7 research outputs found

    It'll probably work out: improved list-decoding through random operations

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    In this work, we introduce a framework to study the effect of random operations on the combinatorial list-decodability of a code. The operations we consider correspond to row and column operations on the matrix obtained from the code by stacking the codewords together as columns. This captures many natural transformations on codes, such as puncturing, folding, and taking subcodes; we show that many such operations can improve the list-decoding properties of a code. There are two main points to this. First, our goal is to advance our (combinatorial) understanding of list-decodability, by understanding what structure (or lack thereof) is necessary to obtain it. Second, we use our more general results to obtain a few interesting corollaries for list decoding: (1) We show the existence of binary codes that are combinatorially list-decodable from 1/2ϵ1/2-\epsilon fraction of errors with optimal rate Ω(ϵ2)\Omega(\epsilon^2) that can be encoded in linear time. (2) We show that any code with Ω(1)\Omega(1) relative distance, when randomly folded, is combinatorially list-decodable 1ϵ1-\epsilon fraction of errors with high probability. This formalizes the intuition for why the folding operation has been successful in obtaining codes with optimal list decoding parameters; previously, all arguments used algebraic methods and worked only with specific codes. (3) We show that any code which is list-decodable with suboptimal list sizes has many subcodes which have near-optimal list sizes, while retaining the error correcting capabilities of the original code. This generalizes recent results where subspace evasive sets have been used to reduce list sizes of codes that achieve list decoding capacity

    Combinatorial limitations of average-radius list-decoding

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    We study certain combinatorial aspects of list-decoding, motivated by the exponential gap between the known upper bound (of O(1/γ)O(1/\gamma)) and lower bound (of Ωp(log(1/γ))\Omega_p(\log (1/\gamma))) for the list-size needed to decode up to radius pp with rate γ\gamma away from capacity, i.e., 1-\h(p)-\gamma (here p(0,1/2)p\in (0,1/2) and γ>0\gamma > 0). Our main result is the following: We prove that in any binary code C{0,1}nC \subseteq \{0,1\}^n of rate 1-\h(p)-\gamma, there must exist a set LC\mathcal{L} \subset C of Ωp(1/γ)\Omega_p(1/\sqrt{\gamma}) codewords such that the average distance of the points in L\mathcal{L} from their centroid is at most pnpn. In other words, there must exist Ωp(1/γ)\Omega_p(1/\sqrt{\gamma}) codewords with low "average radius." The standard notion of list-decoding corresponds to working with the maximum distance of a collection of codewords from a center instead of average distance. The average-radius form is in itself quite natural and is implied by the classical Johnson bound. The remaining results concern the standard notion of list-decoding, and help clarify the combinatorial landscape of list-decoding: 1. We give a short simple proof, over all fixed alphabets, of the above-mentioned Ωp(log(γ))\Omega_p(\log (\gamma)) lower bound. Earlier, this bound followed from a complicated, more general result of Blinovsky. 2. We show that one {\em cannot} improve the Ωp(log(1/γ))\Omega_p(\log (1/\gamma)) lower bound via techniques based on identifying the zero-rate regime for list decoding of constant-weight codes. 3. We show a "reverse connection" showing that constant-weight codes for list decoding imply general codes for list decoding with higher rate. 4. We give simple second moment based proofs of tight (up to constant factors) lower bounds on the list-size needed for list decoding random codes and random linear codes from errors as well as erasures.Comment: 28 pages. Extended abstract in RANDOM 201

    Improved List-Decodability of Random Linear Binary Codes

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    Any Errors in this Dissertation are Probably Fixable: Topics in Probability and Error Correcting Codes.

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    We study two problems in coding theory, list-decoding and local-decoding. We take a probabilistic approach to these problems, in contrast to more typical algebraic approaches. In list-decoding, we settle two open problems about the list-decodability of some well-studied ensembles of codes. First, we show that random linear codes are optimally list-decodable, and second, we show that there exist Reed-Solomon codes which are (nearly) optimally list-decodable. Our approach uses high-dimensional probability. We extend this framework to apply to a large family of codes obtained through random operations. In local-decoding, we use expander codes to construct locally-correctible linear codes with rate approaching 1. Until recently, such codes were conjectured not to exist, and before this work the only known constructions relied on algebraic, rather than probabilistic and combinatorial, methods.PhDMathematicsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108844/1/wootters_1.pd

    Part I:

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