1,119 research outputs found

    The transmission of music into the human uterus and the response to music of the human fetus and neonate

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    The aim of this study was to investigate whether music influences human life before birth. In order to determine the existence and character of music in the uterine acoustic environment, a study was conducted involving the insertion of a hydrophone through the cervix, next to the fetal head. The investigation was conducted on eight women in early labour. The average residual uterine sound of the eight subjects was measured at 65 dBA (A-weighted) re 20 µ.Pa in a 1 O KHz band, RMS averaged over 32-second records. Above this emerged the maternal voice, an external female voice and a male voice presented at approximately 65 dB (linear weighted). Pure tones between 50 Hz and 1 O KHz and orchestral music, all presented at 80 dB (linear weighted), were also shown to emerge above the residual uterine sound. Attenuation of external sound was observed to vary as a function of frequency, with less attenuation of lower frequencies. It was determined that the music was transmitted into the uterus without sufficient distortion to significantly alter the recognisable characteristics of the music. The fetal heart rate (FHA) response to a music stimulus (MS) and a vibroacoustic stimulus (VS) was measured in 40 subjects. Gestational age of the fetuses ranged from 32 to 42 weeks. The study included a control period with no acoustic stimulation; a period with the presentation of 5 music stimuli; and a period with the presentation of 5 vibroacoustic stimuli. A change in the FHA of 15 beats per minute or greater, lasting 15 seconds and occurring within 15 seconds of at least 2 of the 5 stimuli (or a tachycardia of greater than 15 beats per minute above the resting baseline, sustained for one minute or longer) was considered to be a positive response. The MS elicited a positive response in 35 of the fetuses (the 5 non-responses occurring in a period of low FHA variability) and all 40 fetuses responded to the VS (regardless of arousal state). In the third study, mothers attending childbirth education classes volunteered to listen to a prescribed music excerpt twice daily from the 34th week of pregnancy. Ten neonates (all clinically normal) were tested betw~en the 2nd and 5th day after birth. Investigators observed the effect of two music sti:Tiuli, the prescribed stimulus and a non-prescribed stimulus, on neonatal sucking of a non-nutritive nipple. A five-minute control period with no stimulation was compared with a ten-minute period during which two music stimuli were presented. By random allocation, either the prescribed music stimulus (PM) or the nonprescribed music (NM) was presented contingent upon sucking pressure. If a sucking burst was initiated, the PM stimulus was activated. On cessation of sucking, the NM stimulus was activated. Randomly, the procedure would be reversed for some of the subjects, where initiation of sucking activated the NM stimulus and cessation of sucking activated the PM stimulus. It was determined that the inter-burst intervals during the music period were significantly extended when coinciding with the PM stimulus and significantly shortened when coinciding with the NM stimulus.The studies indicated that music is transmitted into the uterus with insufficient distortion to alter the character of the music; that the normal fetus responds to a music stimulus from at least the 32nd week of gestation; and that the neonate alters the normal sucking pattern to activate longer periods of a music stimulus which has been repeatedly presented during the intrauterine stage and shorter periods of a novel music stimulus

    Epigenetics and the maintenance of developmental plasticity: extending the signalling theory framework

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    Developmental plasticity, a phenomenon of importance in both evolutionary biology and human studies of the developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD), enables organisms to respond to their environment based on previous experience without changes to the underlying nucleotide sequence. Although such phenotypic responses should theoretically improve an organism’s fitness and performance in its future environment, this is not always the case. Herein, we first discuss epigenetics as an adaptive mechanism of developmental plasticity and use signaling theory to provide an evolutionary context for DOHaD phenomena within a generation. Next, we utilize signalling theory to identify determinants of adaptive developmental plasticity, detect sources of random variability – also known as process errors that affect maintenance of an epigenetic signal (DNA methylation) over time, and discuss implications of these errors for an organism’s health and fitness. Finally, we apply life‐course epidemiology conceptual models to inform study design and analytical strategies that are capable of parsing out the potential effects of process errors in the relationships among an organism’s early environment, DNA methylation, and phenotype in a future environment. Ultimately, we hope to foster cross‐talk and interdisciplinary collaboration between evolutionary biology and DOHaD epidemiology, which have historically remained separate despite a shared interest in developmental plasticity.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145204/1/brv12396_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145204/2/brv12396.pd

    Why does prenatal infection prime the brain for psychosis?

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    In this thesis, I interrogate the mechanisms of association between immune insults in prenatal development and psychotic disorders, with a particular focus on schizophrenia. Schizophrenia has been cast, from different neuroscientific perspectives, as a polygenic disorder, as a neurodevelopmental disorder and as a sensory processing disorder. The dysconnection hypothesis draws together these strands of research to construct a coherent picture of how schizophrenia may arise, specifically implicating a functional synaptopathy as the aetiological core of psychotic symptoms. One strand that has not yet been woven into this tapestry is the immune system, which has been overwhelmingly linked with psychosis in recent years. I set out to bridge these interpretations using a variety of methods, namely, statistical genetics, cell biology, electroencephalography and theoretical neurobiology. Chapter 1 is a transcriptome-wide association study of the mismatch negativity (MMN), exploring the genetic underpinnings of sensory processing itself. The MMN is an electroencephalographic signature that is consistently altered in patients with psychosis. Chapter 2 is a differential gene expression study of human neural progenitor cells stimulated in vitro with pro-inflammatory cytokines, showing suppressed transcriptional responses to inflammation in cells from people with schizophrenia. These findings are potentially important for the understanding of synaptic dysfunction in schizophrenia that may underwrite false inference of the kind associated with delusions and hallucinations. Finally, Chapter 3 considers the immune system itself as performing an elementary kind of inference: immunoceptive inference. This offers a first principles account of the immune response that extends the reach of immunology in helping to understand psychiatric disorders, as well as a new way of understanding interactions between the immune system and the brain

    Scattering by two spheres: Theory and experiment

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    Influence of Early Bilingual Exposure in the Developing Human Brain.

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    190 p.La adquisición del lenguaje es un proceso que ese encuentra determinado tanto por mecanismos de desarrollo cognitivo, como por la experiencia lingüística durante los primeros años de vida. Aunque se trata de un proceso relativamente complejo, los bebés muestran una gran habilidad para el aprendizaje del lenguaje. Un entorno de aprendizaje lingüístico bilingüe podría considerarse aun más complejo, ya que los bebés están expuestos a las características lingüísticas de dos lenguas simultáneamente. En primer lugar, los bebés que crecen en un entorno bilingüe tienen que ser capaces de darse cuenta de que están expuestos a dos lenguas diferentes, y posteriormente deben separar y aprender las características especificas de cada una de ellas; por ejemplo, los distintos fonemas, palabras o estructuras gramaticales. Aunque la exposición lingüística total de los bebés bilingües debería ser comparable a la de los bebés monolingües, es probable que la exposición a cada una de las lenguas de su entorno sea menor, ya que tienen que dividir su tiempo de exposición entre ambas. Si bien los bebés bilingües parecen no tener problemas para enfrentarse a un contexto de aprendizaje potencialmente más complejo, ya que alcanzan las distintas etapas de adquisición del lenguaje a un ritmo similar a los bebés monolingües, sí se han observado adaptaciones a nivel conductual y a nivel de funcionamiento cerebral que podrían producirse como consecuencia de este contexto.Basque Center on cognition, brain and languag

    Influence of Early Bilingual Exposure in the Developing Human Brain.

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    190 p.La adquisición del lenguaje es un proceso que ese encuentra determinado tanto por mecanismos de desarrollo cognitivo, como por la experiencia lingüística durante los primeros años de vida. Aunque se trata de un proceso relativamente complejo, los bebés muestran una gran habilidad para el aprendizaje del lenguaje. Un entorno de aprendizaje lingüístico bilingüe podría considerarse aun más complejo, ya que los bebés están expuestos a las características lingüísticas de dos lenguas simultáneamente. En primer lugar, los bebés que crecen en un entorno bilingüe tienen que ser capaces de darse cuenta de que están expuestos a dos lenguas diferentes, y posteriormente deben separar y aprender las características especificas de cada una de ellas; por ejemplo, los distintos fonemas, palabras o estructuras gramaticales. Aunque la exposición lingüística total de los bebés bilingües debería ser comparable a la de los bebés monolingües, es probable que la exposición a cada una de las lenguas de su entorno sea menor, ya que tienen que dividir su tiempo de exposición entre ambas. Si bien los bebés bilingües parecen no tener problemas para enfrentarse a un contexto de aprendizaje potencialmente más complejo, ya que alcanzan las distintas etapas de adquisición del lenguaje a un ritmo similar a los bebés monolingües, sí se han observado adaptaciones a nivel conductual y a nivel de funcionamiento cerebral que podrían producirse como consecuencia de este contexto.Basque Center on cognition, brain and languag

    Psychologie und Gehirn 2007

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    Die Fachtagung "Psychologie und Gehirn" ist eine traditionelle Tagung aus dem Bereich psychophysiologischer Grundlagenforschung. 2007 fand diese Veranstaltung, die 33. Jahrestagung der „Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychophysiologie und ihre Anwendungen (DGPA)“, in Dortmund unter der Schirmherrschaft des Instituts für Arbeitsphysiologie (IfADo) statt. Neben der Grundlagenforschung ist auch die Umsetzung in die Anwendung erklärtes Ziel der DGPA und dieser Tradition folgend wurden Beiträge aus vielen Bereichen moderner Neurowissenschaft (Elektrophysiologie, bildgebende Verfahren, Peripherphysiologie, Neuroendokrinologie, Verhaltensgenetik, u.a.) präsentiert und liegen hier in Kurzform vor