security and privacy preservation while considering human factors. Specifically, we consider the profile matching application in the two-user domain, the cooperative data forwarding in the user-chain domain, the trustworthy service evaluation application in the user-star domain, and the healthcare monitoring application in the single-user domain. The main contributions are, i) considering the human comparison behavior and privacy requirements, we first propose a novel family of comparison-based privacy-preserving profile matching (PPM) protocols. The proposed protocols enable two users to obtain comparison results of attribute values in their profiles, while the attribute values are not disclosed. Taking user anonymity requirement as an evaluation metric, we analyze the anonymity protection of the proposed protocols. From the analysis, we found that the more comparison results are disclosed, the less anonymity protection is achieved by the protocol. Further, we explore the pseudonym strategy and an anonymity enhancing technique where users could be self-aware of the anonymity risk level and take appropriate actions when needed; ii) considering the inherent MSN nature --- opportunistic networking, we propose a cooperative privacy-preserving data forwarding (PDF) protocol to help users forward data to other users. We indicate that privacy and effective data forwarding are two conflicting goals: the cooperative data forwarding could be severely interrupted or even disabled when the privacy preservation of users is applied, because without sharing personal information users become unrecognizable to each other and the social interactions are no longer traceable. We explore the morality model of users from classic social theory, and use game-theoretic approach to obtain the optimal data forwarding strategy. Through simulation results, we show that the proposed cooperative data strategy can achieve both the privacy preservation and the forwarding efficiency; iii) to establish the trust relationship in a distributed MSN is a challenging task. We propose a trustworthy service evaluation (TSE) system, to help users exchange their service reviews toward local vendors. However, vendors and users could be the potential attackers aiming to disrupt the TSE system. We then consider the review attacks, i.e., vendors rejecting and modifying the authentic reviews of users, and the Sybil attacks, i.e., users abusing their pseudonyms to generate fake reviews. To prevent these attacks, we explore the token technique, the aggregate signature, and the secret sharing techniques. Simulation results show the security and the effectiveness of the TSE system can be guaranteed; iv) to improve the efficiency and reliability of communications in the single-user domain, we propose a prediction-based secure and reliable routing framework (PSR). It can be integrated with any specific routing protocol to improve the latter's reliability and prevent data injection attacks during data communication. We show that the regularity of body gesture can be learned and applied by body sensors such that the route with the highest predicted link quality can always be chose for data forwarding. The security analysis and simulation results show that the PSR significantly increases routing efficiency and reliability with or without the data injection attacks

    Uncovering the Transcription Factor Network Underlying Mammalian Sex Determination

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    <p>Understanding transcriptional regulation in development and disease is one of the central questions in modern biology. The current working model is that Transcription Factors (TFs) combinatorially bind to specific regions of the genome and drive the expression of groups of genes in a cell-type specific fashion. In organisms with large genomes, particularly mammals, TFs bind to enhancer regions that are often several kilobases away from the genes they regulate, which makes identifying the regulators of gene expression difficult. In order to overcome these obstacles and uncover transcriptional regulatory networks, we used an approach combining expression profiling and genome-wide identification of enhancers followed by motif analysis. Further, we applied these approaches to uncover the TFs important in mammalian sex determination.</p><p>Using expression data from a panel of 19 human cell lines we identified genes showing patterns of cell-type specific up-regulation, down-regulation and constitutive expression. We then utilized matched DNase-seq data to assign DNase Hypersensitivity Sites (DHSs) to each gene based on proximity. These DHSs were scanned for matches to motifs and compiled to generate scores reflecting the presence of TF binding sites (TFBSs) in each gene's putative regulatory regions. We used a sparse logistic regression classifier to classify differentially regulated groups of genes. Comparing our approach to proximal promoter regions, we discovered that using sequence features in regions of open chromatin provided significant performance improvement. Crucially, we discovered both known and novel regulators of gene expression in different cell types. For some of these TFs, we found cell-type specific footprints indicating direct binding to their cognate motifs.</p><p>The mammalian gonad is an excellent system to study cell fate determination processes and the dynamic regulation orchestrated by TFs in development. At embryonic day (E) 10.5, the bipotential gonad initiates either testis development in XY embryos, or ovarian development in XX embryos. Genetic studies over the last 3 decades have revealed about 30 genes important in this process, but there are still significant gaps in our understanding. Specifically, we do not know the network of TFs and their specific combinations that cause the rapid changes in gene expression observed during gonadal fate commitment. Further, more than half the cases of human sex reversal are as yet unexplained. </p><p>To apply the methods we developed to identify regulators of gene expression to the gonad, we took two approaches. First, we carried out a careful dissection of the transcriptional dynamics during gonad differentiation in the critical window between E11.0 and E12.0. We profiled the transcriptome at 6 equally spaced time points and developed a Hidden Markov Model to reveal the cascades of transcription that drive the differentiation of the gonad. Further, we discovered that while the ovary maintains its transcriptional state at this early stage, concurrent up- and down-regulation of hundreds of genes are orchestrated by the testis pathway. Further, we compared two different strains of mice with differential susceptibility to XY male-to-female sex reversal. This analysis revealed that in the C57BL/6J strain, the male pathway is delayed by ~5 hours, likely explaining the increased susceptibility to sex reversal in this strain. Finally, we validated the function of Lmo4, a transcriptional co-factor up-regulated in XY gonads at E11.6 in both strains. RNAi mediated knockdown of Lmo4 in primary gonadal cells led to the down-regulation of male pathway genes including key regulators such as Sox9 and Fgf9. </p><p>To find the enhancers in the XY gonad, we conducted DNase-seq in E13.5 XY supporting cells. In addition, we conducted ChIP-seq for H3K27ac, a mark correlated with active enhancer activity. Further, we conducted motif analysis to reveal novel regulators of sex determination. Our work is an important step towards combining expression and chromatin profiling data to assemble transcriptional networks and is applicable to several systems.</p>Dissertatio