85,619 research outputs found

    A Unification Algorithm for Second-Order Linear Terms

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    We give an algorithm for the class of second order unification problems in which second order variables have at most one occurrence

    Algorithmic Structuring of Cut-free Proofs

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    The problem of algorithmic structuring of proofs in the sequent calculi LK and LKB ( LK where blocks of quantifiers can be introduced in one step) is investigated, where a distinction is made between linear proofs and proofs in tree form. In this framework, structuring coincides with the introduction of cuts into a proof. The algorithmic solvability of this problem can be reduced to the question of k-l-compressibility: "Given a proof of length k , and l ≤ k : Is there is a proof of length ≤ l ?" When restricted to proofs with universal or existential cuts, this problem is shown to be (1) undecidable for linear or tree-like LK-proofs (corresponds to the undecidability of second order unification), (2) undecidable for linear LKB-proofs (corresponds to the undecidability of semi-unification), and (3) decidable for tree-like LKB -proofs (corresponds to a decidable subprob- lem of semi-unification)

    On the Limits of Second-Order Unification

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    Second-Order Unification is a problem that naturally arises when applying automated deduction techniques with variables denoting predicates. The problem is undecidable, but a considerable effort has been made in order to find decidable fragments, and understand the deep reasons of its complexity. Two variants of the problem, Bounded Second-Order Unification and Linear Second-Order Unification ¿where the use of bound variables in the instantiations is restricted¿, have been extensively studied in the last two decades. In this paper we summarize some decidability/undecidability/complexity results, trying to focus on those that could be more interesting for a wider audience, and involving less technical details.Peer Reviewe

    Asymptotic solutions of forced nonlinear second order differential equations and their extensions

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    Using a modified version of Schauder's fixed point theorem, measures of non-compactness and classical techniques, we provide new general results on the asymptotic behavior and the non-oscillation of second order scalar nonlinear differential equations on a half-axis. In addition, we extend the methods and present new similar results for integral equations and Volterra-Stieltjes integral equations, a framework whose benefits include the unification of second order difference and differential equations. In so doing, we enlarge the class of nonlinearities and in some cases remove the distinction between superlinear, sublinear, and linear differential equations that is normally found in the literature. An update of papers, past and present, in the theory of Volterra-Stieltjes integral equations is also presented

    Combining Decision Algorithms for Matching in the Union of Disjoint Equational Theories

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    AbstractThis paper addresses the problem of systematically building a matching algorithm for the union of two disjoint theoriesE1∪E2provided that matching algorithms are known in both theoriesE1andE2. In general, the blind use of combination techniques introduces unification. Two different restrictions are considered in order to reduce this unification to matching. First, we show that combining matching algorithms (with linear constant restriction) is always sufficient for solving a pure fragment of combined matching problems. Second, the investigated method is complete for the largest class of theories where unification is not needed, including regular collapse-free theories and linear theories. Syntactic conditions are given to define this class of theories in which solving the combined matching problem is performed in a modular way

    Nominal Unification from a Higher-Order Perspective

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    Nominal Logic is a version of first-order logic with equality, name-binding, renaming via name-swapping and freshness of names. Contrarily to higher-order logic, bindable names, called atoms, and instantiable variables are considered as distinct entities. Moreover, atoms are capturable by instantiations, breaking a fundamental principle of lambda-calculus. Despite these differences, nominal unification can be seen from a higher-order perspective. From this view, we show that nominal unification can be reduced to a particular fragment of higher-order unification problems: Higher-Order Pattern Unification. This reduction proves that nominal unification can be decided in quadratic deterministic time, using the linear algorithm for Higher-Order Pattern Unification. We also prove that the translation preserves most generality of unifiers

    Context unification is in PSPACE

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    Contexts are terms with one `hole', i.e. a place in which we can substitute an argument. In context unification we are given an equation over terms with variables representing contexts and ask about the satisfiability of this equation. Context unification is a natural subvariant of second-order unification, which is undecidable, and a generalization of word equations, which are decidable, at the same time. It is the unique problem between those two whose decidability is uncertain (for already almost two decades). In this paper we show that the context unification is in PSPACE. The result holds under a (usual) assumption that the first-order signature is finite. This result is obtained by an extension of the recompression technique, recently developed by the author and used in particular to obtain a new PSPACE algorithm for satisfiability of word equations, to context unification. The recompression is based on performing simple compression rules (replacing pairs of neighbouring function symbols), which are (conceptually) applied on the solution of the context equation and modifying the equation in a way so that such compression steps can be in fact performed directly on the equation, without the knowledge of the actual solution.Comment: 27 pages, submitted, small notation changes and small improvements over the previous tex