1,736 research outputs found

    Using schema transformation pathways for data lineage tracing

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    With the increasing amount and diversity of information available on the Internet, there has been a huge growth in information systems that need to integrate data from distributed, heterogeneous data sources. Tracing the lineage of the integrated data is one of the problems being addressed in data warehousing research. This paper presents a data lineage tracing approach based on schema transformation pathways. Our approach is not limited to one specific data model or query language, and would be useful in any data transformation/integration framework based on sequences of primitive schema transformations

    Provenance Threat Modeling

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    Provenance systems are used to capture history metadata, applications include ownership attribution and determining the quality of a particular data set. Provenance systems are also used for debugging, process improvement, understanding data proof of ownership, certification of validity, etc. The provenance of data includes information about the processes and source data that leads to the current representation. In this paper we study the security risks provenance systems might be exposed to and recommend security solutions to better protect the provenance information.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, conferenc

    Using domain ontologies to help track data provenance.

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    Motivating example. POESIA ontologies and ontological coverages. Ontological estimation of data provenance. Ontological nets for data integration. Data integration operators. Data reconciling through articulation of ontologies. Semantic workflows. Related work. Conclusions

    Općeniti postupak za i ntegracijsko testiranje ETL procedura

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    In order to attain a certain degree of confidence in the quality of the data in the data warehouse it is necessary to perform a series of tests. There are many components (and aspects) of the data warehouse that can be tested, and in this paper we focus on the ETL procedures. Due to the complexity of ETL process, ETL procedure tests are usually custom written, having a very low level of reusability. In this paper we address this issue and work towards establishing a generic procedure for integration testing of certain aspects of ETL procedures. In this approach, ETL procedures are treated as a black box and are tested by comparing their inputs and outputs – datasets. Datasets from three locations are compared: datasets from the relational source(s), datasets from the staging area and datasets from the data warehouse. Proposed procedure is generic and can be implemented on any data warehouse employing dimensional model and having relational database(s) as a source. Our work pertains only to certain aspects of data quality problems that can be found in DW systems. It provides a basic testing foundation or augments existing data warehouse system’s testing capabilities. We comment on proposed mechanisms both in terms of full reload and incremental loading.Kako bi se ostvarila određena razina povjerenja u kvalitetu podataka potrebno je obaviti niz provjera. Postoje brojne komponente (i aspekti) skladišta podataka koji se mogu testirati. U ovom radu smo se usredotočili na testiranje ETL procedura. S obzirom na složenost sustava skladišta podataka, testovi ETL procedura se pišu posebno za svako skladište podataka i rijetko se mogu ponovo upotrebljavati. Ovdje se obrađuje taj problem i predlaže općenita procedura za integracijsko testiranje određ enih aspekata ETL procedura. Predloženi pristup tretira ETL procedure kao crnu kutiju, te se procedure testiraju tako što se uspoređuju ulazni i izlazni skupovi podataka. Uspoređuju se skupovi podataka s tri lokacije: podaci iz izvorišta podataka, podaci iz konsolidiranog pripremnog područja te podaci iz skladišta podataka. Predložena procedura je općenita i može se primijeniti na bilo koje skladište podatka koje koristi dimenzijski model pri čemu podatke dobavlja iz relacijskih baza podataka. Predložene provjere se odnose samo na određene aspekte problema kvalitete podataka koji se mogu pojaviti u sustavu skladišta podataka, te služe za uspostavljanje osnovnog skupa provjera ili uvećanje mogućnosti provjere postojećih sustava. Predloženi postupak se komentira u kontekstu potpunog i inkrementalnog učitavanja podataka u skladište podataka

    A framework for detecting unnecessary industrial data in ETL processes

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    Extract transform and load (ETL) is a critical process used by industrial organisations to shift data from one database to another, such as from an operational system to a data warehouse. With the increasing amount of data stored by industrial organisations, some ETL processes can take in excess of 12 hours to complete; this can leave decision makers stranded while they wait for the data needed to support their decisions. After designing the ETL processes, inevitably data requirements can change, and much of the data that goes through the ETL process may not ever be used or needed. This paper therefore proposes a framework for dynamically detecting and predicting unnecessary data and preventing it from slowing down ETL processes - either by removing it entirely or deprioritizing it. Other advantages of the framework include being able to prioritise data cleansing tasks and determining what data should be processed first and placed into fast access memory. We show existing example algorithms that can be used for each component of the framework, and present some initial testing results as part of our research to determine whether the framework can help to reduce ETL time.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/INDIN.2014.694555

    Discovering data lineage in data warehouse : methods and techniques for tracing the origins of data in data-warehouse

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    A data warehouse enables enterprise-wide analysis and reporting functionality that is usually used to support decision-making. Data warehousing system integrates data from different data sources. Typically, the data are extracted from different data sources, then transformed several times and integrated before they are finally stored in the central repository. The extraction and transformation processes vary widely - both in theory and between solution providers. Some are generic, others are tailored to users' transformation and reporting requirements through hand-coded solutions. Most research related to data integration is focused on this area, i.e., on the transformation of data. Since data in a data warehouse undergo various complex transformation processes, often at many different levels and in many stages, it is very important to be able to ensure the quality of the data that the data warehouse contains. The objective of this thesis is to study and compare existing approaches (methods and techniques) for tracing data lineage, and to propose a data lineage solution specific to a business enterprise data warehouse

    Architecture for Provenance Systems

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    This document covers the logical and process architectures of provenance systems. The logical architecture identifies key roles and their interactions, whereas the process architecture discusses distribution and security. A fundamental aspect of our presentation is its technology-independent nature, which makes it reusable: the principles that are exposed in this document may be applied to different technologies

    An Architecture for Provenance Systems

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    This document covers the logical and process architectures of provenance systems. The logical architecture identifies key roles and their interactions, whereas the process architecture discusses distribution and security. A fundamental aspect of our presentation is its technology-independent nature, which makes it reusable: the principles that are exposed in this document may be applied to different technologies

    bdbms -- A Database Management System for Biological Data

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    Biologists are increasingly using databases for storing and managing their data. Biological databases typically consist of a mixture of raw data, metadata, sequences, annotations, and related data obtained from various sources. Current database technology lacks several functionalities that are needed by biological databases. In this paper, we introduce bdbms, an extensible prototype database management system for supporting biological data. bdbms extends the functionalities of current DBMSs to include: (1) Annotation and provenance management including storage, indexing, manipulation, and querying of annotation and provenance as first class objects in bdbms, (2) Local dependency tracking to track the dependencies and derivations among data items, (3) Update authorization to support data curation via content-based authorization, in contrast to identity-based authorization, and (4) New access methods and their supporting operators that support pattern matching on various types of compressed biological data types. This paper presents the design of bdbms along with the techniques proposed to support these functionalities including an extension to SQL. We also outline some open issues in building bdbms.Comment: This article is published under a Creative Commons License Agreement (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/.) You may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work, make derivative works and make commercial use of the work, but, you must attribute the work to the author and CIDR 2007. 3rd Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR) January 710, 2007, Asilomar, California, US