2 research outputs found

    From Quasi-Dominions to Progress Measures

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    We revisit the approaches to the solution of parity games based on progress measures and show how the notion of quasi dominions can be integrated with those approaches. The idea is that, while progress measure based techniques typically focus on one of the two players, little information is gathered on the other player during the solution process. Adding quasi dominions provides additional information on this player that can be leveraged to greatly accelerate convergence to a progress measure. To accommodate quasi dominions, however, non trivial refinements of the approach are necessary. In particular, we need to introduce a novel notion of measure and a new method to prove correctness of the resulting solution technique

    Extensible Proof Systems for Infinite-State Systems

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    This article revisits soundness and completeness of proof systems for proving that sets of states in infinite-state labeled transition systems satisfy formulas in the modal mu-calculus in order to develop proof techniques that permit the seamless inclusion of new features in this logic. Our approach relies on novel results in lattice theory, which give constructive characterizations of both greatest and least fixpoints of monotonic functions over complete lattices. We show how these results may be used to reason about the sound and complete tableau method for this problem due to Bradfield and Stirling. We also show how the flexibility of our lattice-theoretic basis simplifies reasoning about tableau-based proof strategies for alternative classes of systems. In particular, we extend the modal mu-calculus with timed modalities, and prove that the resulting tableau method is sound and complete for timed transition systems