127,978 research outputs found

    Complex fuzzy linear systems

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    In paper the complex fuzzy linear equation nbspnbspin which nbspis a crisp complex matrix and nbspis an arbitrary complex fuzzy numbers vector, is investigated. The complex fuzzy linear system is converted to a equivalent high order fuzzy linear system . Numerical procedure for calculating the complex fuzzy solution is designed and thenbsp sufficient condition for the existence of strong complex fuzzy solution is derived. A example is given to illustrate the proposed method.nbs

    Linear systems with adiabatic fluctuations

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    We consider a dynamical system subjected to weak but adiabatically slow fluctuations of external origin. Based on the ``adiabatic following'' approximation we carry out an expansion in \alpha/|\mu|, where \alpha is the strength of fluctuations and 1/|\mu| refers to the time scale of evolution of the unperturbed system to obtain a linear differential equation for the average solution. The theory is applied to the problems of a damped harmonic oscillator and diffusion in a turbulent fluid. The result is the realization of `renormalized' diffusion constant or damping constant for the respective problems. The applicability of the method has been critically analyzed.Comment: Plain Latex, no figure, 21 page

    Linear systems on irregular varieties

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    Let XX be a normal complex projective variety, TXT\subseteq X a subvariety, a ⁣:XAa\colon X\rightarrow A a morphism to an abelian variety such that Pic0(A)\rm{Pic}^0(A) injects into Pic0(T)\rm{Pic}^0(T) and let LL be a line bundle on XX. Denote by X(d)XX^{(d)}\to X the connected \'etale cover induced by the dd-th multiplication map of AA, by T(d)X(d)T^{(d)} \subseteq X^{(d)} the preimage of TT and by L(d)L^{(d)} the pull-back of LL to X(d)X^{(d)}. For αPic0(A)\alpha\in \rm{Pic}^0(A) general, we study the restricted linear system L(d)aαT(d)|L^{(d)}\otimes a^*\alpha|_{|T^{(d)}}: if for some dd this gives a generically finite map φ(d)\varphi^{(d)}, we show that f φ(d)\varphi^{(d)} is independent of α\alpha or dd sufficiently large and divisible, and is induced by the {\em eventual map} φ ⁣:TZ\varphi\colon T\to Z such that aTa_{|T} factorizes through φ\varphi. The generic value ha0(XT,L)h^0_a(X_{|T}, L) of h0(XT,Lα)h^0(X_{|T}, L\otimes\alpha) is called the {\em (restricted) continuous rank.} We prove that if MM is the pull back of an ample divisor of AA, then xha0(XT,L+xM)x\mapsto h^0_a(X_{|T}, L+xM) extends to a continuous function of xRx\in\mathbb{R}, which is differentiable except possibly at countably many points; when X=TX=T we compute the left derivative explicitly. In the case when XX and TT are smooth, combining the above results we prove Clifford-Severi type inequalities, i.e., geographical bounds of the form volXT(L)C(m)ha0(XT,L),\rm{vol}_{X|T}(L)\geq C(m) h^0_a(X_{|T},L), where C(m)=O(m!)C(m)={\mathcal O}(m!).Comment: Revised version, 37 pages. The final section has been remove