187 research outputs found

    Fractionally sampled decorrelating detectors for time-varying rayleigh fading CDMA channels

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    In this dissertation, we propose novel decorrelating multiuser detectors in DSCDMA time-varying frequency-nonselective and frequency-selective fading channels and analyze their performance. We address the common shortcomings of existing multiuser detectors in a mobile environment, such as detector complexity and the error floor. An analytical approach is employed almost exclusively and Monte Carlo simulation is used to confirm the theoretical results. Practical channel models, such as Jakes\u27 and Markovian, are adopted in the numerical examples. The proposed detectors are of the decorrelating type and utilize fractional sampling to simultaneously achieve two goals: (1) the novel realization of a decorrelator with lower computational complexity and shorter processing latency; and (2) the significant reduction of the probability of error floor associated with time-varying fading. The analysis of the impact of imperfect power control on IS-95 multiple access interference is carried out first and the ineffectiveness of IS-95 power control in a mobile radio environment is demonstrated. Fractionally-spaced bit-by-bit decorrelator structures for the frequency-nonselective and frequency-selective channels are then proposed. The matrix singularity problem associated with decorrelation is also addressed, and its solution is suggested. A decorrelating receiver employing differentially coherent detection for an asynchronous CDMA, frequency-nonselective time-varying Rayleigh fading channel is proposed. A maximum likelihood detection principle is applied at the fractionally spaced decorrelator output, resulting in a significantly reduced error floor. For coherent detection, a novel single-stage and two-stage decision feedback (DF) maximum a posteriori (MAP) channel estimator is proposed. These estimators are applicable to a channel with an arbitrary spaced-time correlation function. The fractionally-spaced decorrelating detector is then modified and extended to a frequency-selective time-varying fading channel, and is shown to be capable of simultaneously eliminating MAI, ISI, and path cross-correlation interference. The implicit equivalent frequency diversity is exploited through multipath combining, and the effective time diversity is achieved by fractional sampling for significant performance improvement. The significance of the outcome of this research is in the design of new lower complexity multiuser detectors that do not exhibit the usual deficiencies and limitations associated with a time-varying fading and multipath CDMA mobile environment

    Near far resistant detection for CDMA personal communication systems.

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    The growth of Personal Communications, the keyword of the 90s, has already the signs of a technological revolution. The foundations of this revolution are currently set through the standardization of the Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS), a communication system with synergistic terrestrial and satellite segments. The main characteristic of the UMTS radio interface, is the provision of ISDN services. Services with higher than voice data rates require more spectrum, thus techniques that utilize spectrum as efficiently as possible are currently at the forefront of the research community interests. Two of the most spectrally efficient multiple access technologies, namely. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) and Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) concentrate the efforts of the European telecommunity.This thesis addresses problems and. proposes solutions for CDMA systems that must comply with the UMTS requirements. Prompted by Viterbi's call for further extending the potential of CDMA through signal processing at the receiving end, we propose new Minimum Mean Square Error receiver architectures. MMSE detection schemes offer significant advantages compared to the conventional correlation based receivers as they are NEar FAr Resistant (NEFAR) over a wide range of interfering power levels. The NEFAR characteristic of these detectors reduces considerably the requirements of the power control loops currently found in commercial CDMA systems. MMSE detectors are also found, to have significant performance gains over other well established interference cancellation techniques like the decorrelating detector, especially in heavily loaded system conditions. The implementation architecture of MMSE receivers can be either Multiple-Input Multiple Output (MIMO) or Single-Input Single-Output. The later offers not only complexity that is comparable to the conventional detector, but also has the inherent advantage of employing adaptive algorithms which can be used to provide both the dispreading and the interference cancellation function, without the knowledge of the codes of interfering users. Furthermore, in multipath fading channels, adaptive MMSE detectors can exploit the multipath diversity acting as RAKE combiners. The later ability is distinctive to MMSE based receivers, and it is achieved in an autonomous fashion, without the knowledge of the multipath intensity profile. The communicator achieves its performance objectives by the synergy of the signal processor and the channel decoder. According to the propositions of this thesis, the form of the signal processor needs to be changed, in order to exploit the horizons of spread spectrum signaling. However, maximum likelihood channel decoding algorithms need not change. It is the way that these algorithms are utilized that needs to be revis ed. In this respect, we identify three major utilization scenarios and an attempt is made to quantify which of the three best matches the requirements of a UMTS oriented CDMA radio interface. Based on our findings, channel coding can be used as a mapping technique from the information bit to a more ''intelligent" chip, matching the ''intelligence" of the signal processor

    Chaotic communications with correlator receivers: theory and performance limits

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    This paper provides a review of the principles of chaotic digital communications using correlator receivers. Modulation schemes using one and two chaotic basis functions, as well as coherent and noncoherent correlation receivers, are discussed. The performance of differential chaos shift keying (DCSK) in multipath channels is characterized. Results are presented for DCSK with multiuser capability and multiple bits per symbol

    Low-complexity multiuser detector for coherent and incoherent CDMA mobile radio communications

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    Channel estimation and signal enhancement for DS-CDMA systems

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    This dissertation focuses on topics of Bayesian-based multiuser detection, space-time (S-T) transceiver design, and S-T channel parameter estimation for direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) systems. Using the Bayesian framework, various linear and simplified nonlinear multiuser detectors are proposed, and their performances are analyzed. The simplified non-linear Bayesian solutions can bridge the performance gap between sub-optimal linear multiuser detectors and the optimum multiuser detector. To further improve the system capacity and performance, S-T transceiver design approaches with complexity constraint are investigated. Novel S-T receivers of low-complexity that jointly use the temporal code-signature and the spatial signature are proposed. Our solutions, which lead to generalized near-far resistant S-T RAKE receivers, achieve better interference suppression than the existing S-T RAKE receivers. From transmitter side, we also proposed a transmit diversity (TD) technique in combination with differential detection for the DS-CDMA systems. It is shown that the proposed S-T TD scheme in combination with minimum variance distortionless response transceiver (STTD+MVDR) is near-far resistant and outperforms the conventional STTD and matched filter based (STTD+MF) transceiver scheme. Obtaining channel state information (CSI) is instrumental to optimum S-T transceiver design in wireless systems. Another major focus of this dissertation is to estimate the S-T channel parameters. We proposed an asymptotic, joint maximum likelihood (ML) method of estimating multipath channel parameters for DS-CDMA systems. An iterative estimator is proposed to further simplify the computation. Analytical and simulation results show that the iterative estimation scheme is near-far resistant for both time delays and DOAs. And it reaches the corresponding CRBs after a few iterations

    Interference suppression and diversity for CDMA systems

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    In code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems, due to non-orthogonality of the spreading codes and multipath channels, the desired signal suffers interference from other users. Signal fading due to multipath propagation is another source of impairment in wireless CDMA systems, often severely impacting performance. In this dissertation, reduced-rank minimum mean square error (MMSE) receiver and reduced-rank minimum variance receiver are investigated to suppress interference; transmit diversity is applied to multicarrier CDMA (MC-CDMA) systems to combat fading; packet combing is studied to provide both interference suppression and diversity for CDMA random access systems. The reduced-rank MMSE receiver that uses a reduced-rank estimated covariance matrix is studied to improve the performance of MMSE receiver in CDMA systems. It is shown that the reduced-rank MMSE receiver has much better performance than the full-rank MMSE receiver when the covariance matrix is estimated by using a finite number of data samples and the desired signal is in a low dimensional subspace. It is also demonstrated that the reduced-rank minimum variance receiver outperforms the full-rank minimum variance receiver. The probability density function of the output SNR of the full-rank and reduced-rank linear MMSE estimators is derived for a general linear signal model under the assumption that the signals and noise are Gaussian distributed. Space-time coding that is originally proposed for narrow band systems is applied to an MC-CDMA system in order to get transmit diversity for such a wideband system. Some techniques to jointly decode the space-time code and suppress interference are developed. The channel estimation using either pilot channels or pilot symbols is studied for MC-CDMA systems with space-time coding. Performance of CDMA random access systems with packet combining in fading channels is analyzed. By combining the current retransmitted packet with all its previous transmitted copies, the receiver obtains a diversity gain plus an increased interference and noise suppression gain. Therefore, the bit error rate dramatically decreases with the number of transmissions increasing, which in turn improves the system throughput and reduces the average delay

    A sliding window decorrelating receiver for multiuser DS-CDMA mobile radio networks

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    Successive-relaying-aided decode-and-forward coherent versus noncoherent cooperative multicarrier space–time shift keying

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    Abstract—Successive-relaying-aided (SR) cooperative multi-carrier (MC) space–time shift keying (STSK) is proposed for frequency-selective channels. We invoke SR to mitigate the typical 50% throughput loss of conventional half-duplex relaying schemes and MC code-division multiple access (MC-CDMA) to circumvent the dispersive effects of wireless channels and to reduce the SR-induced interference. The distributed relay terminals form two virtual antenna arrays (VAAs), and the source node (SN) successively transmits frequency-domain (FD) spread signals to one of the VAAs, in addition to directly transmitting to the destination node (DN). The constituent relay nodes (RNs) of each VAA activate cyclic-redundancy-checking-based (CRC) selective decode-and-forward (DF) relaying. The DN can jointly detect the signals received via the SN-to-DN and VAA-to-DN links using a low-complexity single-stream-based joint maximum-likelihood (ML) detector. We also propose a differentially encoded cooperative MC-CDMA STSK scheme to facilitate communications over hostile dispersive channels without requiring channel estimation (CE). Dispensing with CE is important since the relays cannot be expected to altruistically estimate the SN-to-RN links for simply supporting the source. Furthermore, we propose soft-decision-aided serially concatenated recursive systematic convolutional (RSC) and unity-rate-coded (URC) cooperative MC STSK and investigate its performance in both coherent and noncoherent scenarios

    Successive-relaying-aided decode-and-forward coherent versus noncoherent cooperative multicarrier space–time shift keying

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    Abstract—Successive-relaying-aided (SR) cooperative multi-carrier (MC) space–time shift keying (STSK) is proposed for frequency-selective channels. We invoke SR to mitigate the typical 50% throughput loss of conventional half-duplex relaying schemes and MC code-division multiple access (MC-CDMA) to circumvent the dispersive effects of wireless channels and to reduce the SR-induced interference. The distributed relay terminals form two virtual antenna arrays (VAAs), and the source node (SN) successively transmits frequency-domain (FD) spread signals to one of the VAAs, in addition to directly transmitting to the destination node (DN). The constituent relay nodes (RNs) of each VAA activate cyclic-redundancy-checking-based (CRC) selective decode-and-forward (DF) relaying. The DN can jointly detect the signals received via the SN-to-DN and VAA-to-DN links using a low-complexity single-stream-based joint maximum-likelihood (ML) detector. We also propose a differentially encoded cooperative MC-CDMA STSK scheme to facilitate communications over hostile dispersive channels without requiring channel estimation (CE). Dispensing with CE is important since the relays cannot be expected to altruistically estimate the SN-to-RN links for simply supporting the source. Furthermore, we propose soft-decision-aided serially concatenated recursive systematic convolutional (RSC) and unity-rate-coded (URC) cooperative MC STSK and investigate its performance in both coherent and noncoherent scenarios