36 research outputs found

    Light types for polynomial time computation in lambda-calculus

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    We propose a new type system for lambda-calculus ensuring that well-typed programs can be executed in polynomial time: Dual light affine logic (DLAL). DLAL has a simple type language with a linear and an intuitionistic type arrow, and one modality. It corresponds to a fragment of Light affine logic (LAL). We show that contrarily to LAL, DLAL ensures good properties on lambda-terms: subject reduction is satisfied and a well-typed term admits a polynomial bound on the reduction by any strategy. We establish that as LAL, DLAL allows to represent all polytime functions. Finally we give a type inference procedure for propositional DLAL.Comment: 20 pages (including 10 pages of appendix). (revised version; in particular section 5 has been modified). A short version is to appear in the proceedings of the conference LICS 2004 (IEEE Computer Society Press

    A type system for PSPACE derived from light linear logic

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    We present a polymorphic type system for lambda calculus ensuring that well-typed programs can be executed in polynomial space: dual light affine logic with booleans (DLALB). To build DLALB we start from DLAL (which has a simple type language with a linear and an intuitionistic type arrow, as well as one modality) which characterizes FPTIME functions. In order to extend its expressiveness we add two boolean constants and a conditional constructor in the same way as with the system STAB. We show that the value of a well-typed term can be computed by an alternating machine in polynomial time, thus such a term represents a program of PSPACE (given that PSPACE = APTIME). We also prove that all polynomial space decision functions can be represented in DLALB. Therefore DLALB characterizes PSPACE predicates.Comment: In Proceedings DICE 2011, arXiv:1201.034

    An Embedding of the BSS Model of Computation in Light Affine Lambda-Calculus

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    This paper brings together two lines of research: implicit characterization of complexity classes by Linear Logic (LL) on the one hand, and computation over an arbitrary ring in the Blum-Shub-Smale (BSS) model on the other. Given a fixed ring structure K we define an extension of Terui's light affine lambda-calculus typed in LAL (Light Affine Logic) with a basic type for K. We show that this calculus captures the polynomial time function class FP(K): every typed term can be evaluated in polynomial time and conversely every polynomial time BSS machine over K can be simulated in this calculus.Comment: 11 pages. A preliminary version appeared as Research Report IAC CNR Roma, N.57 (11/2004), november 200

    Loop Quasi-Invariant Chunk Motion by peeling with statement composition

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    Several techniques for analysis and transformations are used in compilers. Among them, the peeling of loops for hoisting quasi-invariants can be used to optimize generated code, or simply ease developers' lives. In this paper, we introduce a new concept of dependency analysis borrowed from the field of Implicit Computational Complexity (ICC), allowing to work with composed statements called Chunks to detect more quasi-invariants. Based on an optimization idea given on a WHILE language, we provide a transformation method - reusing ICC concepts and techniques - to compilers. This new analysis computes an invariance degree for each statement or chunks of statements by building a new kind of dependency graph, finds the maximum or worst dependency graph for loops, and recognizes if an entire block is Quasi-Invariant or not. This block could be an inner loop, and in that case the computational complexity of the overall program can be decreased. We already implemented a proof of concept on a toy C parser 1 analysing and transforming the AST representation. In this paper, we introduce the theory around this concept and present a prototype analysis pass implemented on LLVM. In a very near future, we will implement the corresponding transformation and provide benchmarks comparisons.Comment: In Proceedings DICE-FOPARA 2017, arXiv:1704.0516

    Complexity Information Flow in a Multi-threaded Imperative Language

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    We propose a type system to analyze the time consumed by multi-threaded imperative programs with a shared global memory, which delineates a class of safe multi-threaded programs. We demonstrate that a safe multi-threaded program runs in polynomial time if (i) it is strongly terminating wrt a non-deterministic scheduling policy or (ii) it terminates wrt a deterministic and quiet scheduling policy. As a consequence, we also characterize the set of polynomial time functions. The type system presented is based on the fundamental notion of data tiering, which is central in implicit computational complexity. It regulates the information flow in a computation. This aspect is interesting in that the type system bears a resemblance to typed based information flow analysis and notions of non-interference. As far as we know, this is the first characterization by a type system of polynomial time multi-threaded programs

    A feasible algorithm for typing in Elementary Affine Logic

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    We give a new type inference algorithm for typing lambda-terms in Elementary Affine Logic (EAL), which is motivated by applications to complexity and optimal reduction. Following previous references on this topic, the variant of EAL type system we consider (denoted EAL*) is a variant without sharing and without polymorphism. Our algorithm improves over the ones already known in that it offers a better complexity bound: if a simple type derivation for the term t is given our algorithm performs EAL* type inference in polynomial time.Comment: 20 page

    Typing a Core Binary Field Arithmetic in a Light Logic

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    We design a library for binary field arithmetic and we supply a core API which is completely developed in DLAL, extended with a fix point formula. Since DLAL is a restriction of linear logic where only functional programs with polynomial evaluation cost can be typed, we obtain the core of a functional programming setting for binary field arithmetic with built-in polynomial complexity

    Memoization for Unary Logic Programming: Characterizing PTIME

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    We give a characterization of deterministic polynomial time computation based on an algebraic structure called the resolution semiring, whose elements can be understood as logic programs or sets of rewriting rules over first-order terms. More precisely, we study the restriction of this framework to terms (and logic programs, rewriting rules) using only unary symbols. We prove it is complete for polynomial time computation, using an encoding of pushdown automata. We then introduce an algebraic counterpart of the memoization technique in order to show its PTIME soundness. We finally relate our approach and complexity results to complexity of logic programming. As an application of our techniques, we show a PTIME-completeness result for a class of logic programming queries which use only unary function symbols.Comment: Soumis {\`a} LICS 201

    Light Logics and the Call-by-Value Lambda Calculus

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    The so-called light logics have been introduced as logical systems enjoying quite remarkable normalization properties. Designing a type assignment system for pure lambda calculus from these logics, however, is problematic. In this paper we show that shifting from usual call-by-name to call-by-value lambda calculus allows regaining strong connections with the underlying logic. This will be done in the context of Elementary Affine Logic (EAL), designing a type system in natural deduction style assigning EAL formulae to lambda terms.Comment: 28 page

    Infinitary λ\lambda-Calculi from a Linear Perspective (Long Version)

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    We introduce a linear infinitary λ\lambda-calculus, called ℓΛ∞\ell\Lambda_{\infty}, in which two exponential modalities are available, the first one being the usual, finitary one, the other being the only construct interpreted coinductively. The obtained calculus embeds the infinitary applicative λ\lambda-calculus and is universal for computations over infinite strings. What is particularly interesting about ℓΛ∞\ell\Lambda_{\infty}, is that the refinement induced by linear logic allows to restrict both modalities so as to get calculi which are terminating inductively and productive coinductively. We exemplify this idea by analysing a fragment of ℓΛ\ell\Lambda built around the principles of SLL\mathsf{SLL} and 4LL\mathsf{4LL}. Interestingly, it enjoys confluence, contrarily to what happens in ordinary infinitary λ\lambda-calculi