15 research outputs found

    Signal design for Multiple-Antenna Systems and Wireless Networks

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    This dissertation is concerned with the signal design problems for Multiple Input and Multiple Output (MIMO) antenna systems and wireless networks. Three related but distinct problems are considered.The first problem considered is the design of space time codes for MIMO systems in the case when neither the transmitter nor the receiver knows the channel. We present the theoretical concept of communicating over block fading channel using Layered Unitary Space Time Codes (LUSTC), where the input signal is formed as a product of a series of unitary matrices with corresponding dimensionality. We show the channel capacity using isotropically distributed (i.d.) input signaling and optimal decoding can be achieved by layered i.d. signaling scheme along with a low complexity successive decoding. The closed form layered channel capacity is obtained, which serves as a design guideline for practical LUSTC. In the design of LUSTC, a successive design method is applied to leverage the problem of optimizing over lots of parameters.The feedback of channel state information (CSI) to the transmitter in MIMO systems is known to increase the forward channel capacity. A suboptimal power allocation scheme for MIMO systems is then proposed for limited rate feedback of CSI. We find that the capacity loss of this simple scheme is rather small compared to the optimal water-filling solution. This knowledge is applied for the design of the feedback codebook. In the codebook design, a generalized Lloyd algorithm is employed, in which the computation of the centroid is formulated as an optimization problem and solved optimally. Numerical results show that the proposed codebook design outperforms the existing algorithms in the literature.While it is not feasible to deploy multiple antennas in a wireless node due to the space limitation, user cooperation is an alternative to increase performance of the wireless networks. To this end, a coded user cooperation scheme is considered in the dissertation, which is shown to be equivalent to a coding scheme with the encoding done in a distributive manner. Utilizing the coding theoretic bound and simulation results, we show that the coded user cooperation scheme has great advantage over the non-cooperative scheme

    Towards an enhanced noncoherent massive MU-MIMO system

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    PhD ThesisMany multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) downlink transmission schemes assume channel state information (CSI) is available at the receiver/transmitter. In practice, knowledge of CSI is often obtained by using pilot symbols transmitted periodically. However, for some systems, due to high mobility and the cost of channel training and estimation, CSI acquisition is not always feasible. The problem becomes even more difficult when many antennas are used in the system and the channel is changing very rapidly before training is completed. Moreover, as the number of transmit/receive antennas grows large, the number of pilot symbols, system overheads, latency, and power consumption will grow proportionately and thereby the system becomes increasingly complex. As an alternative, a noncoherent system may be used wherein the transmitter/receiver does not need any knowledge of the CSI to perform precoding or detection. This thesis focuses on the design of a noncoherent downlink transmission system to jointly improve the performance and achieve a simple low complexity transmission scheme in three MIMO system scenarios: low rate differential spacetime block coding (STBC) in a downlink multiuser (MU-MIMO) system; high rate differential algebraic STBC in a downlink MU-MIMO system; and differential downlink transmission in a massive MU-MIMO system. Three novel design methods for each of these systems are proposed and analysed thoroughly. For the MIMO system with a low rate noncoherent scheme, a differential STBC MU-MIMO system with a downlink transmission scheme is considered. Specifically, downlink precoding combined with differential modulation (DM) is used to shift the complexity from the receivers to the transmitter. The block diagonalization (BD) precoding scheme is used to cancel co-channel interference (CCI) in addition to exploiting its advantage of enhancing diversity. Since the BD scheme requires channel knowledge at the transmitter, the downlink spreading technique along with DM is also proposed, which does not require channel knowledge neither at the transmitter nor at the receivers. The orthogonal spreading (OS) scheme is employed to have similar principle as code division multiple access (CDMA) multiplexing scheme in order to eliminate the interference between users. As a STBC scheme, the Alamouti code is used that can be encoded/decoded using DM thereby eliminating the need for channel knowledge at the receiver. The proposed schemes yield low complexity transceivers while providing good performance. For the MIMO system with a high rate noncoherent scheme, a differential STBC MU-MIMO system that operates at a high data rate is considered. In particular, a full-rate full-diversity downlink algebraic transmission scheme combined with a differential STBC systems is proposed. To achieve this, perfect algebraic space time codes and Cayley differential (CD) transforms are employed. Since CSI is not needed at the differential receiver, differential schemes are ideal for multiuser systems to shift the complexity from the receivers to the transmitter, thus simplifying user equipment. Furthermore, OS matrices are employed at the transmitter to separate the data streams of different users and enable simple single user decoding. In the OS scheme, the transmitter does not require any knowledge of the CSI to separate the data streams of multiple users; this results in a system which does not need CSI at either end. With this system, to limit the number of possible codewords, a sphere decoder (SD) is used to decode the signals at the receiving end. The proposed scheme yields low complexity transceivers while providing full-rate full-diversity system with good performance. Lastly, a differential downlink transmission scheme is proposed for a massive MIMO system without explicit channel estimation. In particular, a downlink precoding technique combined with a differential encoding scheme is used to simplify the overall system complexity. A novel precoder is designed which, with a large number of transmit antennas, can effectively precancel the multiple access interference (MAI) for each user, thus enhancing the system performance. Maximising the worst case signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) is adopted to optimise the precoder for the users in which full power space profile (PSP) knowledge is available to the base station (BS). Also, two suboptimal solutions based on the matched and the orthogonality approach of PSP are provided to separate the data streams of multiple users. The decision feedback differential detection (DFDD) technique is employed to further improve the performance. In summary, the proposed methods eliminate MAI, enhance system performance, and achieve a simple low complexity system. Moreover, transmission overheads are significantly reduced, the proposed methods avoid explicit channel estimation at both ends.King Fahad Security Collage at the Ministry of Interior - Saudi Arabia

    Optimising Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks Using Interference Alignment and Space-Time Coding

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    In this thesis, the process of optimizing Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio has been investigated in fast-fading environments where simulation results have shown that its performance is limited by the Probability of Reporting Errors. By proposing a transmit diversity scheme using Differential space-time block codes (D-STBC) where channel state information (CSI) is not required and regarding multiple pairs of Cognitive Radios (CR’s) with single antennas as a virtual MIMO antenna arrays in multiple clusters, Differential space-time coding is applied for the purpose of decision reporting over Rayleigh channels. Both Hard and Soft combination schemes were investigated at the fusion center to reveal performance advantages for Hard combination schemes due to their minimal bandwidth requirements and simplistic implementation. The simulations results show that this optimization process achieves full transmit diversity, albeit with slight performance degradation in terms of power with improvements in performance when compared to conventional Cooperative Spectrum Sensing over non-ideal reporting channels. Further research carried out in this thesis shows performance deficits of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing due to interference on sensing channels of Cognitive Radio. Interference Alignment (IA) being a revolutionary wireless transmission strategy that reduces the impact of interference seems well suited as a strategy that can be used to optimize the performance of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing. The idea of IA is to coordinate multiple transmitters so that their mutual interference aligns at their receivers, facilitating simple interference cancellation techniques. Since its inception, research efforts have primarily been focused on verifying IA’s ability to achieve the maximum degrees of freedom (an approximation of sum capacity), developing algorithms for determining alignment solutions and designing transmission strategies that relax the need for perfect alignment but yield better performance. With the increased deployment of wireless services, CR’s ability to opportunistically sense and access the unused licensed frequency spectrum, without causing harmful interference to the licensed users becomes increasingly diminished, making the concept of introducing IA in CR a very attractive proposition. For a multiuser multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) overlay CR network, a space-time opportunistic IA (ST-OIA) technique has been proposed that allows spectrum sharing between a single primary user (PU) and multiple secondary users (SU) while ensuring zero interference to the PUs. With local CSI available at both the transmitters and receivers of SUs, the PU employs a space-time WF (STWF) algorithm to optimize its transmission and in the process, frees up unused eigenmodes that can be exploited by the SU. STWF achieves higher performance than other WF algorithms at low to moderate signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regimes, which makes it ideal for implementation in CR networks. The SUs align their transmitted signals in such a way their interference impairs only the PU’s unused eigenmodes. For the multiple SUs to further exploit the benefits of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing, it was shown in this thesis that IA would only work when a set of conditions were met. The first condition ensures that the SUs satisfy a zero interference constraint at the PU’s receiver by designing their post-processing matrices such that they are orthogonal to the received signal from the PU link. The second condition ensures a zero interference constraint at both the PU and SUs receivers i.e. the constraint ensures that no interference from the SU transmitters is present at the output of the post-processing matrices of its unintended receivers. The third condition caters for the multiple SUs scenario to ensure interference from multiple SUs are aligned along unused eigenmodes. The SU system is assumed to employ a time division multiple access (TDMA) system such that the Principle of Reciprocity is employed towards optimizing the SUs transmission rates. Since aligning multiple SU transmissions at the PU is always limited by availability of spatial dimensions as well as typical user loads, the third condition proposes a user selection algorithm by the fusion centre (FC), where the SUs are grouped into clusters based on their numbers (i.e. two SUs per cluster) and their proximity to the FC, so that they can be aligned at each PU-Rx. This converts the cognitive IA problem into an unconstrained standard IA problem for a general cognitive system. Given the fact that the optimal power allocation algorithms used to optimize the SUs transmission rates turns out to be an optimal beamformer with multiple eigenbeams, this work initially proposes combining the diversity gain property of STBC, the zero-forcing function of IA and beamforming to optimize the SUs transmission rates. However, this solution requires availability of CSI, and to eliminate the need for this, this work then combines the D-STBC scheme with optimal IA precoders (consisting of beamforming and zero-forcing) to maximize the SUs data rates

    Advanced wireless communications using large numbers of transmit antennas and receive nodes

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    The concept of deploying a large number of antennas at the base station, often called massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), has drawn considerable interest because of its potential ability to revolutionize current wireless communication systems. Most literature on massive MIMO systems assumes time division duplexing (TDD), although frequency division duplexing (FDD) dominates current cellular systems. Due to the large number of transmit antennas at the base station, currently standardized approaches would require a large percentage of the precious downlink and uplink resources in FDD massive MIMO be used for training signal transmissions and channel state information (CSI) feedback. First, we propose practical open-loop and closed-loop training frameworks to reduce the overhead of the downlink training phase. We then discuss efficient CSI quantization techniques using a trellis search. The proposed CSI quantization techniques can be implemented with a complexity that only grows linearly with the number of transmit antennas while the performance is close to the optimal case. We also analyze distributed reception using a large number of geographically separated nodes, a scenario that may become popular with the emergence of the Internet of Things. For distributed reception, we first propose coded distributed diversity to minimize the symbol error probability at the fusion center when the transmitter is equipped with a single antenna. Then we develop efficient receivers at the fusion center using minimal processing overhead at the receive nodes when the transmitter with multiple transmit antennas sends multiple symbols simultaneously using spatial multiplexing

    Optimum Receiver Design for MIMO Fading Channels

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    This thesis describes the analytical design and the performance analysis of optimum receivers for Multiple Input - Multiple Output (MIMO) fading channels. In particular, a novel Optimum Receiver for separately-correlated MIMO channels is proposed. This novel pilot-aided receiver is able to process jointly the pilot symbols, transmitted within each time frame as a preamble, and the information symbols and to decode the transmitted data in a single step, avoiding the explicit estimation of the channel matrix. The optimum receiver is designed for the following two scenarios, corresponding to different transmission schemes and channel models: 1) Narrowband Rician fading MIMO channel with spatial separate correlation; 2) MIMO-OFDM Rician fading channel with space and frequency separate correlation. For each system the performance of the optimum receiver is studied in detail under different channel conditions. The optimum receiver is compared with: - the ideal Genie Receiver, knowing perfectly the Channel State Information (CSI) at no cost; - the standard Mismatched Receiver, estimating the CSI in a first step, then using this imperfect estimate in the ideal channel metric. Since the optimum receiver requires the knowledge of the channel parameters for the decoding process, an estimation algorithm is proposed and tested. Moreover, a complexity analysis is carried out and methods for complexity reduction are proposed. Furthermore, the narrowband receiver is tested in realistic conditions using measured channel samples. Finally, a blind version of the receiver is propose

    Integrated Sensing and Communications: Towards Dual-functional Wireless Networks for 6G and Beyond

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    As the standardization of 5G solidifies, researchers are speculating what 6G will be. The integration of sensing functionality is emerging as a key feature of the 6G Radio Access Network (RAN), allowing for the exploitation of dense cell infrastructures to construct a perceptive network. In this IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Commmunications (JSAC) Special Issue overview, we provide a comprehensive review on the background, range of key applications and state-of-the-art approaches of Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC). We commence by discussing the interplay between sensing and communications (S&C) from a historical point of view, and then consider the multiple facets of ISAC and the resulting performance gains. By introducing both ongoing and potential use cases, we shed light on the industrial progress and standardization activities related to ISAC. We analyze a number of performance tradeoffs between S&C, spanning from information theoretical limits to physical layer performance tradeoffs, and the cross-layer design tradeoffs. Next, we discuss the signal processing aspects of ISAC, namely ISAC waveform design and receive signal processing. As a step further, we provide our vision on the deeper integration between S&C within the framework of perceptive networks, where the two functionalities are expected to mutually assist each other, i.e., via communication-assisted sensing and sensing-assisted communications. Finally, we identify the potential integration of ISAC with other emerging communication technologies, and their positive impacts on the future of wireless networks