8 research outputs found

    Linear image reconstruction by Sobolev norms on the bounded domain

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    The reconstruction problem is usually formulated as a variational problem in which one searches for that image that minimizes a so called prior (image model) while insisting on certain image features to be preserved. When the prior can be described by a norm induced by some inner product on a Hilbert space the exact solution to the variational problem can be found by orthogonal projection. In previous work we considered the image as compactly supported in and we used Sobolev norms on the unbounded domain including a smoothing parameter ¿>¿0 to tune the smoothness of the reconstruction image. Due to the assumption of compact support of the original image components of the reconstruction image near the image boundary are too much penalized. Therefore we minimize Sobolev norms only on the actual image domain, yielding much better reconstructions (especially for ¿¿»¿0). As an example we apply our method to the reconstruction of singular points that are present in the scale space representation of an image

    Cardiac motion estimation using covariant derivatives and Helmholtz decomposition

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    The investigation and quantification of cardiac movement is important for assessment of cardiac abnormalities and treatment effectiveness. Therefore we consider new aperture problem-free methods to track cardiac motion from 2-dimensional MR tagged images and corresponding sine-phase images. Tracking is achieved by following the movement of scale-space maxima, yielding a sparse set of linear features of the unknown optic flow vector field. Interpolation/reconstruction of the velocity field is then carried out by minimizing an energy functional which is a Sobolev-norm expressed in covariant derivatives (rather than standard derivatives). These covariant derivatives are used to express prior knowledge about the velocity field in the variational framework employed. They are defined on a fiber bundle where sections coincide with vector fields. Furthermore, the optic flow vector field is decomposed in a divergence free and a rotation free part, using our multi-scale Helmholtz decomposition algorithm that combines diffusion and Helmholtz decomposition in a single non-singular analytic kernel operator. Finally, we combine this multi-scale Helmholtz decomposition with vector field reconstruction (based on covariant derivatives) in a single algorithm and present some experiments of cardiac motion estimation. Further experiments on phantom data with ground truth show that both the inclusion of covariant derivatives and the inclusion of the multi-scale Helmholtz decomposition improves the optic flow reconstruction

    Linear image reconstruction by Sobolev norms on the bounded domain

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    The reconstruction problem is usually formulated as a variational problem in which one searches for that image that minimizes a so called prior (image model) while insisting on certain image features to be preserved. When the prior can be described by a norm induced by some inner product on a Hilbert space, the exact solution to the variational problem can be found by orthogonal projection. In previous work we considered the image as compactly supported in and we used Sobolev norms on the unbounded domain including a smoothing parameter ¿>0 to tune the smoothness of the reconstructed image. Due to the assumption of compact support of the original image, components of the reconstructed image near the image boundary are too much penalized. Therefore, in this work we minimize Sobolev norms only on the actual image domain, yielding much better reconstructions (especially for ¿»0). As an example we apply our method to the reconstruction of singular points that are present in the scale space representation of an image

    Linear image reconstruction by Sobolev norms on the bounded domain

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    The reconstruction problem is usually formulated as a variational problem in which one searches for that image that minimizes a so called prior (image model) while insisting on certain image features to be preserved. When the prior can be described by a norm induced by some inner product on a Hilbert space the exact solution to the variational problem can be found by orthogonal projection. In previous work we considered the image as compactly supported in and we used Sobolev norms on the unbounded domain including a smoothing parameter ¿>¿0 to tune the smoothness of the reconstruction image. Due to the assumption of compact support of the original image components of the reconstruction image near the image boundary are too much penalized. Therefore we minimize Sobolev norms only on the actual image domain, yielding much better reconstructions (especially for ¿¿»¿0). As an example we apply our method to the reconstruction of singular points that are present in the scale space representation of an image

    Linear image reconstruction by Sobolev norms on the bounded domain

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    The reconstruction problem is usually formulated as a variational problem in which one searches for that image that minimizes a so called prior (image model) while insisting on certain image features to be preserved. When the prior can be described by a norm induced by some inner product on a Hilbert space, the exact solution to the variational problem can be found by orthogonal projection. In previous work we considered the image as compactly supported in and we used Sobolev norms on the unbounded domain including a smoothing parameter ¿>0 to tune the smoothness of the reconstructed image. Due to the assumption of compact support of the original image, components of the reconstructed image near the image boundary are too much penalized. Therefore, in this work we minimize Sobolev norms only on the actual image domain, yielding much better reconstructions (especially for ¿»0). As an example we apply our method to the reconstruction of singular points that are present in the scale space representation of an image