424 research outputs found

    From Nonlinear Identification to Linear Parameter Varying Models: Benchmark Examples

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    Linear parameter-varying (LPV) models form a powerful model class to analyze and control a (nonlinear) system of interest. Identifying a LPV model of a nonlinear system can be challenging due to the difficulty of selecting the scheduling variable(s) a priori, which is quite challenging in case a first principles based understanding of the system is unavailable. This paper presents a systematic LPV embedding approach starting from nonlinear fractional representation models. A nonlinear system is identified first using a nonlinear block-oriented linear fractional representation (LFR) model. This nonlinear LFR model class is embedded into the LPV model class by factorization of the static nonlinear block present in the model. As a result of the factorization a LPV-LFR or a LPV state-space model with an affine dependency results. This approach facilitates the selection of the scheduling variable from a data-driven perspective. Furthermore the estimation is not affected by measurement noise on the scheduling variables, which is often left untreated by LPV model identification methods. The proposed approach is illustrated on two well-established nonlinear modeling benchmark examples

    Continuous-time block-oriented nonlinear modeling with complex input noise structure

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    The continuous-time closed-form algorithms to sinusoidal input changes are proposed and presented for single-input, single-output (SISO) Hammerstein and Wiener systems with the first-order, second-order, and second-order plus lead dynamics. By simulation on theoretical Hammerstein and Wiener systems, the predicted responses agree exactly with the true process values. They depend on only the most recent input change. The algorithms to SISO Hammerstein and Wiener systems can be conveniently extended to the multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) systems as shown by the two-input, two-output examples and demonstrated by the simulated seven-input, five-output continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR). The predictions and the simulated theoretical responses agree exactly and the predicted multiple CSTR outputs are close to the true process outputs. The proposed algorithms can predict the responses closer to the true values when comparing with the piece-wise step input approximation of the sinusoidal input changes on a simulated MIMO CSTR. In addition, as the noisy process input could be decomposed as summation of sinusoidal signals imposed on a step input change; the proposed algorithms can be employed to predict outputs for the noisy process inputs once the decomposition is done and the predicted noisy process outputs are shown to be close to the true ones, and are much better than the predictions based on the perfect filtering of the input signals.;The estimating equations based on the moment method are proposed for the Wiener dynamic process with stochastically correlated process input disturbances or noises and they work well for the parameter estimation. No one has ever proposed such method before. This approach has led to stable and robust estimators that have reasonable estimation errors and there is no need to measure the input disturbances or noises, or to calculate the time derivative of the observed output variable. Only the original process output observations over time are needed. The original model can be shifted to an approximate model under some conditions. This approximation is acceptable based on some analysis and derivation. The estimating equation methodology was shown to work well for the approximate model, while other existing methods do not work at all

    Advancing block-oriented modeling in process control

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    The increasing pressure in industry to maintain tight control over processes has led to the development of many advanced control algorithms. Many of these algorithms are model-based control schemes, which require an accurate predictive model of the process to achieve good controller performance. Because of this, research in the fields of nonlinear process modeling and predictive control has advanced over the past several decades.;In this dissertation, a new method for identifying complicated block-oriented nonlinear models of processes will be proposed. This method is applied for LNL and LLN sandwich block-oriented models and will be shown to accurately predict process response behavior for a simulated continuous-stirred tank reactor (CSTR) and a pilot-scale distillation column. In addition, it will be shown to effectively model the pilot-scale distillation column using closed-loop, highly correlated input data.;Using the block-oriented models identified, a new feedforward control framework has been developed. This feedforward control framework represents the first that compensates for multiple input disturbances occurring simultaneously. Only a single process model is needed to account for all measured disturbances. In addition, it allows a plant engineer to develop the predictive model of the process from plant historical data instead of introducing a series of disturbances to the process to try to identify the model. This has the potential to considerably reduce the cost of implementing an advanced control scheme in terms of time, effort and money. The proposed feedforward control framework is tested on a simulated CSTR process in Chapter 4, and on a pilot-scale distillation column in Chapter 5

    A unified approach for the identification of SISO/MIMO Wiener and Hammerstein systems

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    Hammerstein and Wiener models are nonlinear representations of systems composed by the coupling of a static nonlinearity N and a linear system L in the form N-L and L-N respectively. These models can represent real processes which made them popular in the last decades. The problem of identifying the static nonlinearity and linear system is not a trivial task, and has attracted a lot of research interest. It has been studied in the available literature either for Hammerstein or Wiener systems, and either in a discrete-time or continuous-time setting. The objective of this paper is to present a uni ed framework for the identification of these systems that is valid for SISO and MIMO systems, discrete and continuous-time setting, and with the only a priori knowledge that the system is either Wiener or Hammerstein.Preprin

    Sparse Nonlinear MIMO Filtering and Identification

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    In this chapter system identification algorithms for sparse nonlinear multi input multi output (MIMO) systems are developed. These algorithms are potentially useful in a variety of application areas including digital transmission systems incorporating power amplifier(s) along with multiple antennas, cognitive processing, adaptive control of nonlinear multivariable systems, and multivariable biological systems. Sparsity is a key constraint imposed on the model. The presence of sparsity is often dictated by physical considerations as in wireless fading channel-estimation. In other cases it appears as a pragmatic modelling approach that seeks to cope with the curse of dimensionality, particularly acute in nonlinear systems like Volterra type series. Three dentification approaches are discussed: conventional identification based on both input and output samples, semi–blind identification placing emphasis on minimal input resources and blind identification whereby only output samples are available plus a–priori information on input characteristics. Based on this taxonomy a variety of algorithms, existing and new, are studied and evaluated by simulation
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