11,158 research outputs found

    Linear Transformations for Randomness Extraction

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    Information-efficient approaches for extracting randomness from imperfect sources have been extensively studied, but simpler and faster ones are required in the high-speed applications of random number generation. In this paper, we focus on linear constructions, namely, applying linear transformation for randomness extraction. We show that linear transformations based on sparse random matrices are asymptotically optimal to extract randomness from independent sources and bit-fixing sources, and they are efficient (may not be optimal) to extract randomness from hidden Markov sources. Further study demonstrates the flexibility of such constructions on source models as well as their excellent information-preserving capabilities. Since linear transformations based on sparse random matrices are computationally fast and can be easy to implement using hardware like FPGAs, they are very attractive in the high-speed applications. In addition, we explore explicit constructions of transformation matrices. We show that the generator matrices of primitive BCH codes are good choices, but linear transformations based on such matrices require more computational time due to their high densities.Comment: 2 columns, 14 page

    Linear extractors for extracting randomness from noisy sources

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    Linear transformations have many applications in information theory, like data compression and error-correcting codes design. In this paper, we study the power of linear transformations in randomness extraction, namely linear extractors, as another important application. Comparing to most existing methods for randomness extraction, linear extractors (especially those constructed with sparse matrices) are computationally fast and can be simply implemented with hardware like FPGAs, which makes them very attractive in practical use. We mainly focus on simple, efficient and sparse constructions of linear extractors. Specifically, we demonstrate that random matrices can generate random bits very efficiently from a variety of noisy sources, including noisy coin sources, bit-fixing sources, noisy (hidden) Markov sources, as well as their mixtures. It shows that low-density random matrices have almost the same efficiency as high-density random matrices when the input sequence is long, which provides a way to simplify hardware/software implementation. Note that although we constructed matrices with randomness, they are deterministic (seedless) extractors - once we constructed them, the same construction can be used for any number of times without using any seeds. Another way to construct linear extractors is based on generator matrices of primitive BCH codes. This method is more explicit, but less practical due to its computational complexity and dimensional constraints

    Extracting the Kolmogorov Complexity of Strings and Sequences from Sources with Limited Independence

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    An infinite binary sequence has randomness rate at least σ\sigma if, for almost every nn, the Kolmogorov complexity of its prefix of length nn is at least σn\sigma n. It is known that for every rational σ(0,1)\sigma \in (0,1), on one hand, there exists sequences with randomness rate σ\sigma that can not be effectively transformed into a sequence with randomness rate higher than σ\sigma and, on the other hand, any two independent sequences with randomness rate σ\sigma can be transformed into a sequence with randomness rate higher than σ\sigma. We show that the latter result holds even if the two input sequences have linear dependency (which, informally speaking, means that all prefixes of length nn of the two sequences have in common a constant fraction of their information). The similar problem is studied for finite strings. It is shown that from any two strings with sufficiently large Kolmogorov complexity and sufficiently small dependence, one can effectively construct a string that is random even conditioned by any one of the input strings

    Quantum to Classical Randomness Extractors

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    The goal of randomness extraction is to distill (almost) perfect randomness from a weak source of randomness. When the source yields a classical string X, many extractor constructions are known. Yet, when considering a physical randomness source, X is itself ultimately the result of a measurement on an underlying quantum system. When characterizing the power of a source to supply randomness it is hence a natural question to ask, how much classical randomness we can extract from a quantum system. To tackle this question we here take on the study of quantum-to-classical randomness extractors (QC-extractors). We provide constructions of QC-extractors based on measurements in a full set of mutually unbiased bases (MUBs), and certain single qubit measurements. As the first application, we show that any QC-extractor gives rise to entropic uncertainty relations with respect to quantum side information. Such relations were previously only known for two measurements. As the second application, we resolve the central open question in the noisy-storage model [Wehner et al., PRL 100, 220502 (2008)] by linking security to the quantum capacity of the adversary's storage device.Comment: 6+31 pages, 2 tables, 1 figure, v2: improved converse parameters, typos corrected, new discussion, v3: new reference

    Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Programs in Data Science

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    The Park City Math Institute (PCMI) 2016 Summer Undergraduate Faculty Program met for the purpose of composing guidelines for undergraduate programs in Data Science. The group consisted of 25 undergraduate faculty from a variety of institutions in the U.S., primarily from the disciplines of mathematics, statistics and computer science. These guidelines are meant to provide some structure for institutions planning for or revising a major in Data Science

    Non-malleable encryption: simpler, shorter, stronger

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    In a seminal paper, Dolev et al. [15] introduced the notion of non-malleable encryption (NM-CPA). This notion is very intriguing since it suffices for many applications of chosen-ciphertext secure encryption (IND-CCA), and, yet, can be generically built from semantically secure (IND-CPA) encryption, as was shown in the seminal works by Pass et al. [29] and by Choi et al. [9], the latter of which provided a black-box construction. In this paper we investigate three questions related to NM-CPA security: 1. Can the rate of the construction by Choi et al. of NM-CPA from IND-CPA be improved? 2. Is it possible to achieve multi-bit NM-CPA security more efficiently from a single-bit NM-CPA scheme than from IND-CPA? 3. Is there a notion stronger than NM-CPA that has natural applications and can be achieved from IND-CPA security? We answer all three questions in the positive. First, we improve the rate in the scheme of Choi et al. by a factor O(λ), where λ is the security parameter. Still, encrypting a message of size O(λ) would require ciphertext and keys of size O(λ2) times that of the IND-CPA scheme, even in our improved scheme. Therefore, we show a more efficient domain extension technique for building a λ-bit NM-CPA scheme from a single-bit NM-CPA scheme with keys and ciphertext of size O(λ) times that of the NM-CPA one-bit scheme. To achieve our goal, we define and construct a novel type of continuous non-malleable code (NMC), called secret-state NMC, as we show that standard continuous NMCs are not enough for the natural “encode-then-encrypt-bit-by-bit” approach to work. Finally, we introduce a new security notion for public-key encryption that we dub non-malleability under (chosen-ciphertext) self-destruct attacks (NM-SDA). After showing that NM-SDA is a strict strengthening of NM-CPA and allows for more applications, we nevertheless show that both of our results—(faster) construction from IND-CPA and domain extension from one-bit scheme—also hold for our stronger NM-SDA security. In particular, the notions of IND-CPA, NM-CPA, and NM-SDA security are all equivalent, lying (plausibly, strictly?) below IND-CCA securit