8 research outputs found

    Decision Analysis Linguistic Framework

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    Everyday human beings are faced with situations they should choose among different alternatives by means of reasoning and mental processes when solving a problem. Many of these decision problems are under uncertain environments including vague, imprecise and subjective information that is usually modeled by linguistic information due to the use of natural language and its relation to mental reasoning processes of the experts when expressing their judgments. In a decision process multiple criteria can be evaluated which involving multiple experts with different degrees of knowledge. Such process can be modeled by using Multi-granular Linguistic Information (MGLI) and Computing with Words (CW) processes to solve the related decision problems. Different methodologies and approaches have been proposed to accomplish this process in an accurate and interpretable way. In this paper we propose a useful Decision Analysis Framework to manage this kind of problems by using the Extended Linguistic Hierarchy (ELH), 2-tuples linguistic representation model and its computational method. The developed Framework has many advantages when dealing with a complex problem in a simple way and its capability of having easy and useful reasonably results.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Decision Analysis Linguistic Framework

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    Everyday human beings are faced with situations they should choose among different alternatives by means of reasoning and mental processes when solving a problem. Many of these decision problems are under uncertain environments including vague, imprecise and subjective information that is usually modeled by linguistic information due to the use of natural language and its relation to mental reasoning processes of the experts when expressing their judgments. In a decision process multiple criteria can be evaluated which involving multiple experts with different degrees of knowledge. Such process can be modeled by using Multi-granular Linguistic Information (MGLI) and Computing with Words (CW) processes to solve the related decision problems. Different methodologies and approaches have been proposed to accomplish this process in an accurate and interpretable way. In this paper we propose a useful Decision Analysis Framework to manage this kind of problems by using the Extended Linguistic Hierarchy (ELH), 2-tuples linguistic representation model and its computational method. The developed Framework has many advantages when dealing with a complex problem in a simple way and its capability of having easy and useful reasonably results.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Group decision-making based on heterogeneous preference relations with self-confidence

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Preference relations are very useful to express decision makers’ preferences over alternatives in the process of group decision-making. However, the multiple self-confidence levels are not considered in existing preference relations. In this study, we define the preference relation with self-confidence by taking multiple self-confidence levels into consideration, and we call it the preference relation with self-confidence. Furthermore, we present a two-stage linear programming model for estimating the collective preference vector for the group decision-making based on heterogeneous preference relations with self-confidence. Finally, numerical examples are used to illustrate the two-stage linear programming model, and a comparative analysis is carried out to show how self-confidence levels influence on the group decision-making results

    Procesos drv: la toma de decisiones como entrenamiento para equipos de trabajo

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    Este artículo presenta un método orientado a facilitar la toma de decisiones en equipos de trabajo. La propuesta utiliza herramientas de la Teoría de Utilidad Multiatributo, combinadas con Estadística. El artículo contiene una revisión de contribuciones al problema de la decisión con múltiples decisores, y una reflexión sobre características y requerimientos de las prácticas grupales. Además, se describen los fundamentos conceptuales del método. Se  enumeran y explican los pasos necesarios para su aplicación. El método se ejemplifica con la capacitación de un equipo responsable por el desarrollo de un sistema de mantenimiento preventivo. En ésta y otras experiencias, la propuesta resultó motivadora, con buen nivel de logros y amplia colaboración de los participantes. Esta contribución se diferencia de otros aportes, porque visualiza el proceso de toma de decisiones como una interesante posibilidad de capacitación grupal y, por ello, orienta su estrategia a posibilitar el intercambio de conocimientos, afianzar liderazgos, aumentar la cohesión interna y favorecer el compromiso con la decisión adoptada.This paper presents a method designed to facilitate group decision making. The proposal relies on tools of the Multiattribute Utility Theory combined with Statistics. The article contains a review of contributions to the problem of multiple decision makers and a reflection on the characteristics and requirements of group practices. It describes the conceptual foundations of the method and it also identifies and explains the steps needed for implementation. The method is exemplified with the training of a team responsible for the development of a preventive maintenance system. In this and other experiences, the proposal was motivating, with good level of achievements and ex-tensive collaboration of the participants. This contribution differs from others because it considers the decision making process as an interesting possibility for group training and therefore gears its strategy to enable knowledge exchange, strengthen leadership, improve internal cohesion and foster commitment to the adopted decision


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    The public procurement problem is a special problem of supplier selection that requires strict adherence to the principles of non-discrimination, free competition, and transparency in the contract awarding procedures. It is a very complex multi-criteria problem, which requires the engagement of several decision-makers (experts). The public procurement problem requires the usage of different types of conflicting criteria, the combination of different models (methods and techniques) of decision-making, as well as the modeling of different forms of uncertainty, inaccuracy, and subjectivity of decision-makers, which can represent a rather complex, difficult, and lengthy decision-making process. Therefore, the paper proposes a methodology for improving the tender process that focuses on heterogeneous preference structures of information (preference ordering, utility values, fuzzy (additive) preference relations, multiplicative preference relations, and linguistic preference relations) and an adaptive consensus approach for subjectively determining the weight of criteria and evaluation and selection of alternative bids. The Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method is used for the final ranking of bidders. The proposed methodology enables obtaining a more objective and measurable value during subjective decision-making as well as minimizing the risk of unscrupulous, incompetent, and irresponsible decision-making, which is shown in the given example

    Managing Consistency and Consensus in Group Decision-Making with Incomplete Fuzzy Preference Relations

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    Group decision-making is a field of decision theory that has many strengths and benefits. It can solve and simplify the most complex and hard decision problems. In addition, it helps decision-makers know more about the problem under study and their preferences. Group decision-making is much harder and complex than individual decision-making since group members may have different preferences regarding the alternatives, making it difficult to reach a consensus. In this thesis, we deal with three interrelated problems that decision-makers encounter during the process of arriving at a final decision. Our work addresses decision-making using preference relations. The first problem deals with incomplete reciprocal preference relations, where some of the preference degrees are missing. Ideally, the group members are able to provide preferences for all the alternatives, but sometimes they might not be able to discriminate between some of the alternatives, leading to missing values. Two methods are proposed to handle this problem. The first is based on a system of equations and the second relies on goal programming to estimate the missing information. The former is suitable to complete any incomplete preference relation with at leas

    Measuring stakeholder perceptions of responsible tourism development in Sanparks: learning from Kruger National Park

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    Responsible Tourism (RT) implies that all parties involved in the tourism sector are responsible for making sure that all activities taking place are of a sustainable nature, and that consideration is given to environmental conservation, economic growth and social integrity. The Kruger National Park (KNP) and the South African National Parks (SANParks) are key role-players in the tourism and conservation sectors in South Africa, and have acknowledged and started to implement Responsible Tourism practices into their strategic model. One major hurdle in reaching their RT goals is a lack of funding, which they are currently addressing by expanding and diversifying their tourism product offerings. As stakeholders play a key role in RT, this study aimed to determine stakeholder perceptions of RT development in the KNP, in order to assist SANParks achieve their RT goals. The philosophical assumption under which this study was undertaken was the pragmatic research paradigm, in which one aims to understand the truth concerning whatever questions are investigated. The methodology was applied through questionnaires that were completed by KNP visitors, and interviews based on SANS 1162:2011 that were conducted with KNP employees. The study found that there is some misalignment between RT aspects that visitors consider as important, and those that are highlighted in SANParks' strategic documentation. It was also noted that despite generally good performance with regard to RT aspects, employees find that insufficient funding and the lack of awareness of stakeholders are two of the challenges faced in achieving RT. In order for SANParks to reach their RT goals, they can consider addressing these gaps, as the core of RT is that of behaviour and actions taken. Emphasis must be on how all those involved in the KNP and SANParks can alter their behaviour to make better places for people to live in, and better places for people to visit.Environmental Science