209 research outputs found

    Light Field Denoising via Anisotropic Parallax Analysis in a CNN Framework

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    Light field (LF) cameras provide perspective information of scenes by taking directional measurements of the focusing light rays. The raw outputs are usually dark with additive camera noise, which impedes subsequent processing and applications. We propose a novel LF denoising framework based on anisotropic parallax analysis (APA). Two convolutional neural networks are jointly designed for the task: first, the structural parallax synthesis network predicts the parallax details for the entire LF based on a set of anisotropic parallax features. These novel features can efficiently capture the high frequency perspective components of a LF from noisy observations. Second, the view-dependent detail compensation network restores non-Lambertian variation to each LF view by involving view-specific spatial energies. Extensive experiments show that the proposed APA LF denoiser provides a much better denoising performance than state-of-the-art methods in terms of visual quality and in preservation of parallax details

    A novel disparity-assisted block matching-based approach for super-resolution of light field images

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    Currently, available plenoptic imaging technology has limited resolution. That makes it challenging to use this technology in applications, where sharpness is essential, such as film industry. Previous attempts aimed at enhancing the spatial resolution of plenoptic light field (LF) images were based on block and patch matching inherited from classical image super-resolution, where multiple views were considered as separate frames. By contrast to these approaches, a novel super-resolution technique is proposed in this paper with a focus on exploiting estimated disparity information to reduce the matching area in the super-resolution process. We estimate the disparity information from the interpolated LR view point images (VPs). We denote our method as light field block matching super-resolution. We additionally combine our novel super-resolution method with directionally adaptive image interpolation from [1] to preserve sharpness of the high-resolution images. We prove a steady gain in the PSNR and SSIM quality of the super-resolved images for the resolution enhancement factor 8x8 as compared to the recent approaches and also to our previous work [2]

    Multi-frame reconstruction using super-resolution, inpainting, segmentation and codecs

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    In this thesis, different aspects of video and light field reconstruction are considered such as super-resolution, inpainting, segmentation and codecs. For this purpose, each of these strategies are analyzed based on a specific goal and a specific database. Accordingly, databases which are relevant to film industry, sport videos, light fields and hyperspectral videos are used for the sake of improvement. This thesis is constructed around six related manuscripts, in which several approaches are proposed for multi-frame reconstruction. Initially, a novel multi-frame reconstruction strategy is proposed for lightfield super-resolution in which graph-based regularization is applied along with edge preserving filtering for improving the spatio-angular quality of lightfield. Second, a novel video reconstruction is proposed which is built based on compressive sensing (CS), Gaussian mixture models (GMM) and sparse 3D transform-domain block matching. The motivation of the proposed technique is the improvement in visual quality performance of the video frames and decreasing the reconstruction error in comparison with the former video reconstruction methods. In the next approach, student-t mixture models and edge preserving filtering are applied for the purpose of video super-resolution. Student-t mixture model has a heavy tail which makes it robust and suitable as a video frame patch prior and rich in terms of log likelihood for information retrieval. In another approach, a hyperspectral video database is considered, and a Bayesian dictionary learning process is used for hyperspectral video super-resolution. To that end, Beta process is used in Bayesian dictionary learning and a sparse coding is generated regarding the hyperspectral video super-resolution. The spatial super-resolution is followed by a spectral video restoration strategy, and the whole process leveraged two different dictionary learnings, in which the first one is trained for spatial super-resolution and the second one is trained for the spectral restoration. Furthermore, in another approach, a novel framework is proposed for replacing advertisement contents in soccer videos in an automatic way by using deep learning strategies. For this purpose, a UNET architecture is applied (an image segmentation convolutional neural network technique) for content segmentation and detection. Subsequently, after reconstructing the segmented content in the video frames (considering the apparent loss in detection), the unwanted content is replaced by new one using a homography mapping procedure. In addition, in another research work, a novel video compression framework is presented using autoencoder networks that encode and decode videos by using less chroma information than luma information. For this purpose, instead of converting Y'CbCr 4:2:2/4:2:0 videos to and from RGB 4:4:4, the video is kept in Y'CbCr 4:2:2/4:2:0 and merged the luma and chroma channels after the luma is downsampled to match the chroma size. An inverse function is performed for the decoder. The performance of these models is evaluated by using CPSNR, MS-SSIM, and VMAF metrics. The experiments reveal that, as compared to video compression involving conversion to and from RGB 4:4:4, the proposed method increases the video quality by about 5.5% for Y'CbCr 4:2:2 and 8.3% for Y'CbCr 4:2:0 while reducing the amount of computation by nearly 37% for Y'CbCr 4:2:2 and 40% for Y'CbCr 4:2:0. The thread that ties these approaches together is reconstruction of the video and light field frames based on different aspects of problems such as having loss of information, blur in the frames, existing noise after reconstruction, existing unpleasant content, excessive size of information and high computational overhead. In three of the proposed approaches, we have used Plug-and-Play ADMM model for the first time regarding reconstruction of videos and light fields in order to address both information retrieval in the frames and tackling noise/blur at the same time. In two of the proposed models, we applied sparse dictionary learning to reduce the data dimension and demonstrate them as an efficient linear combination of basis frame patches. Two of the proposed approaches are developed in collaboration with industry, in which deep learning frameworks are used to handle large set of features and to learn high-level features from the data

    A Pipeline for Lenslet Light Field Quality Enhancement

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    In recent years, light fields have become a major research topic and their applications span across the entire spectrum of classical image processing. Among the different methods used to capture a light field are the lenslet cameras, such as those developed by Lytro. While these cameras give a lot of freedom to the user, they also create light field views that suffer from a number of artefacts. As a result, it is common to ignore a significant subset of these views when doing high-level light field processing. We propose a pipeline to process light field views, first with an enhanced processing of RAW images to extract subaperture images, then a colour correction process using a recent colour transfer algorithm, and finally a denoising process using a state of the art light field denoising approach. We show that our method improves the light field quality on many levels, by reducing ghosting artefacts and noise, as well as retrieving more accurate and homogeneous colours across the sub-aperture images.Comment: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2018, 5 pages, 7 figure

    Non-disruptive use of light fields in image and video processing

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    In the age of computational imaging, cameras capture not only an image but also data. This captured additional data can be best used for photo-realistic renderings facilitating numerous post-processing possibilities such as perspective shift, depth scaling, digital refocus, 3D reconstruction, and much more. In computational photography, the light field imaging technology captures the complete volumetric information of a scene. This technology has the highest potential to accelerate immersive experiences towards close-toreality. It has gained significance in both commercial and research domains. However, due to lack of coding and storage formats and also the incompatibility of the tools to process and enable the data, light fields are not exploited to its full potential. This dissertation approaches the integration of light field data to image and video processing. Towards this goal, the representation of light fields using advanced file formats designed for 2D image assemblies to facilitate asset re-usability and interoperability between applications and devices is addressed. The novel 5D light field acquisition and the on-going research on coding frameworks are presented. Multiple techniques for optimised sequencing of light field data are also proposed. As light fields contain complete 3D information of a scene, large amounts of data is captured and is highly redundant in nature. Hence, by pre-processing the data using the proposed approaches, excellent coding performance can be achieved.Im Zeitalter der computergestützten Bildgebung erfassen Kameras nicht mehr nur ein Bild, sondern vielmehr auch Daten. Diese erfassten Zusatzdaten lassen sich optimal für fotorealistische Renderings nutzen und erlauben zahlreiche Nachbearbeitungsmöglichkeiten, wie Perspektivwechsel, Tiefenskalierung, digitale Nachfokussierung, 3D-Rekonstruktion und vieles mehr. In der computergestützten Fotografie erfasst die Lichtfeld-Abbildungstechnologie die vollständige volumetrische Information einer Szene. Diese Technologie bietet dabei das größte Potenzial, immersive Erlebnisse zu mehr Realitätsnähe zu beschleunigen. Deshalb gewinnt sie sowohl im kommerziellen Sektor als auch im Forschungsbereich zunehmend an Bedeutung. Aufgrund fehlender Kompressions- und Speicherformate sowie der Inkompatibilität derWerkzeuge zur Verarbeitung und Freigabe der Daten, wird das Potenzial der Lichtfelder nicht voll ausgeschöpft. Diese Dissertation ermöglicht die Integration von Lichtfelddaten in die Bild- und Videoverarbeitung. Hierzu wird die Darstellung von Lichtfeldern mit Hilfe von fortschrittlichen für 2D-Bilder entwickelten Dateiformaten erarbeitet, um die Wiederverwendbarkeit von Assets- Dateien und die Kompatibilität zwischen Anwendungen und Geräten zu erleichtern. Die neuartige 5D-Lichtfeldaufnahme und die aktuelle Forschung an Kompressions-Rahmenbedingungen werden vorgestellt. Es werden zudem verschiedene Techniken für eine optimierte Sequenzierung von Lichtfelddaten vorgeschlagen. Da Lichtfelder die vollständige 3D-Information einer Szene beinhalten, wird eine große Menge an Daten, die in hohem Maße redundant sind, erfasst. Die hier vorgeschlagenen Ansätze zur Datenvorverarbeitung erreichen dabei eine ausgezeichnete Komprimierleistung