8 research outputs found


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    We construct a perfectly binding string commitment scheme whose security is based on the learning parity with noise (LPN) assumption, or equivalently, the hardness of decoding random linear codes. Our scheme not only allows for a simple and efficient zero-knowledge proof of knowledge for committed values (essentially a ÎŁ-protocol), but also for such proofs showing any kind of relation amongst committed values, i.e. proving that messages m_0,...,m_u, are such that m_0=C(m_1,...,m_u) for any circuit C. To get soundness which is exponentially small in a security parameter t, and when the zero-knowledge property relies on the LPN problem with secrets of length l, our 3 round protocol has communication complexity O(t|C|l log(l)) and computational complexity of O(t|C|l) bit operations. The hidden constants are small, and the computation consists mostly of computing inner products of bit-vectors

    Linear Zero-Knowledge -- A Note on Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Arguments

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    We present a zero-knowledge proof system [19] for any NP language L, which allows showing that x 2 L with error probability less than 2 using communication corresponding to O(jxj ) + k bit commitments, where c is a constant depending only on L. The proof can be based on any bit commitment scheme with a particular set of properties. We suggest an efficient implementation based on factoring. We als

    Secure and fair two-party computation

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    Consider several parties that do not trust each other, yet they wish to correctly compute some common function of their local inputs while keeping these inputs private. This problem is known as "Secure Multi-Party Computation", and was introduced by Andrew Yao in 1982. Secure multi-party computations have some real world examples like electronic auctions, electronic voting or fingerprinting. In this thesis we consider the case where there are only two parties involved. This is known as "Secure Two-Party Computation". If there is a trusted third party called Carol, then the problem is pretty straightforward. The participating parties could hand their inputs in Carol who can compute the common function correctly and could return the outputs to the corresponding parties. The goal is to achieve (almost) the same result when there is no trusted third party. Cryptographic protocols are designed in order to solve these kinds of problems. These protocols are analyzed within an appropriate model in which the behavior of parties is structured. The basic level is called the Semi-Honest Model where parties are assumed to follow the protocol specification, but later can derive additional information based on the messages which have been received so far. A more realistic model is the so-called Malicious Model. The common approach is to first analyze a protocol in the semi-honest model and then later extend it into the malicious model. Any cryptographic protocol for secure two-party computation must satisfy the following security requirements: correctness, privacy and fairness. It must guarantee the correctness of the result while preserving the privacy of the parties’ inputs, even if one of the parties is malicious and behaves arbitrarily throughout the protocol. It must also guarantee fairness. This roughly means that whenever a party aborts the protocol prematurely, he or she should not have any advantage over the other party in discovering the output. The main question for researchers is to construct new protocols that achieve the above mentioned goals for secure multi-party computation. Of course, such protocols must be secure in a given model, as well as be as efficient as possible. In 1986, Yao presented the first general protocol for secure two-party computation which was applicable only to the semi-honest model. He uses a tool called "Garbled Circuit". Yao’s protocol uses the underlying primitives ("Pseudorandom Generator" and "Oblivious Transfer") as blackboxes which lead to efficient results. After Yao’s work many variants and improvements have been proposed for the malicious model. In this thesis, we design several new protocols for secure two-party computation based on Yao’s garbled circuit. Before we present the details of our new designs, we first show several weaknesses, security flaws or problems with the existing protocols in the literature. We first work in the semi-honest model and then extend it into the malicious model by presenting new protocols. Finally we add fairness to our protocol. Oblivious transfer (OT) is a fundamental primitive in modern cryptography which is useful for implementing protocols for secure multi-party computation. We study several variants of oblivious transfer in this thesis. We present a new protocol for the so-called "Committed OT". This protocol is very efficient in the sense that it is quite good in comparison to the most efficient committed OT protocols in the literature. The abovementioned flaw with the use of OT can be fixed with our committed oblivious transfer protocol. Furthermore, it is more general than all previous protocols, and, therefore, it is of independent interest. We also deal with fairness in this thesis. For protocols based on garbled circuit, so far only Benny Pinkas has presented a protocol in the literature for achieving fairness. We show a subtle problem with this protocol where the privacy of the inputs of one party can be compromised. We also describe this problem in detail which is in fact related to the fairness, and finally propose a more efficient scheme that does achieve fairness

    Secure and fair two-party computation

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    Consider several parties that do not trust each other, yet they wish to correctly compute some common function of their local inputs while keeping these inputs private. This problem is known as "Secure Multi-Party Computation", and was introduced by Andrew Yao in 1982. Secure multi-party computations have some real world examples like electronic auctions, electronic voting or fingerprinting. In this thesis we consider the case where there are only two parties involved. This is known as "Secure Two-Party Computation". If there is a trusted third party called Carol, then the problem is pretty straightforward. The participating parties could hand their inputs in Carol who can compute the common function correctly and could return the outputs to the corresponding parties. The goal is to achieve (almost) the same result when there is no trusted third party. Cryptographic protocols are designed in order to solve these kinds of problems. These protocols are analyzed within an appropriate model in which the behavior of parties is structured. The basic level is called the Semi-Honest Model where parties are assumed to follow the protocol specification, but later can derive additional information based on the messages which have been received so far. A more realistic model is the so-called Malicious Model. The common approach is to first analyze a protocol in the semi-honest model and then later extend it into the malicious model. Any cryptographic protocol for secure two-party computation must satisfy the following security requirements: correctness, privacy and fairness. It must guarantee the correctness of the result while preserving the privacy of the parties’ inputs, even if one of the parties is malicious and behaves arbitrarily throughout the protocol. It must also guarantee fairness. This roughly means that whenever a party aborts the protocol prematurely, he or she should not have any advantage over the other party in discovering the output. The main question for researchers is to construct new protocols that achieve the above mentioned goals for secure multi-party computation. Of course, such protocols must be secure in a given model, as well as be as efficient as possible. In 1986, Yao presented the first general protocol for secure two-party computation which was applicable only to the semi-honest model. He uses a tool called "Garbled Circuit". Yao’s protocol uses the underlying primitives ("Pseudorandom Generator" and "Oblivious Transfer") as blackboxes which lead to efficient results. After Yao’s work many variants and improvements have been proposed for the malicious model. In this thesis, we design several new protocols for secure two-party computation based on Yao’s garbled circuit. Before we present the details of our new designs, we first show several weaknesses, security flaws or problems with the existing protocols in the literature. We first work in the semi-honest model and then extend it into the malicious model by presenting new protocols. Finally we add fairness to our protocol. Oblivious transfer (OT) is a fundamental primitive in modern cryptography which is useful for implementing protocols for secure multi-party computation. We study several variants of oblivious transfer in this thesis. We present a new protocol for the so-called "Committed OT". This protocol is very efficient in the sense that it is quite good in comparison to the most efficient committed OT protocols in the literature. The abovementioned flaw with the use of OT can be fixed with our committed oblivious transfer protocol. Furthermore, it is more general than all previous protocols, and, therefore, it is of independent interest. We also deal with fairness in this thesis. For protocols based on garbled circuit, so far only Benny Pinkas has presented a protocol in the literature for achieving fairness. We show a subtle problem with this protocol where the privacy of the inputs of one party can be compromised. We also describe this problem in detail which is in fact related to the fairness, and finally propose a more efficient scheme that does achieve fairness

    Design of advanced primitives for secure multiparty computation : special shuffles and integer comparison

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    In modern cryptography, the problem of secure multiparty computation is about the cooperation between mutually distrusting parties computing a given function. Each party holds some private information that should remain secret as much as possible throughout the computation. A large body of research initiated in the early 1980's has shown that any computable function can be evaluated using secure multiparty computation. Though these feasibility results are general, their applicability in practical situations is rather unsatisfactory. This thesis concerns the study of two particular cryptographic primitives with focus on efficiency. The first primitive studied is a generalization of verifiable shuffles of homomorphic encryptions, where the shuffler is only allowed to apply a permutation from a restricted set of permutations. In this thesis, we consider shuffles using permutations from a k-fragile set, meaning that any k input-output correspondences uniquely identify a permutation within the set. We provide verifiable shuffles restricted to the set of all rotations (1-fragile), affine transformations (2-fragile), and Möbius transformations (3-fragile). Applications of these special shuffles include fragile mixing, electronic elections, secure function evaluation using scrambled circuits, and secure integer comparison. Two approaches for verifiable rotations are presented. On the one hand, we use properties of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) to express in a compact way that a rotation is applied in a shuffle. The solution is efficient, but imposes some mild restrictions on the parameters to allow DFT to work. On the other hand, we present a general solution that does not impose any parameter constraint and works on any homomorphic cryptosystem. These protocols for rotations are used to build efficient shuffling protocols for affine and Möbius transformations. The second primitive is secure integer comparison. In a general scenario, parties are given homomorphic encryptions of the bits of two integers and, after running a protocol, an encryption of a bit is produced, telling the result of the greater-than comparison of the two integers. This is a useful building block for higher-level protocols such as electronic voting, biometrics authentication or electronic auctions. A study of the relationship of other problems to integer comparison is given as well. We present two types of solutions for integer comparison. Firstly, we consider an arithmetic circuit yielding secure protocols within the framework for multiparty computation based on threshold homomorphic cryptosystems. Our circuit achieves a good balance between round and computational complexities, when compared to the similar solutions in the literature. The second type of solutions uses a intricate approach where different building blocks are used. A full analysis is made for the two-party case where efficiency of the resulting protocols compares favorably to other solutions and approaches

    Algebraic Techniques for Low Communication Secure Protocols

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    Internet communication is often encrypted with the aid of mathematical problems that are hard to solve. Another method to secure electronic communication is the use of a digital lock of which the digital key must be exchanged first. PhD student Robbert de Haan (CWI) researched models for a guaranteed safe communication between two people without the exchange of a digital key and without assumptions concerning the practical difficulty of solving certain mathematical problems. In ancient times Julius Caesar used secret codes to make his messages illegible for spies. He upped every letter of the alphabet with three positions: A became D, Z became C, and so on. Usually, cryptographers research secure communication between two people through one channel that can be monitored by malevolent people. De Haan studied the use of multiple channels. A minority of these channels may be in the hands of adversaries that can intercept, replace or block the message. He proved the most efficient way to securely communicate along these channels and thus solved a fundamental cryptography problem that was introduced almost 20 years ago by Dole, Dwork, Naor and Yung

    Delegating computation reliably : paradigms and constructions

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 285-297).In an emerging computing paradigm, computational capabilities, from processing power to storage capacities, are offered to users over communication networks as a service. This new paradigm holds enormous promise for increasing the utility of computationally weak devices. A natural approach is for weak devices to delegate expensive tasks, such as storing a large file or running a complex computation, to more powerful entities (say servers) connected to the same network. While the delegation approach seems promising, it raises an immediate concern: when and how can a weak device verify that a computational task was completed correctly? This practically motivated question touches on foundational questions in cryptography and complexity theory. The focus of this thesis is verifying the correctness of delegated computations. We construct efficient protocols (interactive proofs) for delegating computational tasks. In particular, we present: e A protocol for delegating any computation, where the work needed to verify the correctness of the output is linear in the input length, polynomial in the computation's depth, and only poly-logarithmic in the computation's size. The space needed for verification is only logarithmic in the computation size. Thus, for any computation of polynomial size and poly-logarithmic depth (the rich complexity class N/C), the work required to verify the correctness of the output is only quasi-linear in the input length. The work required to prove the output's correctness is only polynomial in the original computation's size. This protocol also has applications to constructing one-round arguments for delegating computation, and efficient zero-knowledge proofs. * A general transformation, reducing the parallel running time (or computation depth) of the verifier in protocols for delegating computation (interactive proofs) to be constant. Next, we explore the power of the delegation paradigm in settings where mutually distrustful parties interact. In particular, we consider the settings of checking the correctness of computer programs and of designing error-correcting codes. We show: * A new methodology for checking the correctness of programs (program checking), in which work is delegated from the program checker to the untrusted program being checked. Using this methodology we obtain program checkers for an entire complexity class (the class of N/CÂč-computations that are WNC-hard), and for a slew of specific functions such as matrix multiplication, inversion, determinant and rank, as well as graph functions such as connectivity, perfect matching and bounded-degree graph isomorphism. * A methodology for designing error-correcting codes with efficient decoding procedures, in which work is delegated from the decoder to the encoder. We use this methodology to obtain constant-depth (AC⁰) locally decodable and locally-list decodable codes. We also show that the parameters of these codes are optimal (up to polynomial factors) for constant-depth decoding.by Guy N. Rothblum.Ph.D