14,508 research outputs found

    Linear Discriminative Image Processing Operator Analysis

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    In this paper, we propose a method to select a discriminative set of image processing operations for Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) as an application of the use of generating matrices representing image processing operators acting on images. First we show that generating matrices can be used for formulating LDA with increasing training samples, then analyze them as image processing operators acting on 2D continuous functions for compressing many large generating matrices by using PCA and Hermite decomposition. Then we propose Linear Discriminative Image Processing Operator Analysis, an iterative method for estimating LDA feature space along with a discriminative set of generating matrices. In experiments, we demonstrate that discriminative generating matrices outperform a nondiscriminative set on the ORL and FERET datasets

    Linear Discriminative Image Processing Operator Analysis

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    Toru Tamaki, Bingzhi Yuan, Kengo Harada, Bisser Raytchev, Kazufumi Kaneda, Linear Discriminative Image Processing Operator Analysis, Proc. of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2012), pp. 2526-2532, 2012. 発表ポスタ

    Discriminative Transfer Learning for General Image Restoration

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    Recently, several discriminative learning approaches have been proposed for effective image restoration, achieving convincing trade-off between image quality and computational efficiency. However, these methods require separate training for each restoration task (e.g., denoising, deblurring, demosaicing) and problem condition (e.g., noise level of input images). This makes it time-consuming and difficult to encompass all tasks and conditions during training. In this paper, we propose a discriminative transfer learning method that incorporates formal proximal optimization and discriminative learning for general image restoration. The method requires a single-pass training and allows for reuse across various problems and conditions while achieving an efficiency comparable to previous discriminative approaches. Furthermore, after being trained, our model can be easily transferred to new likelihood terms to solve untrained tasks, or be combined with existing priors to further improve image restoration quality

    Analysis Dictionary Learning: An Efficient and Discriminative Solution

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    Discriminative Dictionary Learning (DL) methods have been widely advocated for image classification problems. To further sharpen their discriminative capabilities, most state-of-the-art DL methods have additional constraints included in the learning stages. These various constraints, however, lead to additional computational complexity. We hence propose an efficient Discriminative Convolutional Analysis Dictionary Learning (DCADL) method, as a lower cost Discriminative DL framework, to both characterize the image structures and refine the interclass structure representations. The proposed DCADL jointly learns a convolutional analysis dictionary and a universal classifier, while greatly reducing the time complexity in both training and testing phases, and achieving a competitive accuracy, thus demonstrating great performance in many experiments with standard databases.Comment: ICASSP 201