156 research outputs found

    Optimal Linear Precoding for Indoor Visible Light Communication System

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    Visible light communication (VLC) is an emerging technique that uses light-emitting diodes (LED) to combine communication and illumination. It is considered as a promising scheme for indoor wireless communication that can be deployed at reduced costs while offering high data rate performance. In this paper, we focus on the design of the downlink of a multi-user VLC system. Inherent to multi-user systems is the interference caused by the broadcast nature of the medium. Linear precoding based schemes are among the most popular solutions that have recently been proposed to mitigate inter-user interference. This paper focuses on the design of the optimal linear precoding scheme that solves the max-min signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) problem. The performance of the proposed precoding scheme is studied under different working conditions and compared with the classical zero-forcing precoding. Simulations have been provided to illustrate the high gain of the proposed scheme.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ICC proceedings 201

    Symbol-Level Precoding Design for Max-Min SINR in Multiuser MISO Broadcast Channels

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    In this paper, we address the symbol level precoding (SLP) design problem under max-min SINR criterion in the downlink of multiuser multiple-input single-output (MISO) channels. First, we show that the distance preserving constructive interference regions (DPCIR) are always polyhedral angles (shifted pointed cones) for any given constellation point with unbounded decision region. Then we prove that any signal in a given unbounded DPCIR has a norm larger than the norm of the corresponding vertex if and only if the convex hull of the constellation contains the origin. Using these properties, we show that the power of the noiseless received signal lying on an unbounded DPCIR is an strictly increasing function of two parameters. This allows us to reformulate the originally non-convex SLP max-min SINR as a convex optimization problem. We discuss the loss due to our proposed convex reformulation and provide some simulation results.Comment: Submitted to SPAWC 2018, 7 pages, 2 figure

    A Rate-Splitting Approach To Robust Multiuser MISO Transmission

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    For multiuser MISO systems with bounded uncertainties in the Channel State Information (CSI), we consider two classical robust design problems: maximizing the minimum rate subject to a transmit power constraint, and power minimization under a rate constraint. Contrary to conventional strategies, we propose a Rate-Splitting (RS) strategy where each message is divided into two parts, a common part and a private part. All common parts are packed into one super common message encoded using a shared codebook and decoded by all users, while private parts are independently encoded and retrieved by their corresponding users. We prove that RS-based designs achieve higher max-min Degrees of Freedom (DoF) compared to conventional designs (NoRS) for uncertainty regions that scale with SNR. For the special case of non-scaling uncertainty regions, RS contrasts with NoRS and achieves a non-saturating max-min rate. In the power minimization problem, RS is shown to combat the feasibility problem arising from multiuser interference in NoRS. A robust design of precoders for RS is proposed, and performance gains over NoRS are demonstrated through simulations.Comment: To appear in ICASSP 201

    Sub-Stream Fairness and Numerical Correctness in MIMO Interference Channels

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    Signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR) and rate fairness in a system are substantial quality-of-service (QoS) metrics. The acclaimed SINR maximization (max-SINR) algorithm does not achieve fairness between user's streams, i.e., sub-stream fairness is not achieved. To this end, we propose a distributed power control algorithm to render sub-stream fairness in the system. Sub-stream fairness is a less restrictive design metric than stream fairness (i.e., fairness between all streams) thus sum-rate degradation is milder. Algorithmic parameters can significantly differentiate the results of numerical algorithms. A complete picture for comparison of algorithms can only be depicted by varying these parameters. For example, a predetermined iteration number or a negligible increment in the sum-rate can be the stopping criteria of an algorithm. While the distributed interference alignment (DIA) can reasonably achieve sub-stream fairness for the later, the imbalance between sub-streams increases as the preset iteration number decreases. Thus comparison of max-SINR and DIA with a low preset iteration number can only depict a part of the picture. We analyze such important parameters and their effects on SINR and rate metrics to exhibit numerical correctness in executing the benchmarks. Finally, we propose group filtering schemes that jointly design the streams of a user in contrast to max-SINR scheme that designs each stream of a user separately.Comment: To be presented at IEEE ISWTA'1

    Optimal Linear Precoding in Multi-User MIMO Systems: A Large System Analysis

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    We consider the downlink of a single-cell multi-user MIMO system in which the base station makes use of NN antennas to communicate with KK single-antenna user equipments (UEs) randomly positioned in the coverage area. In particular, we focus on the problem of designing the optimal linear precoding for minimizing the total power consumption while satisfying a set of target signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratios (SINRs). To gain insights into the structure of the optimal solution and reduce the computational complexity for its evaluation, we analyze the asymptotic regime where NN and KK grow large with a given ratio and make use of recent results from large system analysis to compute the asymptotic solution. Then, we concentrate on the asymptotically design of heuristic linear precoding techniques. Interestingly, it turns out that the regularized zero-forcing (RZF) precoder is equivalent to the optimal one when the ratio between the SINR requirement and the average channel attenuation is the same for all UEs. If this condition does not hold true but only the same SINR constraint is imposed for all UEs, then the RZF can be modified to still achieve optimality if statistical information of the UE positions is available at the BS. Numerical results are used to evaluate the performance gap in the finite system regime and to make comparisons among the precoding techniques.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Austin, Texas, Dec. 2014. An extended version of this work is available at http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.598

    AMMSE Optimization for Multiuser MISO Systems with Imperfect CSIT and Perfect CSIR

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    In this paper, we consider the design of robust linear precoders for MU-MISO systems where users have perfect Channel State Information (CSI) while the BS has partial CSI. In particular, the BS has access to imperfect estimates of the channel vectors, in addition to the covariance matrices of the estimation error vectors. A closed-form expression for the Average Minimum Mean Square Error (AMMSE) is obtained using the second order Taylor Expansion. This approximation is used to formulate two fairness-based robust design problems: a maximum AMMSE-constrained problem and a power-constrained problem. We propose an algorithm based on convex optimization techniques to address the first problem, while the second problem is tackled by exploiting the close relationship between the two problems, in addition to their monotonic natures.Comment: IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 201