4 research outputs found

    A fast and efficient implementation of qualitatively constrained quantile smoothing splines: Working paper series--05-08

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    Exploiting the sparse structure of the design matrices involved in the Frisch-Newton method, we implement a fast and efficient algorithm to compute qualitatively constrained smoothing and regression splines for quantile regression. In a previous implementation (He and Ng, 1999), the linear program involved was solved using the non-simplex active set algorithm for quantile smoothing spines proposed by Ng (1996). The current implementation uses the Frisch-Newton algorithm described in Koenker and Ng (2005a, 2005b). It is a variant of the interiorpoint algorithm proposed by Portnoy and Koenker (1997) which has been shown to outperform the simplex method in many applications. The current implementation relies on the R package SparseM of Koenker and Ng (2003) which contains a collection of basic linear algebra routines for sparse matrices to exploit the sparse structure of the matrices involved in the linear program to further speed up computation and save memory usage. A small simulation illustrates the superior performance of the new implementation

    High-Frequency Attenuation in the Lake Van Region, Eastern Turkey

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    We provide a complete description of the characteristics of excitation and attenuation of the ground motion in the Lake Van region (eastern Turkey) using a data set that includes three-component seismograms from the 23 October 2011 Mw 7.1 Van earthquake, as well as its aftershocks. Regional attenuation and source scaling are parameterized to describe the observed ground motions as a function of distance, frequency, and magnitude. Peak ground velocities are measured in selected narrow frequency bands from 0.25 to 12.5 Hz; observed peaks are regressed to define a piecewise linear regional attenu- ation function, a set of excitation terms, and a set of site response terms. Results are modeled through random vibration theory (see Cartwright and Longuet-Higgins, 1956). In the log–log space, the regional crustal attenuation is modeled with a bilinear geo- metrical spreading g r characterized by a crossover distance at 40 km: g r ∝ r^−1 fits our results at short distances (r < 40 km), whereas g r ∝ r^−0.3 is better at larger distances (40 < r < 200 km). A frequency-dependent quality factor, Q f =100( f/fref)^ 0:43 (in which fref 1.0 Hz), is coupled to the geometrical spreading. Because of the inherent trade-off of the excitation/attenuation parameters (Δσ and Îș), their specific values strongly depend on the choice made for the stress drop of the smaller earthquakes. After choosing a Brune stress drop ΔσBrune 4 MPa at Mw 3:5, we were able to define (1) an effective high frequency, distance- and mag- nitude-independent roll-off spectral parameter, Îșeff = 0:03 s and (2) a size-dependent stress-drop parameter, which increases with moment magnitude, from ΔσBrune 4 MPa at Mw 3.5 to ΔσBrune 20 MPa at Mw 7.1. The set of parameters mentioned here may be used in order to predict the earthquake-induced ground motions expected from future earthquakes in the region surrounding Lake Van

    Robuste ZustandsschÀtzung zur Navigation und Regelung autonomer und bemannter Multikopter mit verteilten Sensoren

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    Die robuste Navigation von unbemannten aber auch bemannten VTOL Multirotor-FluggerĂ€ten mit vier oder mehr Motoren und Festpropellern steht im Fokus dieser Arbeit. Dabei wird auf leichtgewichtige, platzsparende, kostengĂŒnstige und stromsparende Sensorik aufgebaut. Eine neue AusprĂ€gung des Kalman-Filters wird vorgestellt: das Simplex Kalman-Filter mit robusten L1 Eigenschaften. Dieser Ansatz erlaubt darĂŒber hinaus die NavigationszustandsschĂ€tzung unter der Hinzunahme von Ungleichungen und Bedingungsgleichungen. Somit kann, bei vorliegenden Informationen ĂŒber das Gesamtsystem oder der Umgebung, der Lösungsraum auf einfache Art eingeschrĂ€nkt werden. Es wird gezeigt, wie das Simplex Kalman-Filter mit Hilfe des binĂ€ren Raumteilungsverfahrens (Binary Space Partitioning) die Einbeziehung von beliebigen konkaven Raumgeometrien zulĂ€sst. Somit stellt das Verfahren beispielsweise fĂŒr manche AnwendungsfĂ€lle eine Alternative zu einem Partikelfilter dar. Die Auswirkungen von Ungleichungen auf die Wahrscheinlichkeitsdichtefunktion wird betrachtet. Zudem wird auf Basis der Simplex L1 Methode eine redundante Flugregelungsarchitektur fĂŒr unbemannte und bemannte Multirotor-FluggerĂ€te vorgestellt. Diese Architektur erlaubt die Einbindung beliebig vieler dissimilarer Flugsteuerungsrechner und dezentralisiert die Entscheidung, welcher dieser Rechner aktiv die Regelung des FluggerĂ€ts ĂŒbernimmt