136 research outputs found

    Linear phase cosine modulated maximally decimated filter banks with perfect reconstruction

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    We propose a novel way to design maximally decimated FIR cosine modulated filter banks, in which each analysis and synthesis filter has a linear phase. The system can be designed to have either the approximate reconstruction property (pseudo-QMF system) or perfect reconstruction property (PR system). In the PR case, the system is a paraunitary filter bank. As in earlier work on cosine modulated systems, all the analysis filters come from an FIR prototype filter. However, unlike in any of the previous designs, all but two of the analysis filters have a total bandwidth of 2π/M rather than π/M (where 2M is the number of channels in our notation). A simple interpretation is possible in terms of the complex (hypothetical) analytic signal corresponding to each bandpass subband. The coding gain of the new system is comparable with that of a traditional M-channel system (rather than a 2M-channel system). This is primarily because there are typically two bandpass filters with the same passband support. Correspondingly, the cost of the system (in terms of complexity of implementation) is also comparable with that of an M-channel system. We also demonstrate that very good attenuation characteristics can be obtained with the new system

    Linear phase cosine modulated maximally decimated filter banks with perfect reconstruction

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    Alias-free, real coefficient m-band QMF banks for arbitrary m

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    Based on a generalized framework for alias free QMF banks, a theory is developed for the design of uniform QMF banks with real-coefficient analysis filters, such that aliasing can be completely canceled by appropriate choice of real-coefficient synthesis filters. These results are then applied for the derivation of closed-form expressions for the synthesis filters (both FIR and IIR), that ensure cancelation of aliasing for a given set of analysis filters. The results do not involve the inversion of the alias-component (AC) matrix

    Optimal cosine modulated nonuniform linear phase FIR filter bank design via stretching and shifting frequency response of prototype filter

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    This paper proposes an optimal cosine modulated nonuniform linear phase finite impulse response (FIR) filter bank design. The frequency responses of all the analysis filters and the synthesis filters of the filter bank are derived based on both stretching and shifting the frequency response of the prototype filter. The total aliasing error of the filter bank is minimized subject to a specification on the maximum amplitude distortion of the filter bank as well as specifications on both the maximum passband ripple magnitude and the maximum stopband ripple magnitude of the prototype filter. This filter bank design problem is actually a functional inequality constrained optimization problem. Our recently developed integration approach is employed for solving the problem. Computer numerical simulation results show that our proposed design method outperforms existing design methods

    Low-delay nonuniform pseudo-QMF banks with application to speech enhancement

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    Journal ArticleAbstract-This paper presents a method for designing low-delay nonuniform pseudo quadrature mirror filter (QMF) banks. This method is motivated by the work of Li, Nguyen, and Tantaratana, in which the nonuniform filter bank is realized by combining an appropriate number of adjacent sub-bands of a uniform pseudo-QMF bank. In prior work, the prototype filter of the uniform pseudo-QMF bank was constrained to have linear phase and the overall delay associated with the filter bank was often unacceptably large for filter banks with a large number of sub-bands. This paper proposes a pseudo-QMF filter bank design technique that significantly reduces the delay by relaxing the linear phase constraints. An example in which an oversampled critical-band nonuniform filter bank is designed and applied to a two-state modeling speech enhancement system is presented in this paper. Comparison of the performance of this system to competing methods employing tree-structured, linear phase multiresolution analysis indicates that the approach described in this paper strikes a good balance between system performance and low delay

    Orthogonal transmultiplexers : extensions to digital subscriber line (DSL) communications

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    An orthogonal transmultiplexer which unifies multirate filter bank theory and communications theory is investigated in this dissertation. Various extensions of the orthogonal transmultiplexer techniques have been made for digital subscriber line communication applications. It is shown that the theoretical performance bounds of single carrier modulation based transceivers and multicarrier modulation based transceivers are the same under the same operational conditions. Single carrier based transceiver systems such as Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) and Carrierless Amplitude and Phase (CAP) modulation scheme, multicarrier based transceiver systems such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) or Discrete Multi Tone (DMT) and Discrete Subband (Wavelet) Multicarrier based transceiver (DSBMT) techniques are considered in this investigation. The performance of DMT and DSBMT based transceiver systems for a narrow band interference and their robustness are also investigated. It is shown that the performance of a DMT based transceiver system is quite sensitive to the location and strength of a single tone (narrow band) interference. The performance sensitivity is highlighted in this work. It is shown that an adaptive interference exciser can alleviate the sensitivity problem of a DMT based system. The improved spectral properties of DSBMT technique reduces the performance sensitivity for variations of a narrow band interference. It is shown that DSBMT technique outperforms DMT and has a more robust performance than the latter. The superior performance robustness is shown in this work. Optimal orthogonal basis design using cosine modulated multirate filter bank is discussed. An adaptive linear combiner at the output of analysis filter bank is implemented to eliminate the intersymbol and interchannel interferences. It is shown that DSBMT is the most suitable technique for a narrow band interference environment. A blind channel identification and optimal MMSE based equalizer employing a nonmaximally decimated filter bank precoder / postequalizer structure is proposed. The performance of blind channel identification scheme is shown not to be sensitive to the characteristics of unknown channel. The performance of the proposed optimal MMSE based equalizer is shown to be superior to the zero-forcing equalizer

    Design of low-delay nonuniform pseudo QMF banks

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    Journal ArticleABSTRACT This paper presents a method for designing low-delay nonuniform pseudo QMF banks. The method is motivated by the work of Li, Nguyen and Tantaratana, in which the nonuniform filter bank is realized by combining an appropriate number of adjacent subbands of a uniform pseudo QMF filter bank. In prior work, the prototype filter of the uniform pseudo QMF is constrained to have linear phase and the overall delay associated with the filter bank was often unacceptably large for filter banks with a large number of subbands. By relaxing the linear phase constraints, this paper proposes a pseudo QMF filter bank design technique that significantly reduces the delay. An example that experimentally verifies the capabilities of the design technique is presented

    Efficient Multiband Algorithms for Blind Source Separation

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    The problem of blind separation refers to recovering original signals, called source signals, from the mixed signals, called observation signals, in a reverberant environment. The mixture is a function of a sequence of original speech signals mixed in a reverberant room. The objective is to separate mixed signals to obtain the original signals without degradation and without prior information of the features of the sources. The strategy used to achieve this objective is to use multiple bands that work at a lower rate, have less computational cost and a quicker convergence than the conventional scheme. Our motivation is the competitive results of unequal-passbands scheme applications, in terms of the convergence speed. The objective of this research is to improve unequal-passbands schemes by improving the speed of convergence and reducing the computational cost. The first proposed work is a novel maximally decimated unequal-passbands scheme.This scheme uses multiple bands that make it work at a reduced sampling rate, and low computational cost. An adaptation approach is derived with an adaptation step that improved the convergence speed. The performance of the proposed scheme was measured in different ways. First, the mean square errors of various bands are measured and the results are compared to a maximally decimated equal-passbands scheme, which is currently the best performing method. The results show that the proposed scheme has a faster convergence rate than the maximally decimated equal-passbands scheme. Second, when the scheme is tested for white and coloured inputs using a low number of bands, it does not yield good results; but when the number of bands is increased, the speed of convergence is enhanced. Third, the scheme is tested for quick changes. It is shown that the performance of the proposed scheme is similar to that of the equal-passbands scheme. Fourth, the scheme is also tested in a stationary state. The experimental results confirm the theoretical work. For more challenging scenarios, an unequal-passbands scheme with over-sampled decimation is proposed; the greater number of bands, the more efficient the separation. The results are compared to the currently best performing method. Second, an experimental comparison is made between the proposed multiband scheme and the conventional scheme. The results show that the convergence speed and the signal-to-interference ratio of the proposed scheme are higher than that of the conventional scheme, and the computation cost is lower than that of the conventional scheme

    Optimum Design of Linear Phase Paraunitary Filter Bank & its Applications in Signal Processing

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    Filter Banks plays crucial role in signal processing and image processing as subband processing gives dominant results in time critical applications. In formal years, various Para unitary Linear Phase Filter Banks are proposed by following conventional and computational complex factorization and lattice approaches consisting of complex nonlinear optimization problems. One of the recent methods to design Filter Bank having properties of Linear Phase and Paraunitary is via Singular value decomposition technique which leads to optimum results compared to existing methods as most of the time it deals with matrix operations. In this paper, design benchmark is evaluated as two dominant optimization queries and reasonable key of each optimization query is solved by performing Singular Value Decomposition. Proposed Paper discusses linear phase condition of filter banks satisfying mirror image symmetry at analysis side and perfect reconstruction property at synthesis side. Singular Value Decomposition approach leads to fast and efficient simulation results compared to existing filter banks designs. Proposed method of filter bank design deals with any arbitrary channels and every length of the filters