3,300 research outputs found

    The Hardness of Finding Linear Ranking Functions for Lasso Programs

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    Finding whether a linear-constraint loop has a linear ranking function is an important key to understanding the loop behavior, proving its termination and establishing iteration bounds. If no preconditions are provided, the decision problem is known to be in coNP when variables range over the integers and in PTIME for the rational numbers, or real numbers. Here we show that deciding whether a linear-constraint loop with a precondition, specifically with partially-specified input, has a linear ranking function is EXPSPACE-hard over the integers, and PSPACE-hard over the rationals. The precise complexity of these decision problems is yet unknown. The EXPSPACE lower bound is derived from the reachability problem for Petri nets (equivalently, Vector Addition Systems), and possibly indicates an even stronger lower bound (subject to open problems in VAS theory). The lower bound for the rationals follows from a novel simulation of Boolean programs. Lower bounds are also given for the problem of deciding if a linear ranking-function supported by a particular form of inductive invariant exists. For loops over integers, the problem is PSPACE-hard for convex polyhedral invariants and EXPSPACE-hard for downward-closed sets of natural numbers as invariants.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2014, arXiv:1408.5560. I thank the organizers of the Dagstuhl Seminar 14141, "Reachability Problems for Infinite-State Systems", for the opportunity to present an early draft of this wor

    Termination Analysis by Learning Terminating Programs

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    We present a novel approach to termination analysis. In a first step, the analysis uses a program as a black-box which exhibits only a finite set of sample traces. Each sample trace is infinite but can be represented by a finite lasso. The analysis can "learn" a program from a termination proof for the lasso, a program that is terminating by construction. In a second step, the analysis checks that the set of sample traces is representative in a sense that we can make formal. An experimental evaluation indicates that the approach is a potentially useful addition to the portfolio of existing approaches to termination analysis

    Ranking Templates for Linear Loops

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    We present a new method for the constraint-based synthesis of termination arguments for linear loop programs based on linear ranking templates. Linear ranking templates are parametrized, well-founded relations such that an assignment to the parameters gives rise to a ranking function. This approach generalizes existing methods and enables us to use templates for many different ranking functions with affine-linear components. We discuss templates for multiphase, piecewise, and lexicographic ranking functions. Because these ranking templates require both strict and non-strict inequalities, we use Motzkin's Transposition Theorem instead of Farkas Lemma to transform the generated ∃∀\exists\forall-constraint into an ∃\exists-constraint.Comment: TACAS 201

    Synthesis for Polynomial Lasso Programs

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    We present a method for the synthesis of polynomial lasso programs. These programs consist of a program stem, a set of transitions, and an exit condition, all in the form of algebraic assertions (conjunctions of polynomial equalities). Central to this approach is the discovery of non-linear (algebraic) loop invariants. We extend Sankaranarayanan, Sipma, and Manna's template-based approach and prove a completeness criterion. We perform program synthesis by generating a constraint whose solution is a synthesized program together with a loop invariant that proves the program's correctness. This constraint is non-linear and is passed to an SMT solver. Moreover, we can enforce the termination of the synthesized program with the support of test cases.Comment: Paper at VMCAI'14, including appendi

    Testing for knowledge : maximising information obtained from fire tests by using machine learning techniques

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    A machine learning (ML) algorithm was applied to predict the onset of flashover in 1:5 scale Room Corner Test experiments with sandwich panels. Towards this end, a penalized logistic regression model was chosen to detect the relevant variables and consequently provided a tool that can be used to make predictions of unseen samples. The method indicates that a deeper understanding of the contributing factors leading to flashover can be achieved. Furthermore, it allows a more nuanced ranking than currently offered by the commonly used classification methods for reaction to fire tests. The proposed methodology shows a substantial value in terms of guidance for future large and intermediate scale testing. In particular, it is foreseen that the method will be extremely useful for assessing and understanding the behaviour of innovative materials and design solutions

    Non-convex Global Minimization and False Discovery Rate Control for the TREX

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    The TREX is a recently introduced method for performing sparse high-dimensional regression. Despite its statistical promise as an alternative to the lasso, square-root lasso, and scaled lasso, the TREX is computationally challenging in that it requires solving a non-convex optimization problem. This paper shows a remarkable result: despite the non-convexity of the TREX problem, there exists a polynomial-time algorithm that is guaranteed to find the global minimum. This result adds the TREX to a very short list of non-convex optimization problems that can be globally optimized (principal components analysis being a famous example). After deriving and developing this new approach, we demonstrate that (i) the ability of the preexisting TREX heuristic to reach the global minimum is strongly dependent on the difficulty of the underlying statistical problem, (ii) the new polynomial-time algorithm for TREX permits a novel variable ranking and selection scheme, (iii) this scheme can be incorporated into a rule that controls the false discovery rate (FDR) of included features in the model. To achieve this last aim, we provide an extension of the results of Barber & Candes (2015) to establish that the knockoff filter framework can be applied to the TREX. This investigation thus provides both a rare case study of a heuristic for non-convex optimization and a novel way of exploiting non-convexity for statistical inference
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